DUBAI: From governments to the World Health Organization and countless online infographics, experts are warning the public that one of the most effective ways to protect oneself, and others, from the novel coronavirus is to wash our hands rigorously.
Hand hygiene is incredibly important as one of the most common ways to get sick involves simply touching a public surface that’s contaminated with a virus or bacteria and transferring the matter to your eyes, mouth or nose. The average human touches their face about 200 times a day, inviting microbes in through the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose or mouth.
Experts, including the Center For Disease Control and Prevention, recommend lathering up for a full 20 seconds, followed by a 10-second rinse, or in other words, as long as it takes to sing “Happy Birthday.”
But if you’re sick of singing “Happy Birthday” or simply want to mix it up, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to compile a list of alternative tunes to sing to make sure you’re washing your hands for long enough that they clean and free of germs. Read on for five Arabic songs to sing while you scrub.
‘Ah w noss’ - Nancy Ajram
Start at the beginning and sing until she croons "W hateba enta akeed khasran."
‘Boshret Kheir’ - Hussain Al-Jasmi
Start at the beginning and sing until "Di boshret khair."
‘Youm wara youm’ - Cheb Mami
Start at the beginning and sing until "Habibi w adeeni gait."
‘Ya tabtab’ - Nancy Ajram
Start at the beginning and sing until "Eza ardy."
‘Nari Narain’ - Hisham Abbas
Start at the beginning and sing until "Agmal Kalam b A'youno alo an el hawa, habibi da."

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