الأحد، 29 سبتمبر 2019

What We Are Reading Today: Nobody’s Victim by Carrie Goldberg

Sun, 2019-09-29 23:54

Deeply personal yet achingly universal, Nobody’s Victim is a bold and much-needed analysis of victim protection in the era of the internet. 

In her memoir doubling as a rallying cry for privacy justice, attorney Carrie Goldberg admits that as with many people who have endured sexual harassment, it took time to tell her story in full, which she does now in chilling detail. 

In gripping detail, Carrie shares the diabolical ways her clients are attacked and how she, through her unique combination of advocacy, badass relentlessness, risk-taking, and client-empowerment, pursues justice for them all. 

This book “is an urgent warning of a coming crisis, a predictor of imminent danger, and a weapon to take back control and protect ourselves — both online and off,” said a review in goodreads.com.

It said that Nobody’s Victim “is the incredible story of how one lawyer, determined to fight back, turned her own hell into a revolution.”

In a review for The New York Times, Kate Bolick said the cases Goldberg narrates “are gut-wrenching, and her conversational approach lightens what could otherwise be an unbearably heavy load.”

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