الاثنين، 30 مارس 2020

Wardrobe detox: Three steps to less clutter in your closet

Mon, 2020-03-30 11:52

DUBAI: Spring is all about wiping the slate clean and a good old closet cleanse ensures you start the season in style. And what better time than now, when we are all practicing social distancing. You may  find an outfit you forgot about, or a fashion disaster that will make you more mindful about how you shop. With sustainability being the new black in fashion, as the industry owns up to  the impact it has had on the environment, we all need to be more conscious consumers. As a rule of thumb, if you have not worn something in the past year, ask yourself why it is still cluttering up your home. Unless it is a piece with heirloom potential, it’s got to go. 

Step 1: Two pile technique 

Do not throw clothes out as they end up in landfills. (Shutterstock)

Sort your clothes into two piles — the clothes you have worn in a year and the ones you have not. If it is a separate and the reason it remains unworn is that there is nothing else in the cupboard that matches it, take a picture of it on your phone. Hit the stores during sales season and find something that will work with it. A separate is a good investment only if you can mix and match it with at least three or more pieces in your closet. For the rest, find a good home — be it a friend or a charity organization — and do not throw clothes out as they end up in landfills. 

Step 2: Get familiar with your clothes

Try on your entire wardrobe to make sure it all fits and is comfortable and try to mix and match different pieces together to create new ensembles. (Shutterstock)

Once you have discarded pieces you no longer wear, you should be left with your core wardrobe — the clothes you wear most regularly. Reacquaint yourself with your closet and you’ll find you’re better able to resist the urge to over shop. Since your family is probably at home with you at the moment, put on a private fashion show.  Try on your entire wardrobe to make sure it all fits and is comfortable and try to mix and match different pieces together to create new ensembles. 

Step 3: A stich in time…

The mantra of every fashion lover today should be “re-wear, repurpose and recycle.” (Shutterstock)

A stitch in time saves nine and repairing clothes that need fixing now could save you a trip to the shops later. The mantra of every fashion lover today should be “re-wear, repurpose and recycle.”

Remember, a good closet cleanse can be as rewarding as a day at the mall as we all tend to overlook the treasures we own.

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https://ift.tt/2w3TmTC March 30, 2020 at 10:10AM

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