الخميس، 25 مايو 2017

Salma Hayek revisits bumps in Hollywood journey as ‘Mexican Arab’

Fri, 2017-05-26 03:00

CANNES, France: Despite being a soap star in Mexico, Salma Hayek’s climb up the Hollywood ladder was far from easy.
“Imagine, I came not only as a woman to Hollywood but as a Mexican Arab. People would laugh at me for having the dream of being able to work in Hollywood,” said the actor, whose father is Lebanese.
Hayek said Hollywood had disregarded and disrespected the female market.
“They have not realized that women are a great economic power. These people don’t understand we are a huge audience. We have been neglected for so long they don’t know what we want to watch.
“We don’t even know, because we always think of who we will be watching the movie with — the husband, the family, the children,” she told a talk on Tuesday at Cannes, sponsored by Kering, her husband Francois-Henri Pinault’s luxury goods empire.
She blamed movie executives’ “ignorance” for failing to properly play to the female demographic.
She laid into Hollywood sexism, saying the system treats actresses like performing monkeys and wants to get rid of them once they realize they are smart.
The Mexican star of “Frida” and “Desperado” lambasted the “macho” attitudes of Tinseltown, where fewer than seven percent of films are made by women.
While Hayek praised Europe, and particularly France where a quarter of films are directed by women, she did not spare Cannes from criticism.
“In the 70 years of the Cannes film festival only one female has ever won the Palme d’Or and she only got half the Palme d’Or, not even a full one — she had to share it with a Chinese man,” she declared.

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http://ift.tt/2r1OqHY May 25, 2017 at 11:17PM

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