السبت، 31 ديسمبر 2016

Trump says Happy New Year in the most Trump way



President-elect Donald Trump tweeted his New Year's wishes on Saturday morning, and they do not disappoint. Choosing to steer clear of a neutral, hopeful message for the future, Trump instead sent a tauntingly boastful signal to his enemies.

Presumably the tweet was also directed at his vanquished rival for the presidency, Hillary Clinton, who won the popular vote by nearly 3 million but lost in the Electoral College.

One person that may not be on Trump's enemies list, but which is on such a roster among most Congressional Republicans as well as President Obama, is Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Read more...

More about Hacking, Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton, President Elect Trump, and Politics from Mashable http://ift.tt/2iorzBN

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