الأربعاء، 26 ديسمبر 2018

The Six: Eyebrow-raising commonly Googled questions about Saudi Arabia

roya almously
Wed, 2018-12-26 10:26

DUBAi: Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about Saudi Arabia, according to Google’s “People Also Ask” function. While some are thought-provoking queries, others could give you a reason to giggle.
‘How big is Saudi Arabia?’
According to the CIA Factbook, Saudi Arabia has an area of 2,149,690 square kilometers — that includes parts of the largest contiguous sand desert in the world, the Rub’ Al-Khali.

‘Can you drink the tap water in Saudi Arabia?’
According to the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology study published in 2014, yes. But the general preference remains slanted toward bottled water.

‘What does the Saudi flag say?’
The inscription on Saudi Arabia’s flag says “There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

‘What is the most popular food in Saudi Arabia?’
The main components of the well-known Saudi dishes are meat and rice, which are combined to make one of the most well-known treats, Kabsa. Other famous Saudi dishes are jareesh, mandi and marqooq.

‘Is Dubai in Saudi Arabia?’
Well, we suppose this is (sort of) better than asking if Dubai is a country. For those who don’t know, Dubai is part of the United Arab Emirates.

‘Can I visit Saudi Arabia as a tourist?’
Obtaining an ordinary 14-day tourist visa is now easier than ever thanks to the Vision 2030 objectives.


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