الأحد، 1 يناير 2017

NASA 'mixtape' highlights best of 2016 space research



NASA's new "mixtape" is light on music, but heavy on groundbreaking scientific research.

The organization's Goddard Space Flight Center just dropped the tape — in the form of a YouTube video — that samples some of its most notable efforts in 2016.

The Maryland-based center is the nation's largest organization of scientists and engineers who build spacecraft and technology to study the Earth, our solar system and the universe. 

In 2016, its Hubble operations helped scientists determine that the observable universe has 10 times more galaxies than we previously thought. Goddard's Operation IceBridge measured the volatile Antarctic ice for the eighth year in a row. The center also launched the nation's first asteroid sampling mission into space. Read more...

More about Antarctica, Operation Icebridge, Mixtape, Galaxies, and Hubble Telescope from Mashable http://ift.tt/2hIdIrC

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