DUBAI: As people across the world stay at home amid the coronavirus pandemic, we catch up with our favorite stars who answer a quickfire round of questions about their time in self-isolation.
Palestinian-Jordanian modestwear influencer Aya Barqawi has been on a journey of self-discovery. The current situation is her wake up call to work on herself mentally, spiritually and physically, she said.
How has self-isolation been for you so far?
It has been eye opening to say the least, and a great exercise at self-discipline and control.
What’s the biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge has been to adjust to things slowing down and almost coming to a total halt. For the past few years, the overarching theme of our lives has been instant gratification. We’ve been running through life jumping from one job, relationship, project, to the other and now we’ve almost been forced to slow down and tend to the things we’ve pushed aside along the way.
What is something positive that has happened due to self-isolation in your life?
This was the biggest wake up call for me to work on myself mentally, spiritually and physically. I started appreciating myself a lot more because I never did that when work was back to back. It also cemented my faith, and made me humbly realize that I can’t control everything. New motto: Let go and Let God.
What are you currently watching in self-isolation?
Little fires everywhere, binge watching “Friends” per usual and having movie nights with the family every day.
What are you eating? Have you tried cooking anything new?
I started off isolation eating nothing but junk food, but got my life back in order and went back to my healthy eating habits. I’ve been trying out new smoothie combos.
How are you keeping sane as you stay home?
Taking it one day at a time, and not putting too much pressure on myself to do things and be “productive.” Because no one really knows what they’re doing right now, so it’s okay to take some time off and just be kind to yourself.
How are you keeping fit?
It depends on how I’m feeling that day, I either go out for a walk around the house, follow at home exercise videos or dance around my room for hours (the last one is my favorite!)
How are you staying “social”?
FaceTiming my friends every single day and spending my time with the family.
Any tips for bored readers on how to keep entertained or fulfilled at home?
Learn something new! I’ve been loving MasterClass. It's very interesting and there’s something for everyone.
In self-isolation, are you relaxed or do you feel the need to be extra productive?
A little bit of both, I have my off days where I just lounge around and binge watch YouTube and series and then other days where I’m so motivated that I end up working and creating content almost the entire day. I just take it one day at a time.
Are you living in your PJS, or taking the time to get dressed up?
Also both, 70 percent PJs 30 percent getting dressed and putting on some makeup.

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