الاثنين، 2 يناير 2017

Scotland's wee ones are welcomed to the world with a cardboard box and a poem



LONDON — Scotland's most wee citizens are sleeping in cardboard boxes.

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon gave expectant mothers a starter kit full of essential items for newborns, kicking off the "baby box" programme that's modelled on Finland's.

The boxes will be trialled for three months in Clackmannanshire and Orkney, and all Scottish newborns are scheduled to receive them by summer 2017.

The boxes contain items like clothes, nappies and books. The idea is to give all newborns an equal playing field. 

“Scotland’s Baby Box is a strong signal of our determination that every child, regardless of their circumstances, should get the best start in life," Sturgeon saidRead more...

More about Babies, Finland, Scotland, Uk, and Lifestyle from Mashable http://ift.tt/2hKi3dE

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