الأحد، 30 يوليو 2017

UK television to air Diana’s recordings on failed marriage

Associated Press
Sun, 2017-07-30 03:00

LONDON: A British television channel is broadcasting a new documentary on Princess Diana using video tapes in which she candidly discussed her marital problems and her strained relationship with the royal family.
The recordings of Diana speaking to her voice coach in the early 1990s included her description of how Queen Elizabeth II reacted when she asked for advice about her failing marriage. She said the queen told her: “I don’t know what you should do.”
Diana also talked about falling “deeply in love” with a man widely believed to be her protection officer, Barry Mannakee.
Excerpts of the recordings were aired in the US in 2004 but they have never been screened in Britain. The documentary airs Aug. 6 on Channel 4.
Diana died in a Paris car crash on Aug. 31, 1997.

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http://ift.tt/2uOoL7j July 30, 2017 at 04:28PM

India blesses its snakes as charmers face the venom of modern life

Fri, 2017-07-28 12:29

INDIA: Officially the snake charmers’ profession is banned in India, but its devotees were at the center of prayers and milk blessings offered to cobras and other deadly serpents in an annual tribute Friday.
The country’s 800,000 charmers and their young apprentices come to the fore each year for the centuries-old Nag Panchami festival, celebrated in honor of a serpent god prominent in Hindu mythology.
Children sat cross legged at temples in Allahabad and other cities around the country with elongated cobras and pythons wrapped around their necks.
Many play with the snakes as though they are toys — in traditional snake charmer villages, like Kapari in Uttar Pradesh state, children are taught the art from a young age to avoid fear.
Milk — a traditional tribute — is poured on the snakes’ faces, as the charmers play music. Rice and flowers are also offered to the reptiles.
The charmers who pretend to hypnotise their animals for tourists outside monuments and in the streets say they earn as little as 200 rupees ($3) a day — not enough to keep their family, or feed their snakes.
In doing so, they are risking arrest. The practice was banned under wildlife legislation implemented in 2002.
Animal rights group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has called for an end to the “cruel” practice.
PETA says snakes are captured in suffocating bags, kept in tiny boxes and forced to drink milk.
The group says snakes’ fangs are often violently torn out, and many snakes’ mouths are sewn shut to avoid bites.
But while authorities have tried to discourage the shows, the charmers say it is impossible to completely stop them.
“There is nothing else for us to do,” said Vikas Penna, a charmer in his 30s. “What do you want me to do, become a rickshaw driver?“

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http://ift.tt/2wbcDwQ July 30, 2017 at 10:26AM

Known for drama chops, Nicole Kidman is eager to do comedy

Sun, 2017-07-30 03:00

BEVERLY HILLS: A roundup of news from the Television Critics Association summer meeting, at which TV networks and streaming services are presenting details on upcoming programs.

Pratfalls, gags, or dry wit, Nicole Kidman says she’d love to give them a shot.
The Oscar-winner says she never gets offered comedic roles and she’d like to change that.
“They always say I’m not funny,” said Kidman Saturday at a panel for TV critics to talk about her upcoming role in the second installment of SundanceTV’s “Top of the Lake.”
The 50-year-old actress said she’s at a point in her life where she’s eager to try anything and isn’t worried about failure.
“I’m willing to fall on my face, I’m willing to get back up again. I want to keep trying.” she said.
She also added that she’s learning about comedy from her 9-year-old daughter with her husband Keith Urban, whom she’s “sure has Lucille Ball in her.”
Speaking to a group of reporters after the panel, Kidman said she grew up watching comedy shows like “I Love Lucy” and her father was a fan of the satirical MAD Magazine.
“The thing that makes me close to people is laughing with them. I love it,” she said.
“Top of the Lake: China Girl” debuts will air on three consecutive nights beginning Sept. 10 on SundanceTV.
Kidman plays the adoptive mother to the daughter Elisabeth Moss’ character gave up at birth for adoption.

Joanne Froggatt and Ioan Gruffudd say they relish playing against type in their new TV series, “Liar.”
The contemporary psychological thriller debuts Sept. 27 on SundanceTV.
The minizeries follows Froggatt as Laura and Gruffudd’s Andrew, who go on a first date that leads to violent accusations. The six-part drama looks at both sides of the story before revealing the truth of what happened.
Froggatt told a TV critics’ meeting Saturday that she loved playing the kind-hearted Anna in “Downton Abbey,” but she said “it’s nice to play the baddie sometimes, too.”
Whether or not Laura ends up the bad gal in “Liar” remains to be seen. Froggatt would only say she makes questionable choices.
Gruffudd, who has previously played debonair characters like in “Forever” on ABC or “Ringer” on The CW, enjoys playing a potential antagonist.
“There is something behind that veneer that is slightly disturbing,” he said of Andrew, who is a respected surgeon. “For me personally it was an incredible opportunity to play this kind of part. It’s a part I’ve been itching to play for many, many years.”

AMC says it’s green-lighted a new series, “Dietland,” based on the darkly satiric novel about a weight-obsessed society.
The show’s creator is Marti Noxon, whose credits include “Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce” and “UnReal.”
AMC said the show based on Sarai (sa-RAY) Walker’s novel will explore the emphasis on weight and beauty in a “bold, original and funny way.”
The main character of the 2015 novel “Dietland” is a 300-pound woman, Plum, who becomes involved with an underground group of radical women.
Noxon told a TV critics’ meeting Saturday that the series will be unlike anything else on TV.
The writer-producer said the series is for people who’re saying “enough” to “looks-ism,” sexism and racism, and being told that they don’t count.
The premiere date and casting for “Dietland” weren’t announced.

SundanceTV and the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. are making a minizeries about Canada’s 1980s tainted-blood scandal.
The eight-part series, titled “Unspeakable,” follows the emergence of HIV and hepatitis C in Canada and the thousands of infections caused by contaminated blood.
The TV project announced Saturday is based on two books, “Bad Blood” by Vic Parsons and “The Gift of Death” by Andre Picard.
Considered one of the largest preventable medical disasters in Canadian history, the contamination prompted a federal inquiry and billions of dollars in claims.
Executive producer Robert C. Cooper said in a statement that he was both thrilled and daunted to tell a story that affected so many. SundanceTV and CBC’s announcement said the minizeries is a passion project for Cooper because he was among the victims, having contracted hepatitis C from tainted blood.
The minizeries will be filmed in Canada for broadcast by the CBC and SundanceTV in early 2018.

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http://ift.tt/2viLsUs July 30, 2017 at 10:08AM

السبت، 29 يوليو 2017

Turkmenistan bans cars for a day to promote bikes, health

Sat, 2017-07-29 03:00

ASHGABAT: The Central Asian country of Turkmenistan has banned most locals in its major cities from using their cars for a day in a bid to promote cycling and healthy lifestyles.
Residents of the capital, Ashgabat, and regional cities were told not to use their vehicles between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday without express permission as the government staged mass cycle rides. Top officials were expected to take part.
The mayor’s office in Ashgabat called on residents to park their cars, saying that “on all roads, only bicycles will be operating.” It wasn’t immediately clear what sanctions would be levied on those did use their cars.
Many residents commuted to work on foot Saturday as temperatures reached 105 degrees Fahrenheit (40.6 Celsius).

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http://ift.tt/2uMgxgb July 29, 2017 at 05:16PM

China mall offers “man pod” havens for husbands wary of shopping

Sat, 2017-07-29 09:25

SHANGHAI: At a Shanghai mall, rows of “man pods” equipped with video games are proving a big hit, providing a refuge for hundreds of weary husbands and boyfriends as their other halves shop until they drop.
The first pods were launched at the Global Harbor shopping mall in Shanghai in June, and since then over 1,000 men have used the facilities, according to Ruwo Smart Technology, the company behind the scheme.
“Man pod” users can recline in a chair with a large screen and play video games while enclosed behind clear glass walls that shut out the bustle of other shoppers.
“I think this idea is pretty good because nowadays many boys like me are not willing to go shopping with their girlfriends,” said Yao Lei, a 26-year old man using one of the new booths on Saturday.
With retail spending increasing another 10 percent in the second quarter of 2017, there could be huge demand for such facilities and the firm said it plans to expand the service to other shopping malls in the future.
“We found in most malls men and women go shopping together but men cannot accept spending a long time shopping,” said Zhao Wei, an operator of one of the pods.
“Sometimes they’ll even start having arguments. So we think in this situation, we can have a product that gives a man something to do and the girls can go shopping at ease.”

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http://ift.tt/2v6dS3y July 29, 2017 at 04:33PM

Clooney to sue Voici over images of twins

Sat, 2017-07-29 11:38

USA: Hollywood A-lister George Clooney is fuming mad at Voici for publishing images of his twins and will sue the French entertainment magazine.
“Over the last week, photographers from Voici magazine scaled our fence, climbed our tree and illegally took pictures of our infants inside our home,” Clooney said in a statement.
“Make no mistake, the photographers, the agency and the magazine will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The safety of our children demands it.”
Paparazzi photos of the babies on the cover of the latest Voici issue show one with each parent apparently at their home in Italy.
The twins, Ella and Alexander, were born in London in June.
The actor-director, 56, and wife Amal Clooney, a human rights attorney, 39, wed in 2014.

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http://ift.tt/2uI2Tw2 July 29, 2017 at 10:13AM

Jessica Williams says it a ‘great time’ to be actor of color

Sat, 2017-07-29 03:00

NEW YORK: Jessica Williams says it’s a great time to be an actress of color, and applauds Netflix for leading the way in promoting diversity.
Williams, who cut her teeth as a correspondent on “The Daily Show,” takes on her first starring role in the streaming network’s original film, “The Incredible Jessica James .”
The actress feels Netflix helped shape stories about people of color, citing original programming like “Master of None” and “Orange is the New Black” that are able to “showcase people of color in an amazing way.”
While inclusion continues to improve, especially on Netflix, Williams says the struggle for racial equality is far from over.
“I think it’s a difficult time in some ways to be a person of color, and I think the same for actors of color, but I also think it’s a great a time. Because I think now ... there’s so much more room, I think, for us to be seen, and there’s room for us to create our own stories,” Williams said.
Williams feels great pride that she’s part of movement toward greater diversity on screen, calling it something that makes her heart warm and sing. She said she remains mindful of the actresses who paved the way.
“It’s like so many black actresses that came before me and my generation. They came before and they did not necessarily have this opportunity that I feel like I have now, and so I’m really grateful for that, and I really do think it’s a really great time to be an actress that is black, in a way,” she said.
But that doesn’t make shifting gears from a comedy news show to a feature film an easy choice. Williams certainly felt some trepidation with the move.
“I was really nervous because this movie does have comedy in it. It also has a lot of heart, and some sweet moments. So I was worried whether I would be able to portray that or not. But I had a lot of fun doing it, and I found out that I could,” she said.
Written and directed by Jim Strouse — who previously directed Williams in his 2015 film, “People Places Things” — the story was written with Williams in mind. Her desire was to correctly depict the “life of a modern, young black woman,” and took it a step further by also taking on the role as an executive producer.
“Just in case I had things to say creatively,” Williams said.
Strouse called Williams a comedy ninja and the right actress to portray the ever-changing nature of romantic relationships.
“I remember when a relationship goes astray or whatever, you break up, you don’t talk and in like maybe months down the road you have coffee,” he said. “Now it’s like, you ghost and maybe a couple months down the road you start liking each other’s photos again. It’s a weird time.”
He called the dynamic interesting, then with a knowing smile said, “I don’t know if it’s healthy.”
As for her previous gig, Williams has the distinction of being the youngest correspondent hired for “The Daily Show.” Now she’s hoping to join the list of the show’s alumni who have moved on to bigger and better things.
“To be mentioned among people like Samantha Bee or Hassan Minaj and Steve Carrell and Steve Colbert is insane,” she said. “It’s, it’s very surreal and I think — I packed up everything to move and be on the ‘Daily Show’ and I was nervous because I was 22. I was, umm, I had a lot of big shoes to fill working with Jon Stewart. I felt like in the beginning I had a lot to prove, and it’s really an honor to be among those people.”

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http://ift.tt/2vSVLLY July 29, 2017 at 09:53AM

الجمعة، 28 يوليو 2017

Apple axes iPod nano and shuffle

Agence France Presse
Sat, 2017-07-29 00:20

SAN FRANCISCO, USA: Touch became the last iPod standing on Thursday as Apple removed nano and shuffle stand-alone digital music players from its lineup.
Late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs introduced the devices some 12 years ago with his legendary showmanship flare, and the small, easy to operate players helped the company revolutionize how music was sold.
Apple confirmed to AFP that it is no longer selling nano and shuffle, and the MP3 players vanished from the Apple website.
“Today, we are simplifying our iPod lineup with two models of iPod touch now with double the capacity starting at just $199 and we are discontinuing the iPod shuffle and iPod nano,” the company said in an e-mail.
Industry trackers and California-based Apple itself have long acknowledged that the do-it-all iPhone would eat away at sales of one-trick devices such as iPod MP3 players, so the farewell was met more with nostalgia than surprise.
The trend toward streaming music services, including the launch of one by Apple, has made devices designed just for carrying digital tunes around less enticing for consumers.
Shuffle devices about the size of matchbooks and featuring click-wheels for control but no screens debuted in early 2005, with Jobs touting that they let people carry broad libraries of music right in their pockets.
The small gadgets became popular with runners and others involved in physically active endeavors due to the ease with which they could be toted.
The iPod nano also hit the market in 2005, featuring click wheels and screens that improved the ability to select songs. Nano devices evolved with subsequent models, leading to one with a multi-touch screen and the look of an iPhone.
Neither the shuffle nor the nano linked to the Internet, instead relying on downloading music from Apple online shop iTunes through computers.
Three years ago Apple discontinued the last version of the original iPod Classic, introduced in October of 2001.
The remaining products in the line are iPod touch models boasting much larger storage capacity and the ability to link wirelessly to Internet hotspots for online content such as music streamed from services such as Apple Music.

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http://ift.tt/2tQxWXG July 28, 2017 at 07:20PM

Police give naloxone to dog that got into owner’s oxycodone

Associated Press
Fri, 2017-07-28 22:00

LYMAN, Maine: Police in Maine say a dog that got into its owner’s oxycodone perked right up after police administered the opioid-overdose antidote naloxone.
York County Sheriff William King says the dog’s owner flagged down a passing officer in Lyman on Thursday. The owner said she was unable to get help from a veterinarian and asked Sgt. David Chauvette to help the 3-year-old yellow Labrador named Addie. King says the dog was drowsy and the owner feared an overdose.
King says Chauvette administered naloxone and the dog “seemed to perk up.”
King said the dog seemed fine Thursday night.
The oxycodone, an opiate drug and can cause a serious addiction, had been legally prescribed to the dog’s owner.

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http://ift.tt/2u5iVN1 July 28, 2017 at 07:16PM

Indian baby survives being buried alive by teen mother

Fri, 2017-07-28 12:56

INDIA: A week old baby boy in India survived several hours in a grave after being buried alive by his teenaged rape victim mother, police said Friday.
Cries heard by villagers produced the miracle rescue of the infant now recovering in hospital in the central state of Madhya Pradesh.
The 16-year-old mother buried the boy in a graveyard in an attempt “to get rid of him” a few days after secretly giving birth at her parents’ house in Barwani district, a police official said.
The identities of the mother and child are being kept secret.
Children playing nearby reported hearing muffled cries and raised the alarm on July 3. The baby was found under about 10 inches (25 centimeters) of mud, reports said.
The infant had been bitten by insects and was suffering from cold but was getting better and would be transferred to a state children’s home, officials said.
“The victim decided to get rid of the child and buried him in a pit near her parents’ home,” Barwani police chief Prashant Khare told AFP.
She later returned to her in-laws home in neighboring Maharashtra state, the officer said.
Police said the mother could face attempted manslaughter charges.
The girl claimed she conceived after being sexually assaulted by a local teenager. A 17-year-old youth was arrested on rape charges on Thursday.
The girl’s parents had forced her to marry in an attempt to cover up the assault but her husband refused to accept the child.
Any sex with a person aged below 18 is considered rape in India.
Sexual assaults in rural India are often concealed because of the social stigma. Women are often blamed in the aftermath of sex crimes.
India has a grim record of sexual assaults on minors with 20,000 cases of rape or sexual assault reported in 2015, according to government data.

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http://ift.tt/2w6guLm July 28, 2017 at 11:09AM

الخميس، 27 يوليو 2017

Jolie admits to ‘hardest time’ after Pitt split

Fri, 2017-07-28 03:00

NEW YORK: Angelina Jolie has opened up about her split from Brad Pitt, confessing to having “the hardest time” and claiming to have spent months as a homemaker, doing dishes and cleaning up dog poop.
Jolie, 42, filed for divorce last September, citing irreconcilable differences. She accused her Oscar-winning ex of hitting their teenage son on a flight from France to Los Angeles, sparking tabloid gossip and an FBI probe.
The 53-year-old was cleared by the FBI and social workers and wants joint legal and physical custody of Maddox, 15, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 11, and twins Vivienne and Knox, nine, while Jolie is demanding sole guardianship.
Jolie told Vanity Fair that “things got bad” in the summer of 2016.
“It’s just been the hardest time, and we’re just kind of coming up for air,” she told the magazine, shortly after moving into a $25 million, six-bedroom, 10-bathroom home with her children in the Los Angeles neighborhood Los Feliz.
She sought to portray herself as focused on homemaking in the aftermath of the split despite a legendarily itinerant life which has seen her buy homes and travel with her children all over the world.
“I’m just wanting to make the proper breakfast and keep the house. That’s my passion. At the request of my kids, I’m taking cooking classes,” she said.
“I’ve been trying for nine months to be really good at just being a homemaker and picking up dog poop and cleaning dishes and reading bedtime stories. And I’m getting better at all three,” she told the magazine.
Having joked to her youngest son Knox about pretending to be normal, Jolie recounted with pride that he replied: “Who wants to be normal? We’re not normal. Let’s never be normal.”
She also said she had been determined to shield the children.
“I do not want my children to be worried about me. I think it’s very important to cry in the shower and not in front of them.”
Pitt admitted in his first post-split interview in May that heavy drinking contributed to the breakdown of his marriage, and said he was now a teetotaler. He and Jolie had been a couple since 2004, and got married in 2014.
Jolie, who underwent a double mastectomy and removal of her ovaries in 2013 to prevent an aggressive form of cancer that killed her mother, grandmother and aunt, also told Vanity Fair that she had developed Bell’s palsy.
Acupuncture, she said, led to a full recovery.
The actress won an Oscar in 2000 for portraying a young woman with psychiatric problems in “Girl, Interrupted.” Her most recent project was to direct “First They Killed My Father” about the Cambodian genocide.

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http://ift.tt/2w4HJpV July 27, 2017 at 10:15PM

France’s Macrons meet Rihanna at the Elysee Palace

Fri, 2017-07-28 03:00

PARIS: French President Emmanuel Macron met singer Rihanna at the Elysee Palace Wednesday after the pop star appealed to him on Twitter for France to contribute to her education fund for developing countries.
Rihanna first was welcomed by first lady Brigitte Macron on the steps of the presidential palace in Paris before she went inside to speak with the couple now living there for more than an hour.
“I’ve just had the most incredible meeting with the president and the first lady,” Rihanna told reporters in the Elysee’s courtyard. “They were incredibly welcoming to us.”
The popular singer, who was named the 2017 Harvard University Humanitarian of the Year, said the talks “focused on the topic of education from a global aspect.” She didn’t reveal whether Macron had made a pledge to her fund, but said she was “so inspired and impressed” with his leadership.
The Macrons met Barbados-born Rihanna in her role as head and founder of the Clara Lionel charity foundation, a nonprofit organization that funds education and health programs for impoverished communities across the globe.
The 29-year-old is also an ambassador for Global Partnership for Education and Global Citizen, two humanitarian funds with which her foundation has partnered on a multi-year initiative to support education, notably in conflict and crisis areas.
“We’re going to make a very big announcement this coming September,” Rihanna said without elaborating. She added “we’re going to do even more work this October in Africa.”
Macron didn’t join his wife with Rihanna in front of photographers. Neither the president nor his office commented on the meeting.
Last month, Rihanna, who has more than 75 million Twitter followers, tweeted the newly elected French president: “bonjour @EmmanuelMacron, will France commit to #FundEducation?”
Earlier this week, Macron received pop singer and philanthropist Bono at the Elysee Palace for talks about poverty and educating girls and women in Africa.

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http://ift.tt/2vcD3BK July 27, 2017 at 10:15PM

A Minute With: Jada Pinkett Smith talks ‘black girl magic’

Fri, 2017-07-28 03:00

LONDON: Jada Pinkett Smith stars with Regina Hall, Queen Latifah and Tiffany Haddish in the hit movie “Girl’s Trip,” a comedy that features four black women in the lead roles — an unusual proposition in Hollywood.
Reuters spoke to Pinkett Smith this week about her success at the US box office and her film’s catchphrase “black girl magic.” Here are excerpts of the interview:
Q: How does it feel having the top-performing comedy at the box office this year? A: It feels good, you know, for a lot of different reasons and I mean more so than for the box office.
I just love what the “Girl’s Trip” movement has been about. It’s just that you can see just the power of women and once we throw power to each other ... Even though this is a movie starring four African American women, it’s not a black movie in the sense that it’s not only for black women or black people. Q: What does “black girl magic” mean to you?
A: It’s really being able to be accepted and embraced in all of your blackness, because you know especially in this industry black women are constantly told: “Do not be black.”
That’s whether (it’s) in how we behave, how we speak, how we look, what our hair looks like, you know, and the fact that this is a movie that’s starring black women, and it’s a movie that’s told through our lens, you know what I’m saying?
And so through our culture, so that other people can come and embrace our culture, and embrace black culture within their culture, within their lens, and enjoy it. That’s “Black Girl Magic.”
Q: Were there any lines you thought you couldn’t cross when it came to comedy?
A: I think that’s the other particular magic to this movie, that as women we’re giving ourselves the license once again just to cut loose, you know, to own our sexuality and to own our lives and to be autonomous and that’s a beautiful thing to watch.

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http://ift.tt/2w4NKTb July 27, 2017 at 10:15PM

‘Arrested Development’ actor Jason Bateman receives Hollywood star

Fri, 2017-07-28 03:00

LOS ANGELES: Actor, director and producer Jason Bateman, best known for starring in the critically acclaimed US television series “Arrested Development,” called himself “fortunate” as he unveiled his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Wednesday.
“I just simply feel very, very grateful to have had a chance to hold my job in a business that’s not known for its longevity,” said Bateman, 48.
Getting his start in television at the age of 12 with a role on the “Little House on the Prairie” TV drama series, Bateman achieved teen fame in the late 1980s with “The Hogan Family” sitcom.
Bateman won a Golden Globe in 2005, and received two Emmy nominations for his deadpan portrayal of protagonist Michael Bluth in the offbeat comedy series “Arrested Development.”
“Truly, nobody makes me laugh harder, deeper, in a more profound way than this man right here,” said Will Arnett, who played Bateman’s brother on the show, at the unveiling ceremony.
Jennifer Aniston, who has starred alongside Bateman in five films including “Horrible Bosses” and “The Switch,” was also on hand to fete her longtime friend.
“He always gives you deep connection, full attention, authenticity and some of the deepest belly laughs that I can remember,” Aniston said.
Bateman’s new Netflix drama series “Ozark,” in which he directs and produces, sees him take on the character of a financial planner who moves from Chicago to the Ozark Mountains in Missouri to escape a drug cartel.
Bateman’s wife Amanda and their two daughters also attended the ceremony.

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http://ift.tt/2vcAzDj July 27, 2017 at 10:15PM

Authorities: Drug proceeds paid for $3,000 baby stroller

Wed, 2017-07-26 03:00

NEW YORK: A drug gang went on a conspicuous spending spree that included buying a $3,000 Versace baby stroller and luxury cars worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.
Authorities announced drug trafficking charges against six New York gang suspects with ties to a Mexican cartel. They said the takedown also resulted in the seizure of four of the vehicles and a stash of heroin worth $900,000.
The defendants “not only lived a sham lavish life but trafficked hundreds of kilograms of this deadly drug in New York City,” the head of the FBI’s New York office, William Sweeney, said in a statement.
Papers filed in federal court in Brooklyn accused the men of smuggling large amounts of heroin from Los Angeles and Chicago to New York. The papers said they also traveled to Mexico to do business with the cartel.
During the investigation, agents seized more than $800,000 in drug proceeds, prosecutors said. Ohio state troopers discovered about $300,000 of that total hidden in a car rented at LaGuardia Airport in 2011, the papers said.
The men used the drug proceeds to buy the designer baby stroller, jewelry and vehicles including a Rolls-Royce Ghost that was painted bright red, a Lamborghini and a Bentley, the papers said. They boasted about their lifestyle and their purchases on social media, the papers said.
“We good in any hood,” one posting for a group photo read.

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http://ift.tt/2vLV1rZ July 27, 2017 at 10:59AM

Paws, jaws and claws: checkups await animals rescued from Aleppo zoo

Thu, 2017-07-27 08:41

Blood tests, eye checkups and ultrasound exams are on the cards for nine animals, five big cats among them, that have been trucked into Turkey in a rescue from their damaged zoo in Aleppo in strife-torn Syria.
Three lions, two tigers, two bears and two hyenas survived more than six years of intense clashes at the abandoned Aalim Al-Sahar (Magic World) zoo to arrive at a rehabilitation center in Turkey’s western province of Bursa.
The project was a joint effort between the Turkish environment ministry and international animal charity Four Paws.
“To go to the border to see how difficult it is, to make some tests, to bring one cage out — it is impossible,” said Amir Khalil, who led the charity’s efforts.
“So to bring wild animals, it was a long, long way.”
Efforts to find new homes for the animals will kick off after they complete rehabilitation, to help recover from their ordeal.
“We will check the blood, we will do ultrasound and we will do an eye exam, and then we will have a real idea of what is the situation and status,” said wildlife veterinarian Frank Goeritz.
“And then we can continue our mission to bring them to a final destination.”
In a second stage of the rescue, two lions and two dogs are soon to be evacuated to Turkey, officials added.
Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, Turkey has taken in about 3 million Syrian migrants, becoming home to the world’s largest refugee population.

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http://ift.tt/2h5FJLq July 27, 2017 at 10:39AM

الأربعاء، 26 يوليو 2017

Scientists build DNA from scratch to alter life’s blueprint

Wed, 2017-07-26 03:00

NEW YORK: At Jef Boeke’s lab, you can whiff an odor that seems out of place, as if they were baking bread here.
But he and his colleagues are cooking up something else altogether: yeast that works with chunks of man-made DNA.
Scientists have long been able to make specific changes in the DNA code. Now, they’re taking the more radical step of starting over, and building redesigned life forms from scratch. Boeke, a researcher at New York University, directs an international team of 11 labs on four continents working to “rewrite” the yeast genome, following a detailed plan they published in March.
Their work is part of a bold and controversial pursuit aimed at creating custom-made DNA codes to be inserted into living cells to change how they function, or even provide a treatment for diseases. It could also someday help give scientists the profound and unsettling ability to create entirely new organisms.
The genome is the entire genetic code of a living thing. Learning how to make one from scratch, Boeke said, means “you really can construct something that’s completely new.”
The research may reveal basic, hidden rules that govern the structure and functioning of genomes. But it also opens the door to life with new and useful characteristics, like microbes or mammal cells that are better than current ones at pumping out medications in pharmaceutical factories, or new vaccines. The right modifications might make yeast efficiently produce new biofuels, Boeke says.
Some scientists look further into the future and see things like trees that purify water supplies and plants that detect explosives at airports and shopping malls.
Also on the horizon is redesigning human DNA. That’s not to make genetically altered people, scientists stress. Instead, the synthetic DNA would be put into cells, to make them better at pumping out pharmaceutical proteins, for example, or perhaps to engineer stem cells as a safer source of lab-grown tissue and organs for transplanting into patients.
Some have found the idea of remaking human DNA disconcerting, and scientists plan to get guidance from ethicists and the public before they try it.
Still, redesigning DNA is alarming to some. Laurie Zoloth of Northwestern University, a bioethicist who’s been following the effort, is concerned about making organisms with “properties we cannot fully know.” And the work would disturb people who believe creating life from scratch would give humans unwarranted power, she said.
“It is not only a science project,” Zoloth said in an e-mail. “It is an ethical and moral and theological proposal of significant proportions.”
Rewritten DNA has already been put to work in viruses and bacteria. Australian scientists recently announced that they’d built the genome of the Zika virus in a lab, for example, to better understand it and get clues for new treatments.
At Harvard University, Jeffrey Way and Pamela Silver are working toward developing a harmless strain of salmonella to use as a vaccine against food poisoning from salmonella and E. coli, as well as the diarrhea-causing disease called shigella.
A key goal is to prevent the strain from turning harmful as a result of picking up DNA from other bacteria. That requires changing its genome in 30,000 places.
“The only practical way to do that,” Way says, “is to synthesize it from scratch.”
The cutting edge for redesigning a genome, though, is yeast. Its genome is bigger and more complex than the viral and bacterial codes altered so far. But it’s well-understood and yeast will readily swap man-made DNA for its own.
Still, rewriting the yeast genome is a huge job.
It’s like a chain with 12 million chemical links, known by the letters, A, C, G and T. That’s less than one-hundredth the size of the human genome, which has 3.2 billion links. But it’s still such a big job that Boeke’s lab and scientists in the United States, Australia, China, Singapore, and the United Kingdom are splitting up the work. By the time the new yeast genome is completed, researchers will have added, deleted or altered about a million DNA letters.
Boeke compares a genome to a book with many chapters, and researchers are coming out with a new edition, with chapters that allow the book to do something it couldn’t do before.
To redesign a particular stretch of yeast DNA, scientists begin with its sequence of code letters — nature’s own recipe. They load that sequence into a computer, then tell the computer to make specific kinds of changes. For example one change might let them rearrange the order of genes, which might reveal strategies to make yeast grow better, says NYU researcher Leslie Mitchell.
Once the changes are made, the new sequence used as a blueprint. It is sent to a company that builds chunks of DNA containing the new sequence. Then these short chunks are joined together in the lab to build ever longer strands.
The project has so far reported building about one-third of the yeast genome. Boeke hopes the rest of the construction will be done by the end of the year. But he says it will take longer to test the new DNA and fix problems, and to finally combine the various chunks into a complete synthetic genome.
Last year, Boeke and others announced a separate effort, what is now called Genome Project-write or GP-write . It is chiefly focused on cutting the cost of building and testing large genomes, including human ones, by more than 1,000-fold within 10 years. The project is still seeking funding.
In the meantime, leaders of GP-write have started discussions of ethical, legal and social issues. And they realize the idea of making a human genome is a sensitive one.
“The notion that we could actually write a human genome is simultaneously thrilling to some and not so thrilling to others,” Boeke said. “So we recognize this is going to take a lot of discussion.”

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http://ift.tt/2uwEFVe July 26, 2017 at 10:18AM

Trump says Apple promised three new US plants: report

Wed, 2017-07-26 01:26

USA: The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday reported that US President Donald Trump said Apple has promised to expand manufacturing at home with three new US plants.
The Journal quoted Trump as saying that Apple chief executive Tim Cook committed to building “three big plants,” in the United States.
No details were provided, and Apple did not respond to an AFP request for comment.
Cook in May announced the creation of an Apple fund to get more people in the US to do “advanced manufacturing,” kicking it off with a billion dollars.
Apple building plants in the United States would come as rare common ground with Trump.
Cook has pointed out that Apple spent more than $50 billion in the United States last year — buying from suppliers such as Corning Glass, working with developers behind applications for the California company’s devices and more.
Apple has about 80,000 employees in the US and plans to hire thousands more “in the future,” according to Cook.
It is a sign of Apple’s success but also a thorny problem: a cash stockpile topping a quarter of a trillion dollars, sparking debate on what do with such massive reserves.
The tech giant has resisted the idea of bringing the cash home, because the US tax code allows multinational firms to defer profits while they are held overseas but taxes income at up to 35 percent when repatriated.
Trump vowed while campaigning that he would force Apple to bring production to US soil.
Apple is not in the same position as automakers which relocated US factories overseas to cut costs, IHS manufacturing processes chief analyst Dan Panzica told AFP earlier this year. Apple never moved jobs offshore, it created them there.
“The Apple jobs were never here,” Panzica said.
“The entire supply chain grew in China.”
Apple benefits in Asia from a network that goes beyond subcontractors assembling smartphones, tablets or laptops. The firm relies on a dense ecosystem of companies that make components and spare parts for its devices as well.
China also offers sources of important raw materials, along with cheap, flexible and abundant labor to keep iPhone assembly lines cranking along.
It would be challenging to replicate that situation with US workers without using more robotics, undermining the political aim of creating jobs here, according to some analysts.
Moving iPhone manufacturing to the US would also likely push up costs, which is not in Apple’s interests.
It was seen as more likely that Apple would make a symbolic move to appease Washington, such as investing more in making Mac Pro computers here, or in a facility for higher-priced, limited-edition devices such as an “anniversary edition iPhone” to mark the handset’s 10th birthday this year.

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http://ift.tt/2vHJpGr July 26, 2017 at 09:56AM

الثلاثاء، 25 يوليو 2017

Cate Blanchett on being Marvel’s first female villain

Wed, 2017-07-26 03:00

JEDDAH: Cate Blanchett is the first female villain in the Marvel universe in “Thor: Ragnarok,” according to an interview with an ET reporter on the red carpet following the Marvel panel at San Diego Comic-Con.
“I only realized that when I got on set and you think, ‘Wow! It’s taken this long to catch up!’” she said of her role as Hela.
Blanchett said: “But you know, Marvel is catching up at a rapid, rapid rate,” she added, praising the studio’s more diverse casting practices and her fellow Marvel women. “You’ve got Captain Marvel coming out with Brie and I mean, all these incredible women who are in Black Panther ... and Scarlett (Johansson) of course.”
Blanchett, speaking of her daughter, said: “It was her first experience of being on set with me, so she thinks that’s what I do all the time,” she shared. “She thinks acting is manifesting weapons out of your hands and killing people.”
Blanchett appears in the movie as Hela, dressed in a black leather outfit, complete with dark hair, nails and heavy eye makeup, looking completely different from her usually blonde, polished self.
Hela is a fictional super villainess appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

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http://ift.tt/2vGt4lh July 25, 2017 at 08:41PM

Next James Bond film set for November 2019, no word on 007 star

Wed, 2017-07-26 03:00

LOS ANGELES: James Bond is returning to movie theaters in November 2019, producers said on Monday, but they did not say who will play Britain’s most famous fictional spy.
Eon Productions and MGM studios said in a statement that the 25th Bond film will be released in US theaters on Nov. 8, 2019, with a slightly earlier release in Britain.
They gave no title, casting or other details.
Britain’s Daniel Craig has played Bond in the last four films, including 2012’s “Skyfall” and 2015’s “Spectre.” The 2015 film took some $880 million at the global box office, according to film tracker BoxOfficeMojo.com.
His reprisal of the role for a fifth time has been the subject of much speculation after the actor said in 2015 that he would rather slash his wrists than play Bond again.
Callum McDougall, the executive producer of the Bond film franchise, told Britain’s BBC Radio last year that Craig, 49, was “absolutely the first choice ... We would love Daniel to return as Bond.”
Meanwhile, actors such as Idris Elba, Tom Hiddleston and Tom Hardy have all been named as potential candidates to step into the fast cars and sharply tailored suits of Bond, MI6’s secret agent 007.
With its futuristic gadgets, menacing super villains and larger-than-life explosions, the Bond series is the longest-running film franchise in history, with actors such as Sean Connery, Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan inhabiting the role of the leading man. The new film will be written by Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, who wrote the last four movies in the franchise.

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http://ift.tt/2uv261n July 25, 2017 at 08:41PM

Justin Bieber cancels rest of ‘Purpose’ tour without explanation

Wed, 2017-07-26 03:00

LOS ANGELES: Pop singer Justin Bieber on Monday canceled the remainder of his “Purpose” world tour citing “unforeseen circumstances” but gave no specific reasons.
The cancellation will affect 14 dates in North America and Asia through Oct. 10. Ticket holders will get refunds.
“Justin loves his fans and hates to disappoint them,” his tour publicist said in a statement.” However, after careful consideration he has decided he will not be performing any further dates.”
Bieber, 23, made no comments on his social media platforms. Celebrity news website TMZ.com cited a source as saying Bieber had decided to cancel because he was “just over it.” His mostly young female fan base, who call themselves “Beliebers,” expressed disappointment but many were concerned that the Canadian singer might be sick and offered their support.
“I am worried about you. I hope you’re OK. Stay strong Justin,” tweeted a fan called Claire.
“THANK U JUSTIN FOR PURPOSE TOUR. You have my biggest respect. We still love you so so much,” said another fan, Nadine, tweeting from Austria.
Bieber was photographed at the weekend out hiking near Los Angeles with a young woman and appeared to be in good shape.
Bieber started the tour in support of his “Purpose” album in March 2016 and has performed more than 150 shows across Europe, Africa, South America, Australia and parts of Asia. The tour has grossed more than $256 million, according to figures from music tour trade publication Pollstar.
The cancellation comes a few days after the singer was banned from performing in China due to bad behavior, Beijing’s Municipal Bureau of Culture said. The state office said the singer needed to improve his conduct to become a singer “truly loved” by the public, without specifying what behavior had caused offense.
Bieber has had run-ins with the law in several countries and has become notorious for a string of indiscretions and scandals in recent years.
He also shed the clean-cut image that made him a heartthrob among his fan base when he broke into the music scene on YouTube in 2008 as a 14-year-old.

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http://ift.tt/2vGuhZG July 25, 2017 at 08:41PM

The Who’s Roger Daltrey visits teenage cancer patients

Wed, 2017-07-26 03:00

CLEVELAND: Roger Daltrey’s voice may not soar as it once did. But even after 50 years of touring he hasn’t lost his teenage spirit.
The Hall of Fame rocker, who has been an advocate for teen cancer patients for nearly three decades, visited with children, young adults and their families at Rainbow Babies Hospital on Monday. The Who’s front man toured the Angie Fowler Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Institute, which was founded in 2012 to better serve young patients while they undergo cancer treatments and following their release.
“Teenagers for so long have been overlooked,” said the 73-year-old, still on the road with longtime bandmate Pete Townshend. “Not nearly enough has been done for them.”
For years, teenage cancer patients were hospitalized on pediatric floors or placed with older patients. After consulting with doctors researching treatments and recovery, Daltrey understood the need for teens to have a place of their own, where they could recover in surroundings more suited to their interests and maturity level.
“The light went on in my head with this one,” said Daltrey, who first got involved with the Teenage Cancer Trust in 1989. “I was in the Who when I was 18 years old and without the support of this age group — adolescents and young adults — our business wouldn’t be there. The music business is built mostly with this age group. It’s an easy way for me to say, ‘Thank you.’”
During his visit, Daltrey, whose iconic voice helped make Who songs such as “My Generation,” “Behind Blue Eyes” and “Won’t Get Fooled Again” anthems for generations of fans, spent time with young cancer patients who have benefited from their time in facilities like the one at Rainbow Babies Hospital.
Daltrey quickly connected with several of the teens, who eagerly shared stories of being diagnosed and lengthy hospital stays. He had a warm word, hug or handshake for each of them and was happy to pose for photos.
For Adam Kirk, Daltrey’s visit was a chance to meet a rock hero. The 40-year-old’s daughter, Sawyer, has been fighting leukemia for months and Daltrey’s face lit up when he saw the 1½-year-old being carried toward him. Kirk came prepared for his meeting, getting Daltrey to sign a well-worn copy of “Who’s Next,” regarded as the band’s signature album.
As he made his way around an outdoor, rooftop garden, Daltrey was approached by another dad who wanted to show his appreciation for the singer’s charitable work.
Tyson Stiles presented Daltrey with a musical gift.
While his son, Ryver, spent nearly 300 days in the hospital after being born prematurely, Stiles recorded a short album that included songs he wrote about his son’s ordeal.
“I wanted you to have a copy,” Stiles said.
“Is it any good?” Daltrey asked.
“No, it’s terrible,” Stiles quipped as both men laughed.
Later, Daltrey donated a guitar signed by him and Townshend that will be permanently displayed in the Fowler Institute’s in-patient unit.
Daltrey also shared memories of his previous visits to Cleveland. He and the Who first came to town in 1967.
“It’s a lot different than it used to be,” he said. “It was the dirtiest place I’d ever been to in my life. Everything was covered in soot. But Cleveland audiences were some of the best we ever played for.”

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http://ift.tt/2uuZEbi July 25, 2017 at 08:41PM

UAE police fine hundreds for jaywalking offenses

Arab News
Tue, 2017-07-25 20:39

DUBAI: Police in the UAE continue in their ongoing effort to make the country’s roads safer.
According to local daily The National, hundreds of pedestrians were fined in the emirate of Ajman for jaywalking.
Police issued 400 dirham ($110) fines – double the usual amount – to 1,652 people for crossing roads in places other than designated areas.
The crackdown was run from June 27 to July 13, with police at key junctions.
Lt. Col. Saif Abdullah Al Falasi, deputy director of patrol and traffic department at Ajman Police, said the fines were doubled because of the serious nature of the problem.
“We launched the campaign because of the increase in the number of deaths from run-overs that are basically caused by the victims crossing from wrong places,” he said.

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http://ift.tt/2uxBU4z July 25, 2017 at 03:46PM

Tokyo to begin seeking names for star giant panda cub

Tue, 2017-07-25 03:00

TOKYO: Tokyo is preparing to start collecting ideas later this week for naming a new giant panda cub born at its Ueno zoo.
The zoo, Japan’s oldest, has not shown the cub directly to the public. But it released a video of the cub born on June 12 showing the squeaky baby snuggling with its mother ShinShin. The roly-poly female cub already has the characteristic black and white giant panda pattern in its fur and its eyes have opened.
ShinShin’s last cub was born in 2012 and survived only six days. The newcomer appears to be thriving, and is sure to draw huge crowds once it goes on display.
About 420 giant pandas live in captivity, mostly in their native China, while about 1,860 live in the wild.

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http://ift.tt/2uu6iOI July 25, 2017 at 10:09AM

Robots, race cars and weather: Girl Scouts offer new badges

Tue, 2017-07-25 03:00

NEW YORK: Girl Scouts from tiny Daisies to teen Ambassadors may earn 23 new badges focused on science, technology, engineering and math.
It’s the largest addition of new badges in a decade for Girl Scouts of the USA. The effort takes a progressive approach to STEM and also nudges girls to become citizen scientists using the great outdoors as their laboratory.
Among the new badges are those that introduce kindergarten and first graders to the world of robots and engineering. Scouts can learn basic programming and build prototypes to solve everyday problems. Older scouts will have the chance to enhance those skills, learning more about artificial intelligence, algorithms and how to formally present their work.
Other new badges focus on race car and aviation design using kits from GoldieBlox, a girl-focused toy company. The “leave no trace” approach to interacting with the environment and the study of meteorology by learning to predict weather patterns and potential hazards are among activities geared to new outdoors badges.
Cayla Hicks, 7, is grateful. She’s a Baltimore Brownie who’s interested in the “Designing Robots” badge.
“I want to be a scientist. I like building things and I like discovering things. Me and my brother — well, I usually ask my brother if he wants to look through my telescope. Usually he says no,” Cayla said as she recently demonstrated how to make a “robotic arm” out of sticks and fasteners.
Baby boomer Sylvia Acevedo, the CEO of the scouting group, was just like Cayla as a girl growing up in tiny Las Cruces, New Mexico.
“My troop leader looked at me and saw me looking at the stars, and she taught me that there were constellations, she taught me there were systems and patterns to the stars,” Acevedo said in a recent interview. “Because I got my science badge I developed that courage and that confidence to study science and math at a time when girls like me weren’t studying science and math. Girls like me, statistically, weren’t even finishing high school.”
Acevedo was one of the first Hispanic students, male or female, to earn a graduate engineering degree from Stanford University. The former tech executive’s first job was as a rocket scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.
The new badges , some of which were requested by scouts themselves in a survey, are available starting this week.
Next year, another initiative will allow Girl Scouts to earn “Cybersecurity” badges. One study cited by the scouts showed women remain vastly underrepresented in that industry, holding 11 percent of such jobs globally. Another study, done by the Computing Technology Industry Association, found that 69 percent of women who have not pursued careers in information technology attribute their choice to not knowing what opportunities are available to them.
As for STEM overall, Acevedo said, a lot of girls remain vulnerable to a crisis of confidence in pursuing education and careers in those fields.
“A lot of girls haven’t made that shift from using technology to, ‘You can actually be a programmer,’” she said. “That you’re the one who can make that coding. For a lot of girls, they need to have that hands-on experience so they feel confident.”
The scouts, which are 1.8 million strong in the US, has offered such opportunities in the past but consider the new badges and related programming a major push.
“It’s really all about how do we capture that interest in science and technology,” Acevedo said. “The other thing is the girls are learning not just how to do a specific skill but also how to think, how to think like an inventor, how to think like a creator, how to think like a maker. Those are the types of things that we want to ignite in the girls.”
Jennifer Allenbach, the scouting group’s vice president for “girl experience,” oversaw development of the new badges. Exposing girls to STEM by second grade is crucial in motivating them to continue, she said. As for the outdoors, the strategy is to move girls forward to dig deeper into such issues as conservation.
“Girls had a say in this,” she said. “We reached out and asked what they were interested in and this is it.”

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http://ift.tt/2gYRLGo July 25, 2017 at 09:46AM

الاثنين، 24 يوليو 2017

Arab singer Carole Samaha sings viral hit ‘despacito’

Tue, 2017-07-25 03:00

DAMMAM: Lebanese singer Carole Samaha is the latest Arab artist to jump on the “Despacito” bandwagon.
In a video she shared on her Instagram account, Samaha is seen singing a part of the viral Spanish number in a garden.
She had earlier expressed admiration for the song, saying that it had “saved the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico from bankruptcy.”
“Despacito” has become the most streamed track of all time with more than 4.6 billion plays across streaming platforms.
A number of versions of the song have been produced. Palestinian artist and YouTube sensation Noel Kharman created an Arabic-Spanish mashup of the hit song, which has garnered nearly five million views.
Soon, Samaha’s video also became viral, thanks to her fans who liked and shared it on various social media channels.
“You sing spanish very well,”
@yousra.allen commented on Instagram.
The popular Arab singer is due to perform at the Al-Batroun International Festival on Aug. 12.

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http://ift.tt/2v1vNbL July 24, 2017 at 07:50PM

The ‘Sharknado’ phenomenon: Making America bait again

Tue, 2017-07-25 03:00

SAN DIEGO: With its airborne sharks, over-the-top gore and endless cheesy cameos from fading stars it ought to have flopped — but the viral “Sharknado” franchise shows no signs of losing its bite.
A fifth film in five years, “Sharknado 5: Global Swarming,” is due for release on Aug. 6, building on social media buzz that has turned the series into one of the most popular ever made for television.
An unabashed homage to the B-movies of Hollywood’s Golden Age, the franchise stars “Beverly Hills 90210” alum Ian Ziering and Tara Reid from the “American Pie” films as husband and wife Fin and April Shepard.
Wherever they go, the hapless couple end up doing battle with giant, monstrous great whites that have been sucked into the air in freak storms and deposited on unsuspecting populations.
“Each movie we get to do a different genre. The last movie was a superhero movie. We got to do ‘White House Down’ with sharks and a space movie in three,” Anthony C. Ferrante, who has directed all five installments, told a panel at San Diego Comic-Con at the weekend.
“So this one was an international ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ James Bond movie, and it allowed us to do things we never thought we could accomplish.”
The franchise got off to a slow start, with “Sharknado” only managing 1.4 million viewers during its first run. But repeats and all-important social media buzz made it into a cult classic.
Its third airing pulled 2.1 in million viewers, the most-watched repeat of an original movie in the SyFy channel’s history.
“Sharknado 2: The Second One” attracted a viewership of 3.9 million, the largest audience ever for SyFy, a unit of NBC Universal.
By the time “Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens” came around, the series had enough cultural cachet to attract fan favorites like David Hasselhoff, Steve Guttenberg, Jackie Collins and Lou Ferrigno.
The series was also becoming known for some odd appearances — sometimes way too long to be described as cameos — by the likes of right wing political commentator Ann Coulter and “Game of Thrones” author George R.R. Martin.
In the meantime the movies have spawned a cottage industry of merchandise, from action figures, comics and video games to the book “How to Survive a Sharknado and Other Unnatural Disasters” by Andrew Shaffer.
No one was more surprised by the sudden popularity of the series than its stars.
“I remember it was first called ‘Dark Skies.’ To have that on your resume, it sounds like a good movie,” Reid told fans at Comic-Con, many decked out in “Sharknado” costumes and t-shirts.
“Then they told me it was called ‘Sharknado’ and I was like, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ll never work again.’“
Zierling, meanwhile, said he ordered his agent to get him off the project and joked that he had even considered changing his name so the movie wouldn’t appear on his Internet Movie Database entry.
The films have varied in their fortunes with the critics, the first attracting an approval rating of 82 percent on reviews collation website “Rotten Tomatoes.”
“Sharknado 4” managed just 17 percent and was described by The Daily Beast as “another piece of dreary detritus,” yet it still pulled in almost three million viewers, buoyed by social media.
Reid in particular, with 380,000 Twitter followers and another 192,000 on Instagram, has been a prize asset for the franchise.
“Sharknado” prompted 318,000 tweets during its debut airing — in an era when social media engagement is as important for TV executives as eyeballs glued to the screen.
“Sharknado 2” became the most social movie on TV ever, with 581,000 tweets — around ten times as many as for “America’s Got Talent,” that summer’s most popular TV series among Americans.
In “Sharknado 5,” which has the tagline “Make America Bait Again,” Reid and Ziering are joined by Olivia Newton-John and the Italian model Fabio, who graced the covers of numerous romance novels in the 1980s.
SyFy debuted a new trailer at Comic-Con showing Fin and April trying to save their son, who’s trapped in a sharknado churning up the world.
The movie was a truly international production, shooting in the UK, Australia and Bulgaria.
Playing themselves are British Olympic swimmer Tom Daley, “Fantastic Beasts” star Dan Fogler and NBC News anchor Jeff Rossen.
“The studios have two to two-and-a-half years to do a movie. We’ve done five of these in five years,” said Ferrante.
“We started shooting this movie in January and we literally delivered it last night. We went to five countries but we also did in an impressive amount of time — the way only ‘Sharknado’ can.”

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http://ift.tt/2v1aXJK July 24, 2017 at 07:50PM

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