الأحد، 1 يناير 2017

Emma Watson wows in first song as Belle from 'Beauty and the Beast'



It is now clear that Emma Watson is the Belle from Beauty and the Beast that we have been waiting for. 

On Friday, Disney released an exclusive first listen to Watson singing "Something There" from the upcoming 2017 live action remake of the classic fairytale. The chilling rendition puts to bed any doubts over Watson's ability to sing. 

The role will be Watson's first singing gig, with the Harry Potter star confessing to Total Film magazine in 2015 that she found the musical part "terrifying."

“I sing, so that’s really unexpected,” she told the magazine, according to The Telegraph. "I’ve never had to do that for a film role before, and I think people will be interested to see me do something very different like that. It gives me a different challenge, really. That’s terrifying in and of itself!" Read more...

More about Song, Disney Princesses, Disney, Movies, and Beauty And The Beast from Mashable http://ift.tt/2innKyV

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