الخميس، 25 مايو 2017

Options for every day of the week: The Primavera Restaurant

Shaistha Khan
Fri, 2017-05-26 03:00

If you’re looking to eat out somewhere extravagant in the middle of the week or even on a weekend, then look no further. Primavera Restaurant, Crowne Plaza’s flagship restaurant in Alkhobar, offers an extensive menu that has something for everybody.
Open all through the day, the restaurant offers an intercontinental menu during breakfast, an international lunch buffet and a different themed dinner buffet for each day of the week. Sundays and Thursdays are seafood nights, Mondays feature traditional Western barbecue, Tuesdays offer a taste of the Mediterranean, Wednesdays are reserved for Italian cuisine, family brunch is offered on Fridays, and finally, there is an international theme on Saturdays.
The restaurant takes pride in stating that it offers food that is made with local, fresh, organic, seasonal, and preservative-free produce, sourced from the best vendors in the country. Executive Chef Bassil Habib explains that the restaurant likes to utilize its in-house specialties. The rotating team of international chefs use their expertise to create some of the world’s most mouth-watering delicacies.
We visited the Primavera Restaurant on the Ranch Barbecue night, which offered a wide variety of salads, mains (including a live barbecue station) and desserts. With several years of experience in the European food industry, Habib described an unfamiliar concept of “brain food” — appetizers like Buffalo wings and cheese balls served on miniscule platters. Habib has also developed innovative fusion recipes like the kofta with peanuts — a South Asian take on the kibbeh.
The salad counter offers both Arab-style salads like hummus and moutabal, along with international salad options like cheese platters and Asian beef salads.
The bread plate offers a variety of hard and soft freshly-baked bread and breadsticks, including the focaccia bread — olive and cheese bread with a hint of sweet.
The barbecue theme night is literally a meat feast; the live barbecue station offers lamb chops, beef rib eye, beef steak (Australian Angus), meatballs, burgers, fish kebabs, chicken kebabs and chicken steak. The veal leg is marinated and slow-roasted for over 24 hours. Needless to say, the result is flavorful, succulent and fall-off-the-bone meat. Keeping with the theme, the mains menu offers classic accompaniments to your barbecue platter— corn on the cob, potatoes, grilled vegetables, Cajun rice and more steak with gravy!
The dessert menu is wide-ranging: fresh fruit, meringue, cake and pudding, along with the traditional Balah El-Sham and Umm Ali.
The lunch and dinner buffet at Primavera Restaurant ranges from SR160-SR180.

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http://ift.tt/2qhHwAY May 25, 2017 at 11:41PM

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