الثلاثاء، 31 أكتوبر 2017

Warrant issued for Weinstein accuser Rose McGowan

Wed, 2017-11-01 03:00

WASHINGTON: An arrest warrant has been issued for actress Rose McGowan for felony possession of a controlled substance.
“Are they trying to silence me?” McGowan tweeted in response to the warrant for her arrest. “What a load of horses**t”
The felony charge stems from a police investigation of personal belongings left behind on a United flight arriving at Washington Dulles International Airport on Jan. 20, The Associated Press reported. Police said the items tested positive for narcotics. The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police Department obtained the warrant on Feb. 1
Police said they have attempted to contact McGowan so she can appear in a Loudoun County, Virginia, court. The warrant has been entered into a national law enforcement database.
McGowan has been one of the leading voices against sexual harassment in Hollywood, and tweeted earlier this month that she was raped by a man with the initials “HW.” The Hollywood Reporter said McGowan confirmed she was referring to disgraced media mogul Harvey Weinstein.
In her first public comments since accusing Weinstein of rape, McGowan said Friday she has been “silenced for 20 years” but will not remain quiet about sexual assault and harassment.
On Twitter, McGowan has amassed supporters and urged them to call out harassment using the #RoseArmy hashtag. McGowan has starred in several films, including “Scream,” “Jawbreaker,” and “Planet Terror,” as well as the early 2000s television series “Charmed.”

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http://ift.tt/2z9B5mX October 31, 2017 at 07:30PM

Michael Jackson top earning dead celebrity

Wed, 2017-11-01 03:00

NEW YORK: Michael Jackson died eight years ago, but he is still generating millions of dollars.
Jackson is atop the Forbes list of top-earning dead celebrities for the fifth straight year, with $75 million. Forbes said Jackson’s earnings are boosted by a new greatest hits album, a Las Vegas Cirque du Soleil show and a stake in the EMI music publishing catalog.
Two other singers join Jackson in the top five. Elvis Presley comes in fourth with $35 million and Bob Marley ranks fifth with $23 million.
Golf legend Arnold Palmer is the second-highest earner. He brought in $40 million in part through sales of Arizona lemonade and ice tea beverage made in his name.
Palmer is followed by Charles Schulz. The creator of the “Peanuts” franchise made $38 million.

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http://ift.tt/2z4SdZ7 October 31, 2017 at 07:30PM

‘Syriana’ star convicted in native Egypt

Wed, 2017-11-01 03:00

CAIRO: A lawyer for Egyptian actor Amr Waked of “Syriana” fame said he has been convicted by a Cairo court for damaging a car parked outside his Cairo home.
Lawyer Tareq Said said a misdemeanor court sentenced Waked to three months in prison during a weekend hearing.
The 45-year-old Waked was never detained over the alleged mid-September incident and did not attend the Saturday hearing in which the court announced its verdict, which can be appealed, Said told The Associated Press on Monday.
Waked was released on a 1,000-pound ($60) bail and an appeal was to be submitted on Tuesday, he added.
Waked has denied the charge, according to Said. He hinted that the case may be politically motivated.
Waked is best known to international audiences and in Hollywood for his role in the 2005 film “Syriana,” for which in 2006 he won a “Special Award for Arabs in The International Cinema” at the Cairo International Film Festival. He joined Hollywood stars Matt Damon, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, and Gwyneth Paltrow in the 2011 film, “Contagion” and co-starred in the British film “Salmon Fishing in the Yemen” with Emily Blunt, Ewan McGregor, and Kristin Scott Thomas and also co-starred in “Lucy” alongside Morgan Freeman and Scarlett Johansson.

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http://ift.tt/2z8QHHp October 31, 2017 at 07:30PM

Time Out Tel Aviv examines Palestinian culture amid hardship

Wed, 2017-11-01 03:00

RAMALLAH, West Bank/TEL AVIV: Instead of its usual artsy or humorous front page, this week’s special edition of Time Out Tel Aviv sports an image of an Israeli security barrier so high it blots out the horizon. It also has a different name: Time Out Ramallah.
The issue marks 50 years since Israel’s occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and its content also drastically departs from Time Out Tel Aviv’s normal fare of arts and entertainment in Israel’s cultural hub.
Stories provided by freelance Palestinian reporters and photographers shed light on the hardships of life and culture in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
A Gazan correspondent tells of soirees timed around daily power cuts; in the West Bank, a rare woman DJ awaits an elusive permit to perform in Israel. “Most of the readers and a lot of Israelis don’t know what is happening now in Ramallah and Hebron and Bethlehem,” editor Nof Nathansohn said at her office.
“They don’t know how the art scene looks, music, city life. And we want to expose our readers to life under occupation that is just half an hour drive from here in Tel Aviv,” Nathansohn told Reuters.
“I hope that knowing the other side ... will help create a change and make Israeli people think about it more.” But as evidenced by the lack of ads — Time Out Tel Aviv’s source of income, allowing the weekly to be distributed for free.
“We won’t make money, but we truly believe this is the right thing to do,” Nathanson said.
Tareq Mansour, a student at Birzeit university in the West Bank and a contributor to the special edition, said the magazine had been an opportunity to get heard.
“Having this kind of thing in Ramallah, and a way and approach to share our stories and experiences for the whole world to hear, and for ourselves, is something encouraging.”
Within Israel, 70,000 copies of “Time Out Ramallah” came out in Arabic and Hebrew, and around 2,000 more appeared in English in the Palestinian territories, Nathansohn said.
In Tel Aviv, the issue was getting a positive response.
“The Arab world is very interesting. Ramallah in particular is something that is very close but yet far to get to,” said Tel Aviv resident Arik Peretz.

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http://ift.tt/2z4KF8v October 31, 2017 at 07:29PM

Creepy Japan video invites people to live in ‘zombie town’

Tue, 2017-10-31 12:06

TOKYO: A remote Japanese town is hoping to entice brave souls to come and live among them with a ghoulish video game spoof featuring flesh-eating zombies — just in time for Halloween.
The misty village of Kosuge, located in the mountains some 90 kilometers (55 miles) west of Tokyo, has just 700 inhabitants.
With many younger villagers leaving to work or study in the cities, local authorities have concocted a cunning plan to try to lure new residents.
A creepy short promotional film introduces Kosuge’s leafy vistas, but with a chilling twist as inhabitants dressed in blood-soaked zombie outfits lurch toward the camera as if in a gory video game.
As the living dead roam the deserted streets in search of fresh meat, even the town’s mayor makes a cameo appearance in the five-minute film, walking into a wall to mimic a video game flaw, according to a voice-over.
A classroom of zombie schoolgirls is shown groaning in response to a teacher’s question, before the character behind the camera introducing the viewer to the spooky village is attacked by a bear in woods.
The trailer, which has already been widely shared online, ends by asking viewers if they want to try Kosuge village “for real” — although whether the blood-curdling spoof will be enough to tempt any new visitors beyond horror buffs remains to be seen.

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http://ift.tt/2lz58iL October 31, 2017 at 01:06PM

Netflix cancels flagship series ‘House of Cards’

Tue, 2017-10-31 00:50

LOS ANGELES: The next season of Netflix’s award-winning “House of Cards” will be the last, a spokesman said Monday, as the series reeled over sexual misconduct allegations against its star Kevin Spacey.
The 58-year-old double Oscar winner, who plays ruthless President Francis Underwood in the hit show, is facing claims from actor Anthony Rapp that he “made a sexual advance” at a party 31 years ago while Rapp was underage.
“Season six is our last season,” a spokeswoman told AFP.
A source with knowledge of the issue told AFP however that the decision to end the series was unrelated to the allegations, having been made before they came to light.
Starring alongside Robin Wright, Spacey is also executive producer of the platform’s flagship series, which is adapted from a BBC drama of the same name and has earned 46 Emmy nominations and Golden Globes for its lead couple.
Netflix doesn’t release viewing figures. But the show has marked out its place in television history as the company’s debut in original programming, which has grown to include other highly regarded shows such as “Stranger Things” and “Orange is the New Black.”
Filming for season six is underway in Maryland, with season six expected to drop next year. No premiere date has yet been set but “House of Cards” has never debuted later than May.
Rapp, 46, told Buzzfeed that in 1986, while both he and Spacey were performing on Broadway, Spacey invited the then 14-year-old to a party at his New York home. Spacey would have been 26 at the time.
Rapp said he was in Spacey’s bedroom watching TV when Spacey, apparently drunk, came in after all the other guests had left, and lay on top of him.
“He was trying to seduce me,” Rapp told Buzzfeed. “I don’t know if I would have used that language. But I was aware that he was trying to get with me sexually.”
Spacey apologized on Twitter and went on to say that Rapp’s accusation “encouraged me to address other things about my life” before confirming that he was gay.
His comments prompted a backlash from critics who accused him of deflecting from his misdeed by finally coming out, while reports suggested that he may face other accusers.
Netflix and “House of Cards” production company Media Rights Capital issued a joint statement saying they were “deeply troubled” the allegations against Spacey, who is currently not scheduled to be on set.
“In response to last night’s revelations, executives from both of our companies arrived in Baltimore this afternoon to meet with our cast and crew to ensure that they continue to feel safe and supported,” it said.

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http://ift.tt/2zUlWCX October 31, 2017 at 10:43AM

Hollywood producers kick out disgraced Weinstein

Tue, 2017-10-31 10:07

LOS ANGELES: The Producers Guild of America banned disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein for life on Monday, vowing that sexual harassment would no longer be tolerated within its ranks.
New accusations of sexual assault have continued to pour in since investigations in the New York Times and New Yorker three weeks ago exposed the tycoon as a relentless, bullying sexual predator.
More than 50 women including stars Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie and Mira Sorvino have accused 65-year-old Weinstein of sexual abuse and harassment, although he denies forcing himself on anyone.
“In light of Mr. Weinstein’s widely reported behavior — with new reports continuing to surface even now — the Producers Guild’s national board has voted unanimously to enact a lifetime ban on Mr. Weinstein, permanently barring him from PGA membership,” the guild said in a statement.
“This unprecedented step is a reflection of the seriousness with which the guild regards the numerous reports of Mr. Weinstein’s decades of reprehensible conduct. Sexual harassment can no longer be tolerated in our industry or within the ranks of Producers Guild membership.”
The announcement came as accusations of serious sexual assault continued to pile up against Weinstein, whose films have received more than 300 Oscar nominations and 81 statuettes.
Hope Exiner d’Amore has accused Weinstein of raping her in a hotel room in the 1970s, according to a Times article published Monday, while Cynthia Burr said he attacked her in an encounter that ended with forced oral sex in a hallway.
A third complainant, Ashley Matthau, a dancer with a bit part in one of his movies, says he pushed her down on a bed in a 2004 attack, masturbating while straddling her.
On Saturday the New Yorker ran an interview in which actress Annabella Sciorra — an Emmy nominee for her role in the acclaimed television series “The Sopranos” — accused Weinstein of forcing his way into her apartment and violently raping her in the 1990s.
Last week, according to the Times, the actress Dominique Huett filed a lawsuit claiming that in 2010, Weinstein forcibly performed oral sex on her, while Mimi Haleyi, a former production assistant, told a news conference in New York he had attacked her in 2006.
Asked about the latest allegations, a spokesperson for Weinstein reiterated that he denies engaging in non-consensual sex, and said that he “has begun counseling, has listened to the community and is pursuing a better path.”
Police in New York, Los Angeles and London have all confirmed criminal investigations into Weinstein’s activities.
The toppled tycoon was sacked as co-chairman of The Weinstein Company and also resigned from its board.

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http://ift.tt/2hrnuO5 October 31, 2017 at 08:24AM

الاثنين، 30 أكتوبر 2017

Women find some respite in Libya’s ‘families only’ cafes

Tue, 2017-10-31 03:00

TRIPOLI: Fashionable cafes springing up in Libya’s capital are shutting out single men and catering for women looking for a break from the tensions — political and personal — crowding in around them.
The cafes with European names and bright decor seem a world away from the city’s traffic-clogged and still violent streets. In a socially conservative society, they also offer privacy and protection from unwanted advances.
“If I go with my friends, we chat about our problems and change our mood,” said 27-year-old Haneen, eating a late breakfast in the busy La Rambla cafe. “A family place is more comfortable... there’s no harassment or flirting.”
For owners and managers of the businesses marketing themselves as “families-only” cafes, it is also a welcome change from the traditional clientele — hundreds of other rowdier eateries across Tripoli are packed out with young men, tables spilling out onto the streets and giant screens broadcasting soccer matches.
“Family cafes are great,” said Abdulhameed Ghreetly, manager of At Home cafe, which looks out onto the Mediterranean. “They are less of a headache than the cafes for young guys. You know the problems with the young guys and their quarreling.”
Most of Tripoli’s economy has been in freefall since major battles between rival factions in 2014 left the country divided with competing governments.
The female clients are offering some respite — managers say they spend more on fancy coffees and juices than the espresso-sipping men. “The guys just ask for coffee and water,” said Mohammed Abdurrazak, La Rambla’s owner. “The women come to eat.”
The menus are heavy with pastries, pancakes, waffles and milkshakes, alongside the popular “Oriental breakfast” which includes shakshouka (poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce) and ful (fava beans with herbs and spices).

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http://ift.tt/2gPFlh1 October 30, 2017 at 10:09PM

Mick Jagger’s new girl

Tue, 2017-10-31 03:00

JEDDAH: Legendary English singer Mick Jagger is reportedly dating 22-year-old American-Kuwaiti film producer Noor Alfallah.
According to thesun.co.uk., Jagger, 74, enjoyed a number of dates with Alfallah while the Rolling Stones were in Paris, France, for their “No Filter” tour earlier this month.
“Mick still has his legendary charm, but even the band were surprised someone as young and beautiful as Noor came to Paris to see him,” a source told thesun.co.uk.
“They are both single and seemed to have a lot of fun together, so everyone just let them get on with it,” the source added.
The pair is believed to have met through a mutual friend, producer Brett Ratner.
Reports said Alfallah is a US socialite, whose father is Kuwaiti.
Jagger has been single since splitting from ballerina Melanie Hamrick, 31.
He is father to eight children with five women. His youngest is 10-month son Deveraux by Hamrick.

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http://ift.tt/2ihrIr1 October 30, 2017 at 08:09PM

Christina Aguilera to pay tribute to Whitney Houston

Tue, 2017-10-31 03:00

NEW YORK: Christina Aguilera will perform a medley of the late Whitney Houston’s hits at the American Music Awards next month to mark the 25th anniversary of Houston’s film, “The Bodyguard.”
Aguilera will perform songs from the film’s soundtrack, which included one of Houston’s signature numbers, a cover of Dolly Parton’s “I Will Always Love You.”
Aguilera said in a statement that Houston was a personal idol and said her kindness to her as she was coming up in the business “will forever be cherished.” Houston’s estate said the singer thought Aguilera was “one of the best voices she enjoyed in this generation of music.” Houston died at the age of 48 in 2012.
The AMAs will be handed out live on ABC on Nov. 19.

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http://ift.tt/2gPFfWH October 30, 2017 at 08:09PM

Pharaonic influences on display at Egypt art show

Tue, 2017-10-31 03:00

CAIRO: Paintings by top Egyptian artists shared wall space with hieroglyphs and pharaonic relics at Cairo’s Egyptian Museum this week in an exhibition highlighting ancient influences on contemporary art.
Artists, intellectuals and ambassadors from around the world attended the Saturday night opening of “A Night with Art at the Egyptian Museum,” organized by the private Art D’Egypte organization.
The exhibition, at the museum on Cairo’s iconic Tahrir square, will be open to the public until Tuesday.
“We wanted to highlight the link between contemporary art and ancient Egyptian pharaonic art,” Art D’Egypte founder Nadine Abdel Ghaffar told AFP.
The modern paintings included abstract portraits and other works by prominent contemporary Egyptian artists such as Adel El-Siwi, Mohamed Abla, Ghada Amer, Farouk Hosny and Hoda Lotfi.
“This initiative shows that artistic creativity spans millennia reaching today,” said Abla, who showed five paintings at the exhibition, reflecting ancient Egyptian influences.
“Contemporary art is an extension of art by the pharaonic ancestors,” he said.
The show also includes interactive seminars on ancient Egyptian art and its influences on contemporary artists.
Several prominent archaeologists and Egyptologists are to speak, including former antiquities minister Zahi Hawass.
Antiquities Minister Khaled Al-Anani said it was important to preserve Egyptian heritage “because the antiquities belong to the entire world.”
The aging Egyptian museum, which is undergoing renovation, was a key tourist attraction before a January 2011 uprising toppled Hosni Mubarak.
Visitors would wait in long lines outside its entrance, while the halls inside brimmed with foreign tourists and Egyptian visitors, including students on school trips.
But Mubarak’s ouster unleashed years of political turmoil and sent tourist numbers plummeting.
During the uprising, which was centered in Tahrir Square just outside the museum, looters broke into the building, stealing and damaging several ancient treasures.
The fall in tourist numbers prompted the museum a few months ago to open its doors at night in the hope of attracting new visitors.
Among its best-known exhibits are a golden funerary mask and other artefacts from the tomb of 18th dynasty Pharoah Tutankhamun.
His belongings are among exhibits set to be transferred to the Grand Egyptian Museum, a new facility currently under construction near the Giza Pyramids.
Anani said the facility should open at least partially before the end of 2018.

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http://ift.tt/2ihrAYz October 30, 2017 at 08:09PM

Paul McCartney lifts spirits in quake-hit Mexico

Tue, 2017-10-31 03:00

MEXICO CITY: Paul McCartney lifted spirits in quake-hit Mexico at a concert here punctuated with the cry “Fuerza Mexico!”
More than 48,000 fans gathered in the city’s Azteca Stadium Saturday to hear the former Beatle in his first Mexico City concert in five years.
Before launching into “Maybe I’m amazed,” McCartney raised his fist, evoking the hand signs used to call for silence during the search for survivors in the ruins left by the Sept. 19 earthquake.
“Fuerza Mexico!” he shouted to the roar of the crowd, delighted by his use of the Spanish phrase meaning “Be strong, Mexico!“
The 7.1 magnitude quake toppled buildings in the city, killing more than 400 people and leaving thousands homeless.
Shortly after the quake, McCartney sent a message on Twitter to Mexicans expressing his affection and support “in these difficult times.”
During his previous Mexico City concert, McCartney filled the giant plaza in the heart of the city known as the Zocalo with 200,000 fans.
On his current “One on One” tour, which began in the United States in 2016, the British legend has performed 41 shows before 1.2 million people.

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http://ift.tt/2gPFdOz October 30, 2017 at 08:09PM

الأحد، 29 أكتوبر 2017

Janet Jackson visits small childhood home

Mon, 2017-10-30 03:00

GARY, Indiana: Singer Janet Jackson and her brother Randy Jackson have visited their childhood home in Gary, Indiana, and talked with local high school students.
The (Northwest Indiana) Times reported that the Jacksons made the visit Friday, a day after Janet Jackson’s concert in the Chicago area. Janet Jackson told students at Roosevelt High School that she started crying when she saw the small house. She said, “me and my family are so blessed. I’m so thankful.”
The 51-year-old said she was 8-years-old the last time she was in Gary. The family moved out of the industrial city about 50 km southeast of Chicago after the Jackson 5 recorded their first album in 1969, when Janet Jackson was a toddler.
She also told students she misses performing with her siblings.

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http://ift.tt/2ye7MQH October 29, 2017 at 07:59PM

Rihanna as Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti? Vogue Arabia thinks so

Mon, 2017-10-30 03:00

JEDDAH: Vogue Arabia is facing fresh backlash on social media over its latest cover.
The magazine has yet again been accused of cultural appropriation as it released its November cover featuring Barbadian singer Rihanna dressed as Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti, with some claiming that Vogue Arabia perpetuated the notion that black and African people are interchangeable.
“Um cultural appropriation by someone from Barbados ... aren’t White people mostly accused of doing this ... nice to see someone else doing it,” wrote @ChefSJ
Another user, Marie Rocha (@MyDailyPosts) tweeted: “I love Rihanna, but I’ve met some stunning Egyptians that could have paid homage to Queen Nefertiti.”
Queen Nefertiti was one of the most powerful women in ancient Egypt almost 3,500 years ago. She was renowned for her beauty and is believed to have brought radical change to Egypt along with her husband Pharaoh Akhenaten.
“We are dedicating the issue to strong and dynamic women who are changing the world,” Vogue Arabia Editor-in-Chief Manuel Arnaut wrote in the editor’s letter. “Rihanna, our cover star, is one of them. Not only is she one of the most successful pop icons ever, shaping the entertainment industry with her powerful tunes and unique sense of style, she is also an advocate for diversity.”
The star appears on the cover wearing Gucci paired with a custom Faeth Millinery-designed headpiece in a stylish homage to Queen Nefertiti.
The pop star has an adoration for the Egyptian queen, and has her iconic bust tattooed on her ribcage.
So far, neither Vogue Arabia nor Rihanna has responded to the controversy.
Earlier, Gigi and Bella Hadid saw similar backlash for posing for Vogue Arabia.

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http://ift.tt/2lqqMpr October 29, 2017 at 07:59PM

A ‘Cut’ above the rest: New sitcom follows lives of Saudi students in US

Mon, 2017-10-30 03:00

JEDDAH: MBC on Friday premiered a new sitcom “Cut,” about Saudi students pursuing filmmaking in the US.
The sitcom, in which comic star Nasser Al-Qassabi is involved, quickly became a trending topic among Saudi Twitter users.
“‘Cut’ follows the lives of five Saudi students and everything they go through, not only as Saudi students in the US, but also as students studying filmmaking and who are coming from a country that doesn’t have cinema,” Fahad Al-Butairi, a Saudi YouTube personality and comic actor who stars in the sitcom, told Arab News.
“It explores the dynamics of cultural identity and family relations, and there’s also a romantic subplot.”
Directed by Osama Alkhurayji, the show targets Saudis and other Arabs aged 20-40, those in college, recent graduates and cinephiles.
“It’s still picking up traction. A lot more people are catching up on episodes on Shahid, MBC’s app,” said Al-Butairi.
“People have liked the dialogue and performances. Some love the fact that the show has been shot in a novel way, in the style of a documentary — something that has never been done in the Middle East before,” he added.
“‘Cut’ features a variety of characters — some conservative, some not so conservative, some passionate about what they do and some slackers — male and female. We also have a character that’s half-American and deals with his own cultural identity in confusion,” he said.
“The show presents a diverse spectrum of interactions between different cultures... It sets the tone of Saudi cultural identity in the context of globalization.”
On Al-Qassabi’s role in the show’s production, Al-Butairi said: “Nasser unfortunately hasn’t played any acting role... but I believe his role is more important than any other. He has provided a platform for young Saudis to display their skills and passion for dramatic, creative and comic writing. Given his position as a leader in the regional entertainment industry, it was fortunate for us to be supported by him. He gave us guidance but was never patronizing.”
Al-Butairi said the best is yet to come: “We’re still in the beginning... The real action doesn’t happen until the middle of the season. That’s when the show catches momentum.”

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http://ift.tt/2ycd7rP October 29, 2017 at 07:59PM

السبت، 28 أكتوبر 2017

2 more women accuse George H.W. Bush of groping

Sun, 2017-10-29 02:43

Two more women are coming forward to accuse former President George H.W. Bush of groping them.
Author Christina Baker Kline said the nation’s 41st president made the same joke others have mentioned before grabbing her buttocks in 2014 in Houston. She said a Bush driver told her she hoped she would be “discreet.”
Amanda Staples, a former candidate for state Senate, told the Portland Press Herald in Maine that she was groped by Bush in 2006 in Kennebunkport.
Two actresses have accused Bush of groping them.
Actress Heather Lind, 34, said Bush did the same to her four years ago at an event to promote the TV series “Turn: Washington’s Spies,” according to the Daily Mail, which saved a screenshot of a lengthy Instagram post she wrote and later deleted.
The former president’s office says the 93-year-old Bush has “patted women’s rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner.” The statement says he apologizes “to anyone he has offended.”
It is the latest in an outpouring of sexual harassment allegations against powerful male figures in entertainment, fashion and finance that followed the downfall of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, who stands accused of assaulting and raping actresses.
Lind added she decided to share her story after seeing Bush Sr. appear onstage at a benefit concert to raise money for victims of the hurricane-ravaged southern United States and Caribbean.
“I found it disturbing because I recognize the respect ex-presidents are given for having served,” she wrote.
“But when I got the chance to meet George H. W. Bush four years ago to promote a historical television show I was working on, he sexually assaulted me while I was posing for a similar photo.
“He did not shake my hand. He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side. He told me a dirty joke,” she added.
Later on, as pictures were being taken, Bush repeated the act, while “Barbara rolled her eyes as if to say not again.’”

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http://ift.tt/2icb8sK October 28, 2017 at 10:56PM

Twitter uproar as Emirati pop star hits wrong note

Sun, 2017-10-29 03:00

JEDDAH: Emirati pop star Ahlam Al-Shamsi has been a target of ridicule and harsh criticism ever since a video of her singing at a Kuwaiti wedding in a torn Zuhair Murad dress went viral.
The 48-year-old singer said her dress, which seemed to have been ripped at the armpit, cost SR150,000 ($39,995) in response to tweets slamming and accusing her of wearing a rip-off of the original.
“This ripped armpit indicates that the dress is not original,” said one of the tweets criticizing her. Al-Shamsi pointed out that the dress was designed by the internationally renowned Lebanese fashion designer Zuhair Murad, who is a red-carpet favorite of many a Hollywood’s leading lady.
“World Apology Day,” Ahlam asked those who have wronged her to “apologize at once.”
She recently expressed her delight for having been the first pop star from the Arab world to have her song broadcast on the Saudi TV during the “Sabah Al-Saudia” show.
Al-Shamsi is among the most controversial pop stars in the Arab world. Two days ago, social media users compared the Turkish actress, Bülent Ersoy, who made a guest appearance in the TV series “Al-Hofra” wearing jewelry worth 80 million Turkish lira ($21,116,538), to Ahlam, and some have even nicknamed her the “Turkish Ahlam.”

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http://ift.tt/2gK3DZP October 28, 2017 at 07:07PM

Cultural houses for music, cinema in Dammam

Arab News
Sun, 2017-10-29 03:00

DAMMAM: The Culture and Arts Association in Dammam will establish cultural houses for music and cinema in order to “open windows of love to beauty and creativity” and offer music and cinema related classes, Ahmad Al-Mulla, the association’s director, told Makkah newspaper during a culture and arts event on Thursday.
“The cultural house of music will be run by musician Nasser Al-Saeed while the house of cinema will be run by Saudi actor Ibrahim Al-Hasawi,” he said.
Chairman of the Culture and Arts Association, Omar Al-Seif, honored the association in Dammam, represented by Al-Mulla, for its excellence in promoting culture and arts.
For his part, Al-Mulla honored Al-Seif and handed him a painting by artist Yathrib Al-Sadeer, director of the art committee.
The event, during which the association’s media reports and programs were reviewed along with its art, cinema and cultural festivals, was attended by Al-Seif, former directors of the association and a selection of artists and intellectuals, and was hosted by TV presenter Nahed Al-Ahmad.
The orchestra of the Culture and Arts Association in Dammam performed pieces of music during the event, followed by a play that concluded a 10-day acting course for children prepared and directed by Rashed El-Warthan.
An art exhibition, which the artwork of a number of the region’s artists, was then launched by the chairman of the Culture and Arts Association.

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http://ift.tt/2gK3CoJ October 28, 2017 at 07:07PM

Israel’s Oscar hopeful ‘Foxtrot’ slams West Bank occupation

Sun, 2017-10-29 03:00

JERUSALEM: Israel’s contender for this year’s foreign-language Oscar has swept local film awards and scored high honors at the Venice Film Festival.
But before it even hit the silver screen at home, Samuel Maoz’s “Foxtrot,” a drama exploring Israel’s West Bank occupation and the modern Israeli psyche, has found itself caught in the crossfire of a raging culture war.
Culture Minister Miri Regev’s beef with Foxtrot is part of her ongoing battle with artists perceived as being critical of the Israeli government. Since taking office in 2015, Regev has moved to cut government funding to theaters and artists deemed disloyal to the state and troupes that refuse to perform in West Bank settlements.
Though Foxtrot never mentions Palestinians by name, and the people stopped by the soldiers at a remote checkpoint never utter a word, the film obliquely criticizes Israel’s occupation of the West Bank as unjust, futile and morally corrupting.
The soldiers’ shipping container barracks is gradually sinking in the mud, a metaphor for the country as a whole.
“We’re tilting,” one soldier says after rolling a can of processed meat to gauge the barracks’ angle. “If we’re tilting then eventually we’ll turn over and sink. When it happens it’ll happen suddenly. I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to say ‘I told you so,’ so I’m telling you now.”
Shortly after its Venice award, Regev — a former army spokeswoman and military censor — appeared in television interviews railing against Foxtrot, while admitting she had not actually seen it.
She wrote on Facebook that she was “ashamed” that the Israeli film academy celebrated Foxtrot, “a film that chose to slander the Israel Defense Forces.”
The scene that apparently raised Regev’s hackles shows Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint accidentally killing a carful of innocent civilians, and the army’s subsequent cover-up of the incident in the most literal fashion — with a bulldozer.
Maoz dismissed Regev’s criticism in an interview with the Hebrew daily Haaretz, saying the scene was allegorical and meant to show how Israeli society “prefers to bury the truth in the mud we created, instead of dealing with it and asking ourselves piercing questions.”
Foxtrot is slated for a limited release in the United States on March 2, two days before the Academy Awards ceremony.

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http://ift.tt/2idxxpx October 28, 2017 at 07:07PM

’Assassin’s Creed’ game is back, this time in ancient Egypt

Fri, 2017-10-27 22:42

SAN FRANCISCO: Video game titan Ubisoft on Friday released a new installment of “Assassin’s Creed,” seeking to reignite passion for the game after a year off to freshen its top franchise.
Breaking from its pattern of annually releasing sequels to “Assassin’s Creed,” which has sold more than 100 million copies since the first version debuted in a decade ago, Ubisoft took an extra year to craft “Assassin’s Creed: Origins.”
The new installment is set in Egypt at a time when Cleopatra is ascending to the throne, and reveals how the brotherhood of assassins began.
“From the beginning, the ‘Assassin’s Creed’ franchise has always explored pivotal moments in history, from the Third Crusade to the Italian Renaissance, and this year ancient Egypt,” said “Origins” creative director Jean Guesdon.
Work on the game began four years ago, with the team setting out to provide a fresh, new experience to players in a franchise showing signs of waning enthusiasm given its perennial release schedule.
“We really wanted to rework the major systems,” Origins producer Julien Laferriere said while providing AFP an early look at the game at the E3 video game trade show earlier this year.
“We feel we have a meaty, very modern game.”
The game’s fighting system was redesigned, and imbued with artificial intelligence making enemies more wily and giving characters virtual lives of their own complete with responsibilities such as farms to tend and families to feed.
In keeping with its style, Ubisoft made animals part of the action so tending to laundry at a river could lead to being attacked by a crocodile.
“We wanted to be as authentic as we could,” Laferriere said of the game.
“The world feels alive, and you can explore it at your own pace.”
Along with visiting pyramids and the Sphinx, players were promised “a front row seat” to the formation of the brotherhood of assassins.
It will be available for Xbox and PlayStation game consoles as well as for Windows-powered PCs.
An update to the game set for release early next year will add a “discovery tour” that gives players to option of taking virtual guided tours of ancient Egypt and learning its history, according to Guesdon.
“Assassin’s Creed” is Ubisoft’s most popular franchise.
Putting out a new version of the game each year stretched the overarching storyline, which features modern-day descendants of assassins whose genetic memory is being mined to solve a bigger mystery.
The previous installment, “Assassin’s Creed Syndicate” released in 2015, was set in London during the Industrial Revolution.
The action role-playing games are known for historical fiction, setting adventures at significant points in time such as the Crusades and the French and American revolutions.
The franchise has grown to include novels, comic books, mobile games and films.
Blockbuster video game sequels, like movies, face the challenge of adding new excitement while remaining true to old aspects loved by fans.
“Assassin’s Creed” has been credited with inspiring other games, such as “Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor,” by Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment.
A total of $1.2 billion was spent in the US on video game hardware, software, and accessories in September in a 39 percent increase from the same month last year, according to industry tracker NPD.
The amount of money spent on video game software alone was up 49 percent to $744 million in the same comparison, with “Destiny 2” the top-selling game, NPD reported.

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http://ift.tt/2z0uhIf October 28, 2017 at 12:37PM

الجمعة، 27 أكتوبر 2017

Tiger Woods pleads guilty to reckless driving, avoids jail

Sat, 2017-10-28 00:40

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Florida: Superstar golfer Tiger Woods pleaded guilty to reckless driving and agreed to enter a diversion program Friday, five months after he was found passed out in his Mercedes with prescription drugs and marijuana in his system.
Woods, 41, spoke only briefly during a hearing at a Palm Beach County courthouse, answering questions from a judge about his plea agreement. Prosecutors dropped his driving under the influence charge, and the judge warned him to stay out of trouble.
“This particular plea agreement has no jail time on it. However, if you violate your probation in any significant way, I could revoke your probation and then I could sentence you to jail for 90 days with a fine of up to $500, is that understood?” Judge Sandra Bosso-Pardo said.
Woods, 41, nodded. He did not make any statement during the hearing or outside the courthouse.
In the diversion program, Woods will spend a year on probation and pay a $250 fine and court costs. He has already met some of the program’s other requirements, completing 50 hours of community service at the Tiger Woods Foundation, prosecutor Dave Aronberg said.
Aronberg didn’t say specifically what Woods did with the charitable group, but said he met the terms of the deal. Woods also attended a workshop where victims of impaired drivers detail how their lives were damaged.
Aronberg said most DUI offenders do not qualify for the diversion program because they have a prior record or were in an accident. About 2,500 first-time offenders have graduated from the county program since it began four years ago.
“This is designed for first-time offenders, where the person made a one-time mistake and they’re going to overcome it,” Aronberg said. “Mr. Woods was treated like any other defendant in his situation.”
Since he was intoxicated with prescription drugs and marijuana, according to court records, he will also be required to undergo regular drug tests.
Woods arrived at the courthouse in a black sport utility vehicle, wearing sunglasses and a dark suit with no tie. Police officers surrounded him as he walked down a hallway inside the courthouse and they ringed the inside of the courtroom during the high-profile proceeding.
Woods was arrested about 2 a.m. May 29 when officers found him unconscious in his Mercedes, which was parked awkwardly on the roadside and had damage to the driver’s side.
It’s not clear how he damaged the car. Officers checked the area but didn’t find that he had hit anything. He was about 15 miles from his home.
His arrest was recorded by an officer’s dashcam video and released to the public.
Woods had the active ingredient for marijuana, two painkillers — Vicodin and Dilaudid — the sleep drug Ambien and the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in his system but no alcohol, according to a toxicology report released in August. He completed a drug treatment program in July.
Woods has said he had been self-medicating to relieve the pain from his fourth back surgery and insomnia.
The DUI arrest was the first time Woods had been in trouble since Thanksgiving weekend 2009, when he plowed his SUV into a tree and a fire hydrant outside his then-Windermere, Florida, home. That led to revelations that he had multiple extramarital affairs and a divorce from his wife Elin Nordegren, the mother of his two children. He spent 45 days in a Mississippi clinic where he was treated for an addiction.
Woods’ 79 PGA Tour victories and 14 major titles both rank No. 2 all-time. He has not competed since February because of his back injury and is not expected to return this year. His last win was in August 2013.
Woods has said his back is improving. Even though he has been a non-factor on the PGA Tour, Forbes Magazine lists Woods as the 17th best-paid athlete in the world in 2017, making $37 million, almost exclusively from endorsements.

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http://ift.tt/2ia2efm October 27, 2017 at 07:41PM

الخميس، 26 أكتوبر 2017

Fossil footprints reveal existence of big early dinosaur predator

Will Dunham | Reuters
Fri, 2017-10-27 04:48

WASHINGTON: A trail of fossilized three-toed footprints that measure nearly two feet (57 cm) long shows that a huge meat-eating dinosaur stalked southern Africa 200 million years ago at a time when most carnivorous dinosaurs were modest-sized beasts.
Scientists on Thursday described the footprints from an ancient river bank in Lesotho, and estimated that the dinosaur, which they named Kayentapus ambrokholohali, was about 30 feet (9 meters) long.
No fossilized bones were found, but the footprints alone showed a lot about the animal. The scientists concluded it was a large theropod — the two-legged carnivorous dinosaur group that included later giants like Tyrannosaurus and Giganotosaurus — but that it was more lightly built than those brutes. The theropod group also gave rise to birds.
Kayentapus lived early in the Jurassic Period, shortly after a mass extinction that doomed other large reptilian terrestrial predators that lived in the preceding Triassic Period, when dinosaurs first appeared.
“Our finding corroborates the hypothesis that theropods reached a great size relatively early in the course of their evolution, but apparently not before the Triassic-Jurassic boundary,” said paleontologist Fabien Knoll, of the Dinopolis Foundation in Spain and the University of Manchester in Britain.
There are no skeletal fossils of meat-eating dinosaurs this large so early in the dinosaur evolutionary history. It lived on the ancient southern hemisphere super-continent of Gondwana.
There are other fossilized footprints from Poland that indicate a similar-sized theropod inhabited the northern super-continent of Laurasia around the same time.
Theropods of similar size do not appear in the fossil record until 30 million years later, Knoll said.
The footprints were found on what was once a river bank, bearing telltale ripple marks and desiccation cracks.
“It is the first evidence of an extremely large meat-eating animal roaming a landscape otherwise dominated by a variety of herbivorous, omnivorous and much-smaller carnivorous dinosaurs,” added paleontologist Lara Sciscio of the University of Cape Town in South Africa.
The research was published on Wednesday in the journal PLOS ONE.
In separate research, other scientists on Thursday described another new dinosaur, a plant-eater called Matheronodon provincialis, that lived 70 million years ago. Its fossils were unearthed in southern France.
Matheronodon is distinctive for its large teeth with a chisel-like cutting edge that provided a powerful shearing action like scissors to eat tough vegetation, said paleontologist Pascal Godefroit of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels.
That research was published in the journal Scientific Reports.

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http://ift.tt/2yOcbcz October 27, 2017 at 04:15AM

Jessica Alba announces baby number 3

Arab News
Fri, 2017-10-27 03:00

JEDDAH: Jessica Alba and husband Cash Warren are expecting their first baby boy.
The actress and Honest Company founder announced her pregnancy on Instagram in July and revealed on the platform Wednesday that the baby is a boy, according to The Associated Press. Alba and Warren have two daughters, Honor and Haven.
She later chatted about her pregnancy with Jimmy Fallon on “The Tonight Show.” Alba told Fallon she has been trying to resist cravings for ice cream.
Alba most recently appeared as a judge alongside fellow actress-turned-entrepreneur Gwyneth Paltrow on the Apple Music summer series “Planet of the Apps.”
According to an interview by the Sun News, Alba said: “Being pregnant and giving birth gave me a new found respect for my body, it’s amazing.
“It made me realize: ‘Oh right, this is why we have all the bits that we have!’ There is a real reason for it.”
She also posted a video with her two daughters to announce the sex of the baby.
Alba has won various awards for her acting, including the Choice Actress Teen Choice Award and Saturn Award for Best Actress on Television, and a Golden Globe nomination for her lead role in the television series “Dark Angel.”
Her 2013 projects include comedy “A.C.O.D.” and the animated film “Escape from Planet Earth.” Alba reprised her roles, Santana in Machete’s sequel “Machete Kills,” and Nancy Callahan in “Sin City: A Dame to Kill For,” the sequel to 2005’s “Sin City.” Filming for the “Sin City “sequel started in October 2012 and the film was released in August 2014.
In 2011, Alba participated in a two-day lobbying effort in Washington, DC, in support of the Safe Chemicals Act, a revision of the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.
In late 2008, she signed on to star as the lead role in “An Invisible Sign of My Own.” The movie finished filming in November 2008. It premiered at the Hamptons International Film Festival and was released to theaters in May 2011.
In January 2012, Alba co-founded The Honest Company, a consumer goods company that sells non-toxic household products, and owns a 15 to 20 percent of the company.

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http://ift.tt/2hcMpoq October 26, 2017 at 08:10PM

A ‘deal’ helped Ashley Judd flee from Weinstein

Fri, 2017-10-27 03:00

NEW YORK: Actress Ashley Judd said she escaped Harvey Weinstein’s sexual advances by making a deal.
She was a rising young actress two decades ago who had arrived at the hotel suite of this powerful film mogul for what she thought would be a business meeting.
It was not, she said. Weinstein first offered to give her a massage, then, when she demurred, asked her to give him one.
She said she refused to sit down and surveyed the floor plan of the suite to plot her escape.
“I thought ‘no’ meant no,” she said. “I fought with this volley of no’s.”
Then she made a “deal.” She said she agreed to submit to him, but only “when I win an Oscar in one of your movies — OK?”
“When you get NOMINATED,” Weinstein counter-offered.
“And I said, ‘No. When I WIN an Oscar.’ And then I just fled.”
Appearing on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Thursday, Judd said she remains of two minds about how she handled the shocking situation.
“Am I proud of that? The part that shames myself says, ‘No.’ The part of me that understands the way shame works says, ‘That was absolutely brilliant. Good job, kid, you got out of there. Well done!’”
Judd was among the first of what has become dozens of women alleging sexual harassment or assault by Weinstein, who has been fired from the company he co-founded with his brother and is now under criminal investigation for rape in London, New York and Los Angeles.

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http://ift.tt/2zI4stp October 26, 2017 at 08:10PM

JLo’s double date with Dubai this November

Fri, 2017-10-27 03:00

DUBAI: Global pop sensation Jennifer Lopez will headline Dubai Airshow’s exclusive gala dinner this November, Dubai Airports has announced.
The 48-year-old singer and actress will perform a set of her greatest hits on Nov. 15, only two days before her near sold-out concert at the Dubai Autism Rocks Arena.
Dubai Airports’ CEO, Paul Griffiths, said: “As one of the globe’s most accomplished female entertainers, Jennifer Lopez shows exactly how the power of music can connect the world. It is not often that, as an airport, we can say we share similar attributes with an artist of Jennifer’s caliber, but there is a definite shared spirit. By inviting such an internationally recognized star, we are affirming the significance of the Dubai Airshow on the world aviation stage and allows Dubai Airports, Emirates and Dubai Duty Free to thank its valued VIP guests and partners for their support.”
Famed for her spectacular international shows, Latino flare and endless hit singles over almost two decades, JLo is expected to wow the 3,500 guests attending the exclusive evening hosted by Dubai Airports. The performance of her chart-topping music, will come just weeks after her “One Voice: Somos Live” charity concert that raised over $35 million to help victims of the recent natural disasters in Puerto Rico, Mexico and the Caribbean.
JLo tops an A-list of performers to have mesmerised Airshow VIP’s at the invitation-only event. The likes of Sir Tom Jones, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder and Katy Perry have all entertained guests in previous years.
Tickets for the Dubai Autism Rocks Arena are available online starting at 345 Emirati dirhams ($94).
Thomas Ovesen, CEO of 117Live, organizers of the event, said: “PEOPLE Magazine named her the World’s Most Beautiful Woman and when it comes to her live shows, we know she doesn’t just perform, but throws a Party! So, join us for what will be a fantastic and glamorous night filled with musical hit after hit, great dance routines and a super star show production with the ever sensational JLo.”

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http://ift.tt/2hcIKXR October 26, 2017 at 08:09PM

Drake’s latest album not submitted to Grammys

Fri, 2017-10-27 03:00

NEW YORK: Drake’s “More Life” album will not earn him more Grammy Awards: The rapper did not submit the album for consideration at the 2018 Grammys.
A person close to the nomination process, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the person was not allowed to publicly talk about the topic, said the multi-platinum rapper did not submit “More Life” for album of the year or best rap album. The person also said Drake did not submit any of the songs from the album to categories like song of the year, record of the year or best rap song.
“More Life” was released in March and debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart.
Drake has described the album as a mixtape and playlist. The album has sold more than 2 million units, according to Nielsen Music. The album, which set streaming records when it was released, includes the Top 10 hits “Fake Love,” “Passionfruit” and “Portland.”
Representatives for the rapper and the Recording Academy did not reply to emails seeking comment.
Nominees in the 83 Grammy categories will be officially announced on Nov. 28. In the best rap album category, nominees could include releases by Kendrick Lamar, Jay-Z, Migos, DJ Khaled, J. Cole and others. Drake could earn nominations for songs where he is the featured guest.
Drake is a three-time Grammy winner, picking up best rap album for 2011′s “Take Care” as well as best rap solo performance and best rap song for “Hotline Bling” earlier this year, and has been nominated 35 times.
The 60th annual Grammy Awards will take place at Madison Square Garden in New York on Jan. 28. Songs and albums released between Oct. 1, 2016 and Sept. 30, 2017 are eligible for nomination.

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http://ift.tt/2zGQ3xE October 26, 2017 at 08:09PM

الأربعاء، 25 أكتوبر 2017

Blake Lively tackles blindness in new complex film role

Thu, 2017-10-26 03:00

NEW YORK: To play a blind woman for her latest film role, Blake Lively took no short cuts into the darkness.
The 30-year-old actress learned to use a walking cane, wore opaque contact lenses off-camera to better understand her character and learned how to navigate the main set without her vision.
“I wanted to know the experience of filling in the blanks in my head, learning it and then opening my eyes and seeing that, no matter what I had in my head, it was so different than I imagined,” she says.
Lively stars in “All I See Is You,” a dreamy, beautiful movie about a woman who lost her eyesight as an adolescent in a car accident but regains her vision through surgery in her 20s. She begins a period of self-discovery, which threatens to upend her life and marriage.
“That happens in all relationships, where you’re in an established relationship and then you start to not see things,” says Lively. “This movie speaks to relationships, I think, whether we have the literal blindness or it’s just figurative.”
It’s the brainchild of director and co-writer Marc Forster, whose career includes varied films such as “World War Z,” “Quantum of Solace,” “Monster’s Ball” and “The Kite Runner.”
Both Lively and Forster realize that the film — featuring a woman learning to be strong and independent — comes at a time when women across the country are talking about their role in male-centered businesses and society.
“I think what’s happened in this past year, since the election, is that women have really stood up for themselves. I think we realized how much further we had to go than we thought we did,” Lively says.
Foster, for his part, hopes the film will remind people to open their eyes, see what’s actually happening and make better choices.
“We, as humanity, ultimately have to really wake up and become conscious and start seeing things,” he says. “Otherwise, we’re going to go down a path that will be unreturnable.”

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http://ift.tt/2lgeCiL October 25, 2017 at 07:17PM

Prince’s shoes go on display at London’s V&A museum

Thu, 2017-10-26 03:00

LONDON: A pair of floral-patterned satin shoes worn by Prince has stepped into the collection of Britain’s Victoria & Albert Museum.
The art and design museum says the “exquisitely crafted” shoes illustrate the imagery and industry of Prince, who died in 2016 aged 57.
The zippers feature “love symbol #2,” the logo to which Prince changed his name in 1993. The shoes also have metal braces inserted between heel and sole to help support his vigorous leaps.
The shoes went on display Tuesday at the museum, which also holds costumes from Elton John, Mick Jagger and The Beatles.
Collection director Geoffrey Marsh said the footwear “not only records the dedication of one of the world’s great performers but highlights the range of design and craft skills necessary for large stage shows.”

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http://ift.tt/2y3U5Ed October 25, 2017 at 06:26PM

Film about Russian czar’s affair premieres despite public hostility

Thu, 2017-10-26 03:00

MOSCOW: A film about the last Russian czar’s affair with a ballerina had its Moscow premiere Tuesday despite sparking outrage among some Russians that has been expressed through pickets, arson, and Molotov cocktails hurled at a movie studio.
“Matilda” has drawn fierce criticism from hard-line nationalists and some Orthodox believers who consider it blasphemous. The Russian Orthodox Church glorifies Emperor Nicholas II, who was executed with his family by Bolsheviks in 1918, as a saint.
Although most Russians accept that the affair happened, they maintain the movie’s depiction is distorted and vulgar. The film loosely follows the story of the czar’s infatuation with prima ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya.
What started out nearly a year ago as a campaign to collect signatures to protest the film’s release took on violent forms in recent months. Two cars were set on fire outside the office of the director’s lawyer. Signs reading “Burn for Matilda” were reportedly found nearby. Unidentified assailants threw Molotov cocktails at director Alexei Uchitel’s studio.
Uchitel said a few hours before the premiere that just getting the movie in front of a theater audience was an achievement.
“It is not just a victory for the film, but it is a victory for all reasonable people.”
Russian lawmaker Natalya Poklonskaya, who served as the chief regional prosecutor in Crimea following its 2014 annexation by Moscow, spearheaded the campaign to ban “Matilda.”
Poklonskaya sent numerous complaints about Uchitel and his film company to various law enforcement bodies, urging them to audit his taxes, review his finances and investigate him for incitement of religious hatred.
The controversy around the film reflects the increasing assertiveness of radical religious activists in Russia and a growing conservative streak in Russian society that worries many members of the nation’s artistic community.
The czar and his family were executed by a Bolshevik firing squad in July 1918. The Russian Orthodox Church made them saints in 2000.
Uchitel recalled during an interview with The Associated Press his shock at seeing a note at a Moscow church seeking signatures for a petition against the movie. What upsets him most is that the protests started after the first trailer’s release, a month before the film itself would be seen.
The filmmaker said he met with Poklonskaya earlier this year to defuse the tensions and asked her to at least see the movie first.
“As soon as I have offered it to her, I heard, ‘No, I am not going to watch it.’ I did not have anything else to tell her,” Uchitel said.
Poklonskaya says that because Nicholas II is a saint, his private life is off-limits.
“Does this film teach patriotism? Does it teach you to love your motherland? I do not think so,” she told the AP earlier this month. “You need to respect people. Freedom without bounds is lawlessness and chaos.”
The lawmaker also thinks Uchitel should be accountable to Russian taxpayers who might be offended by the film because the production received state funding. Uchitel said one-third of the budget for “Matilda” came from state coffers.
Poklonskaya said she has been such a devoted anti-“Matilda” campaigner because of 100,000 voters who signed petitions who felt their “rights were violated,” adding: “Religious feelings have been hurt.”
Uchitel, his team, and movie theaters have reported receiving anonymous threats vowing revenge on those who smear the czar’s memory. Russia’s largest cinema chain said it had contacted police and would not be showing the movie because of safety concerns.
The chain eventually decided to screen the film after all after receiving assurances from police.
Four people were arrested after several cars outside the office of Uchitel’s attorney were set on fire in September. The suspects included Alexander Kalinin, the leader of an obscure Christian Orthodox group who publicly condoned the vandalism.
Poklonskaya denied being connected to alleged arsonists and threat-makers.
“An Orthodox believer will never commit a crime. He will go and pray and file complaints about crimes,” she said.
Despite the recent arrests and the police’s willingness to provide extra security at movie theaters, the film’s Polish and German leading actors are not taking part in any promotional events in Russia.
“They are really scared of physical violence against them, that is why they are not going to come, and it is not just an excuse,” Uchitel said.
“Matilda” was shown to a selected audience on Monday at St. Petersburg’s Mariinsky Theater, where Kshesinskaya danced 100 years ago. Outside, several people read prayers and displayed placards opposing the movie.
“How will the director look God in the eyes? They spit in the czar’s face, and it is the same as spitting in the face of our people,” protester Natalya Radysh said.
Uchitel said he invited the critics inside to see the film so they would have a better basis on which to condemn it, but they declined.
“Maybe if they had watched, there would be no placards,” he said.

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http://ift.tt/2lisPfc October 25, 2017 at 06:26PM

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