الخميس، 27 سبتمبر 2018

What We Are Reading Today: Grit by Angela Duckworth

Fri, 2018-09-28 01:42

Angela Duckworth’s Grit is an encouraging book on the theory of passion and perseverance being the paramount qualities of success in one’s chosen field. 

Duckworth is a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, and is obsessed with finding the answer to the question: “Who is successful and why?” 

She has conducted studies involving a diverse range of successful people to determine whether talent or effort was behind their success. In study after study, she found that where talent counts once, effort counts twice. 

Duckworth explains this using a simple formula: Talent x effort = skill, and skill x effort = achievement. 

The theory is that “grit,” the sustained application of effort to a long-term goal, is the biggest predictor of lifelong achievement. 

Duckworth says we can all increase our grit if we direct our focus in four specific ways: First, develop a fascination with what you are trying to do; second, strive to improve each day; third, remind yourself of the greater purpose; and finally, adopt a growth mindset.

She says learning to stick to something is a life skill that we can all develop by remembering that science shows that grit matters more than talent.

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