الأربعاء، 30 نوفمبر 2016

Reddit's Trump trolls are freaking out—and they're right



Trump trolls on Reddit want the site's CEO to quit over his response to a bizarre sex scandal called #Pizzagate. Crazily enough, they might be right.

If you haven't heard, #Pizzagate is the hashtag used by trolls spreading the unhinged, bogus claim that Hillary Clinton was involved in a child sex ring running out of a Washington, D.C. pizza parlor. Several employees of that pizza parlor received death threats as a result. It's exactly the sort of steaming pile of trash that Reddit's uniquely positioned to cultivate—it's just surprising it took so long to get here. Read more...

More about Pizzagate, Social Media, Steve Huffman, Reddit, and Spez from Mashable http://ift.tt/2fLGDqh

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