الخميس، 31 ديسمبر 2020

Where We Are Going Today: Adani Bar

Fri, 2021-01-01 02:19

Feeling nostalgic for the good old days of Al-Balad’s cozy, lively cafes and cafeterias? Adani Bar is a newly opened cafe that offers old town coziness but with a modern twist.
Adani Bar specializes in Adani tea, the most popular variety in Yemen and a favorite among Saudis.
The tea is made from black tea with condensed milk, sugar, cardamom pods and cloves, and is known for its sweetness, aroma and high caffeine content.
The tiny cafe also offers a menu featuring Al-Balad favorites such as pastrami, cheddar with blueberry or strawberry jam, and tuna sandwiches.
Adani Bar’s signature order is a cold beverage named Adan-ish, a mixture of Adani tea and espresso coffee shot with Adani flavor soft serve.
The cafe also serves desserts such as brownies, bassbosa, strawberry scones and cakes.
Adani Bar is located in Jeddah, Al-Rawdah district. Open from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m.

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