الجمعة، 30 يونيو 2017

Messi marries childhood sweetheart in Argentina hometown

Sat, 2017-07-01 07:30

ROSARIO, Argentina: Lionel Messi and his childhood sweetheart married Friday night at a ceremony in his Argentine hometown attended by some of the biggest names in soccer.
About 250 guests attended the marriage of Messi and Antonella Roccuzzo at a luxury hotel. They included Messi’s Barcelona teammates Neymar, Luis Suarez and Gerard Pique, who was joined by his wife, Colombian pop star Shakira.
Argentines were abuzz over the wedding in Rosario, an agricultural hub and the country’s third-largest city about 300 kilometers (186 miles) northwest of Buenos Aires.
About 150 journalists were allowed to cover the event, but had no direct access to the ceremony or the party afterward.
Curious onlookers gathered before the wedding near the heavily guarded site hoping to snap photos of the soccer stars.
“We think it’s great that Messi has come to Rosario to get married,” said Julio Sosa, who cleans windows for a living.
Messi, 30, grew up in a lower-middle-class neighborhood in Rosario along with two brothers and a sister. His bride, 29, is the cousin of a close Messi friend and the new couple has been close friends since meeting at a young age.
Messi and Roccuzzo stayed in touch after he left to play soccer in Spain at age 13 and they eventually started a romantic relationship in the late 2000s.
Roccuzzo moved to Barcelona, where the couple live with their two sons: 4-year-old Thiago and 1-year-old Mateo. But they often return to their native Rosario.
“Messi could have had this wedding wherever he liked — Dubai, the moon. He can pay any plane ticket to anyone, but he chose the city that’s in his heart,” said Leandro Macaya.
Messi, a five-time FIFA world player of the year, has faced criticism in Argentina because he has never brought the country a major title, in contrast to his repeated successes playing for Barcelona. But he is praised both at home and abroad for keeping his common touch.
“He was always the same and he never changed,” said Diego Vallejos, a childhood friend who was invited to the wedding.
“Despite everything that he’s accomplished in life, he’s still the same simple kid, the skinny dude that I grew up with. It’s hard to explain the feeling — I’m both a friend and a fan.”
Associated Press video journalist Yesica Brumec contributed to this report.

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http://ift.tt/2sbwzhg July 01, 2017 at 02:27AM

Indian minister mocked for urinating in public

Fri, 2017-06-30 10:18

NEW DELHI: A government minister was mocked on social media for urinating in public despite the prime minister’s flagship public hygiene drive as pictures of the embarrassing incident were splashed over front pages Friday.
The Times of India said agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh relieved himself against a school wall “flanked by his security guards carrying automatic weapons.”
The paper’s front page headline said: “Union minister pees in open, sparks row,” and along with rivals printed grainy images of the 67-year-old minister standing next to a wall.
The picture was taken in Singh’s constituency in Bihar state, the Times reported.
Indian Internet users were quick to mock the minister and his ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
“Here, the national agriculture minister inaugurating an irrigation scheme in a drought affected region amidst tight security,” Rashtriya Janata Dal, a regional political party, quipped as it tweeted the pictures.
“The minister also made a contribution to ‘Clean India Mission’,” the post added.
’Clean India’ is one of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s flagship programs to improve public hygiene and cleanliness and encourage people to use public toilets.
“Superb... Proud to have an agricultural minister like Radha Mohan Singh who waters the grass himself,” Santosh Bharadwaj tweeted.
But Singh’s relatives criticized the media for publishing the pictures.
“Urinating is a natural biological urge of a human being, so why are such things highlighted to create a controversy? Are urinals available everywhere?,” Sujit Kumar Singh, his son-in-law told The Hindu newspaper.
The minister made no immediate comment.

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http://ift.tt/2stm0W4 June 30, 2017 at 08:31AM

الخميس، 29 يونيو 2017

Hello and then goodbye: Adele hints ‘25’ tour is her last

Fri, 2017-06-30 03:00

LONDON: Pop superstar Adele has hinted that her current tour for Grammy-winning album “25” will be her last.
The 29-year-old included a signed, handwritten note in the program for her Wednesday night show at Wembley Stadium in London stating, “I don’t know if I’ll ever tour again and so I want my last time to be at home.”
Her announcement comes at the end of a 15-month tour throughout Europe, the US, Australia and New Zealand.
“Touring is a peculiar thing, it doesn’t suit me particularly well,” she said.
The “Hello” singer will perform three more shows in London, finishing her tour on Sunday after a total of 123 performances.

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http://ift.tt/2sm7nsQ June 29, 2017 at 08:37PM

Football, showbiz stars set for Messi’s wedding

Fri, 2017-06-30 03:00

ROSARIO: Football and showbiz stars gather in northern Argentina on Friday for Latin America’s celebrity wedding bash of the decade when Barcelona superstar Lionel Messi marries his childhood sweetheart Antonella Roccuzzo.
Pop star Shakira and her husband, Messi’s teammate Gerard Pique, are expected among the 260 guests, according to media and locals close to the event.
They will join old friends of the couple and footballers such as his Barcelona strike partners Luis Suarez and Neymar.
The party in his hometown Rosario will be a respite for the player from his legal woes. A Spanish court last month rejected his appeal against a conviction for tax fraud.
Brunette bride Roccuzzo, 29, will wear a dress by Spanish designer Rosa Clara, which has been flown over from Barcelona.
The designer has dressed stars such as actresses Eva Longoria and Sofia Vergara as well as Spain’s Queen Letizia.
This city of 1.2 million people is also a cradle of footballing talent, however.
“Rosario lives and breathes football. That is another reason Lionel feels so comfortable here,” the city’s mayor, Monica Fein, told AFP.
“I think he is excited that through his wedding his friends (from abroad) will be able to get to know the city he loves so much.”
Messi, 30 — considered a man of few words — has reportedly asked chefs to cook local delicacies such as “locro” stew and “empanada” pasties for the feast.
The star dish is a typical Argentine beef roast including chitterlings, gizzards and kidneys.
Uruguayan pop bands Rombai and Marama plus singer Karina, wife of Argentina footballer Sergio Aguero, will perform at the dance.
It is not known whether the guests will also get a song from Shakira, the Lebanese-Colombian diva famous for “Whenever, Wherever.”

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http://ift.tt/2t5RaoL June 29, 2017 at 08:37PM

Michael Moore donates $10K to Trump-as-Caesar theater

Fri, 2017-06-30 03:00

NEW YORK: American filmmaker Michael Moore has donated $10,000 to a New York theater that staged a controversial production of Julius Caesar in which the Roman emperor bears a striking resemblance to US President Donald Trump.
The play, in which Caesar appears as a blond businessman who tweets from his bathroom and is married to a woman with a thick Slavic accent — similar to Melania Trump — was strongly criticized by pro-Republican media, which denounced the assassination scene as a call to kill the president.
The 63-year-old director and vocal Trump opponent tweeted to his five million followers a photograph of the check, made out to The Public Theater, and called on his fans to support the establishment.
“I’m donating my total advance pay from my B’way show to Shakespeare in the Park after conservative media bullied Corp. sponsors 2 pull out,” wrote Moore, who will make his own stage debut on July 28 with a one-man Broadway show on the rise of Donald Trump.
The Julius Caesar controversy first broke out during preview showings, even before the play appeared at the “Shakespeare in the Park” theater festival in New York’s Central Park. The few scheduled shows were played to packed audiences, while one was briefly interrupted by a female protester.
Sponsors Delta Airlines and Bank of America later announced they were withdrawing their support.
Artistic director Oskar Eustis defended the play as a parable for those trying to fight for democracy, while denying that it encouraged violence.
Many others have come out in support of the theater and announced their intention to donate.

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http://ift.tt/2smgFVB June 29, 2017 at 08:37PM

‘What about Palestine, Mariah?’ Fans slam pop diva’s Israel visit

Fri, 2017-06-30 03:00

DAMMAM: Pop diva Mariah Carey is in Israel to promote her new partnership with an Israeli skincare line, and that has not gone down well with many of her fans.
ramoosh221 wrote on Instagram: “Welcome to Palestine P.S. it was never Israel.”
Carey posted a short video in which she appears to be saying: “I am so happy to be in Israel with Premiere (skincare brand).”
Commenting on the video, mya__truco wrote: “You don’t sound like it. I wouldn’t be excited either when you’re around Jews that murder and slaughter Palestinians. #ApartheidIsrael #LandTheives”
“Why does she do stuff like this if she already has more than enough money?” asked one fan.
“I miss the mimi that loved Morocco and visited it a lot. What’s happening to you, you’re always in the Zionist state... damn all because of your zionist manager perhaps,” fatiha_87 speculated.
“What about Palestine, Mariah?” asked another fan.
In another Instagram post, Carey posed with a dove perched on her hand.
proptrader24Ironic wrote: “u love a symbol of peace and also love an apartheid and terrorist country that murders men, women and children with complete impunity. Your support and love for Israel is reprehensible to anyone who respects human life, rights and freedom.”
malvicheGirl commented: “... there are 196 countries you could’ve gone to yet you chose to go here.”
Carey, who has visited Israel several times in recent years, said she prefers to abstain from involving herself in the political controversies of the region.
“I don’t think it’s my place to act like a political figure ... we love everybody,” she said.

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http://ift.tt/2t5R8x9 June 29, 2017 at 08:36PM

World fashion brands, unions agree to extend Bangladesh deal

Associated Press
Thu, 2017-06-29 03:00

DHAKA, Bangladesh: Leading global fashion brands and trade unions agreed Thursday to continue a safety program involving thousands of garment factories in Bangladesh for another three years.
Two Switzerland-based global trade unions — IndustriALL Global Union and UNIGlobal Union — and brand representatives announced the agreement in Paris.
The current five-year campaign for fire and building safety expires next May and involves only European brands. Another group of North American brands is working separately to improve safety conditions in Bangladesh.
Following the collapse in 2013 of Rana Plaza, a complex housing five garment factories, global clothing companies joined the Bangladesh government in promising to improve safety standards.
The collapse, which killed more than 1,130 workers and injured 2,500 others, highlighted grim conditions in the country’s garment industry, the second largest in the world with about 4,000 factories employing about 4 million workers and earning $25 billion a year from exports, mainly to the United States and Europe. Low wages in the South Asian country have attracted global apparel brands and retailers.
Since then, representatives from North American and European brands have visited the country’s garment factories to suggest improvements or sever ties with factories that failed to improve.
The Bangladesh government has also hired more than 350 new factory inspectors and passed legislation setting up a workers’ welfare fund and allowing stronger union representation.
As of Thursday morning, 23 companies had signed the new agreement, said Christy Hoffman, deputy general secretary of UNIGlobal Union, which represents workers in the retail sector. But a large majority of the previous signers — 217 brands — are expected to be part of the new deal, which will include more worker training, she said.
The initial agreement covered about 2.5 million workers, Hoffman said.
“It’s a remarkable achievement. Four years ago, we signed this agreement and some of the brands said this could be a one-off agreement only in the aftermath of a big crisis,” Hoffman said in an interview after the Paris announcement. “In fact, we have proven that this is a model that works, that brands and unions can make change at the work site through classical industrial relations.”
The new agreement extends building safety inspections for all covered factories, ensuring that safety improvements achieved under the first accord will be maintained and any new problems will be addressed, IndustriALL General Secretary Valter Sanches said in a statement.
Under the first accord, engineers carried out fire, electrical and structural safety inspections at more than 1,800 factories, identifying 118,500 hazards, of which 79 percent were addressed, Sanches said.
He said the agreement “shows that industrial relations can be used to save lives and improve global supply chains.”
Aleix Gusquets Gonzalez, head of C&A Global’s external stakeholders’ engagement, said 41 percent of the garments sold by the worldwide chain of clothing stores are produced in Bangladesh.
“We need to make sure that our garments are made in decent conditions,” he told AP.
“We don’t think that doing things on our own, on a lone rider approach, will be the way of really solving the (problem). We are talking about endemic issues, issues that have been in our supply chain for a certain period of time and we don’t have the capacity to just remedy it on our own,” he said of the safety issues. “We need to include our natural counterparts and these are the representatives of the workers.”
Jenny Holdcroft, assistant general secretary of IndustriALL, said a key aspect of the Bangladesh accord is putting tools for health and safety improvement in the hands of the workers.
“What they need is tools they can use,” she said during a news briefing. These “give them power inside the factory,” she said, stressing that the new accord further emphasizes the role of workers.
“Only workers, she said, can be “the eyes and ears in a factory.”

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http://ift.tt/2sm6D6V June 29, 2017 at 04:49PM

الأربعاء، 28 يونيو 2017

Mariah Carey’s cameo for ‘The House’ proved no laughing matter

Thu, 2017-06-29 03:00

LOS ANGELES: Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler take up gambling to pay for their daughter’s college education in new comedy “The House,” but one person the movie decided not to take a risk on was singer Mariah Carey.
Carey filmed a cameo for the film, but it ended up on the cutting room floor, writer and director Andrew Jay Cohen said at the red-carpet premiere on Monday.
“The funniest bits stay in the movie. We did not include her in the movie,” Cohen told Reuters Television.
Cast members have said Carey showed up late and was difficult on set.
“There were suggestions that weren’t executed. She was on our set and, um, things happened. Things happened and didn’t happen,” Ferrell said in an appearance on “Late Night with Seth Myers” last week.
Actor Rob Huebel said in a Sirius XM interview in May that the “We Belong Together” singer was four hours late, asked for white roses in her trailer and would not sing the song producers hired her to perform when she turned up to film a one-day cameo.
Carey’s representatives did not return calls seeking comment.
“The House” begins its international rollout in movie theaters this week.

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http://ift.tt/2tn8Deg June 28, 2017 at 11:06PM

Bollywood’s ‘Dangal’ sets new benchmarks for success abroad

Thu, 2017-06-29 03:00

MUMBAI: Bollywood star Aamir Khan’s hit wrestling movie “Dangal” has become the first Indian film to make 20 billion rupees, ($309.8 million) analysts said Wednesday, as it takes China’s cinemas by storm.
The Hindi movie’s record-breaking run has set a new and previously unthought of box office benchmark for Bollywood films abroad while also highlighting the value of the Chinese audience to Indian filmmakers.
“Dangal has crossed the 2,000 crore mark (20 billion rupees or $310 million) which has never been done before,” Indian film trade analyst Ramesh Bala told AFP, adding that previous top Bollywood grosser “PK” made just $120 million.
“Even 1,000 crore was a distant dream just a few months back. The bar has now been set very high,” he added.
“Dangal,” directed by Nitesh Tiwari, is based on the true story of wrestling coach Mahavir Singh Phogat, who defies the odds by raising his daughters Geeta and Babita Phogat to become champion wrestlers.
Geeta won a gold medal for India at the 2010 Commonwealth Games while her sister topped the podium at the same event in 2014. “Dangal” is a Hindi word used to describe a wrestling competition.
The movie was released in India on Dec. 23 last year and quickly became the highest-grossing Bollywood film of all time, beating the 2014 science fiction film “PK,” which also stars Khan.
Gender discrimination and strict parenting are among the film’s themes. The issues appear to have struck an emotional response with Chinese viewers, who have alone contributed around $190 million to “Dangal’s” takings, said Bala.
“’Dangal’ has become the highest-grossing non-Hollywood foreign film released in China,” the analyst added.

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http://ift.tt/2tmTlGv June 28, 2017 at 11:06PM

‘John Wick,’ ‘Dragon Tattoo’ star Michael Nyqvist dies at 56

Thu, 2017-06-29 03:00

LOS ANGELES: Swedish actor Michael Nyqvist, who starred in the original “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” films and often played villains in Hollywood movies like “John Wick” has died. Nyqvist’s representative Jenny Tversky said Tuesday that he died after a year-long battle with lung cancer. He was 56.
“It is with deep sadness that I can confirm that our beloved Michael, one of Sweden’s most respected and accomplished actors, has passed away quietly surrounded by family,” Tversky said in a statement on behalf of the family.
Nyqvist is perhaps best known worldwide for originating the role of Mikael Blomkvist in the Swedish “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” series opposite Noomi Rapace. Daniel Craig played the role in the American adaptation.
In Hollywood, Nyqvist played a broad range of memorable roles, including the mob boss who terrorizes Keanu Reeves in “John Wick” and Tom Cruise’s foe in “Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol.”
“Michael’s joy and passion were infectious to those who knew and loved him,” read the family’s statement. “His charm and charisma were undeniable, and his love for the arts was felt by all who had the pleasure of working with him.”
Nyqvist has a number of films on the slate that are yet to come out, including Terrence Malick’s World War II drama “Radegund” and Thomas Vinterberg’s “Kursk,” about the 2000 K-141 Kursk submarine disaster.
He is survived by his wife Catharina and their children Ellen and Arthur.

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http://ift.tt/2tmvczN June 28, 2017 at 11:06PM

الثلاثاء، 27 يونيو 2017

‘Melodrama’ scores Lorde her first chart-topping Billboard album

Wed, 2017-06-28 03:00

LOS ANGELES: New Zealand pop singer Lorde landed her first US chart-topping album on Monday as her latest record debuted at the top of the weekly Billboard 200 chart.
“Melodrama,” the second album from 20-year-old Lorde, sold 82,000 albums, 40,000 songs and was streamed nearly 35 million times, totaling 109,000 album units according to figures from Nielsen SoundScan.
The singer is the third consecutive female solo artist to top the Billboard 200 chart after Katy Perry’s “Witness” and Halsey’s “Hopeless Fountain Kingdom.”
Lorde’s breakout first album “Pure Heroine,” which featured her hit single “Royals,” debuted and peaked at No. 3 on the Billboard 200 chart when it was released in 2013.
Lorde’s album led six new entries in the top 10 of the Billboard 200 chart this week.
Rapper 2 Chainz’ “Pretty Girls Like Trap Music” debuted at No. 2, country artist Jason Isbell/400 Unit’s “Nashville Sound” opened at No. 4 and Canadian rockers Nickelback entered at No. 5 with “Feed the Machine.”
Rapper Young Thug’s “Beautiful Thugger Girls” landed at No. 8 while indie rock band Fleet Foxes rounded out the new entries with “Crack-Up” at No. 9.
Last week’s chart-topper, Perry’s “Witness,” dropped to No. 13 this week.
On the Digital Songs chart, which measures online single sales, Puerto Rican singer Luis Fonsi’s summer hit “Despacito” featuring Justin Bieber continued its reign atop the chart with another 139,000 copies sold.

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http://ift.tt/2sYe7tY June 27, 2017 at 08:07PM

Depp may face perjury charges in Australia over ‘dog gate’

Wed, 2017-06-28 03:00

SYDNEY: Johnny Depp could face perjury charges in Australia after the deputy prime minister threatened Tuesday to unleash a new chapter in a pet dog case dubbed the “war on terrier.”
The “Pirates of the Caribbean” star and his then-wife Amber Heard fell foul of Australia’s strict quarantine laws when they failed to declare her canines, Pistol and Boo, on arrival in the country on a private jet in 2015.
Heard escaped with a fine and a good behavior bond, but a lawsuit between Depp and his former management has revived the spat amid allegations the actor was aware he was breaching the laws.
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, who has been a vocal critic of Depp, said if the allegations were true “there’s a word for that: It is called perjury.”
“I might have another look at this,” he added, in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Joyce sparked global headlines two years ago when he threatened to have the animals put down unless they “buggered off back to the US,” igniting a war of words with Depp.
The couple released an awkward video apologizing, but Joyce mocked Depp as looking like “he was auditioning for the Godfather.”
Depp hit back, telling US talk show host Jimmy Kimmel that Joyce “looks somehow like (he’s) inbred with a tomato.”
Actress-model Heard pleaded guilty to falsifying her immigration arrivals card and was placed on a Aus$1,000 ($758) one-month good behavior bond, with two more serious charges of illegally importing the dogs dropped.
At the time, their lawyers claimed it was a misunderstanding.
But legal documents filed in a separate case between the actor and his former business managers TMG, allegedly show Depp was “fully aware” he was breaking Australian laws, according to People magazine which obtained them.
It claimed the documents show he “pressured one of his long-term employees to ‘take the fall’.”
“We’re an island continent and we take biosecurity very seriously and it doesn’t matter if you think that you’re Mr. Who’s Who of Hollywood, you’re going to obey our laws,” said Joyce, who is also the agriculture minister and likes wearing cowboy hats.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull saw the lighter side, quipping to Triple M radio in Sydney: “I wouldn’t want to come between Johnny and Barnaby... sort of the pirate meets the cowboy.
“Maybe they could make a movie together,” he added.
The prospect of charges cap a difficult week for Depp, who was forced to apologize on Friday for joking about US President Donald Trump being assassinated during remarks to a music festival audience that triggered an angry backlash.

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http://ift.tt/2seBKkz June 27, 2017 at 08:07PM

U2 bassist thanks band for helping him through addiction

Wed, 2017-06-28 03:00

NEW YORK: In a frank and heartfelt speech, U2 bassist Adam Clayton thanked his bandmates of four decades for their support during his treatment and recovery for alcohol abuse years ago, and then joined them for a rollicking rendition of a few hits.
“We have a pact with each other,” said Clayton, 57, who was receiving an award from MusiCares, the charity arm of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. “In our band, no one will be a casualty. We all come home, or none of us come home. No one will be left behind. Thank you for honoring that promise, and letting me be in your band.”
He ended by quoting lyrics that Bono, U2’s frontman, had written when the band was starting out, “If you walk away, walk away, I will follow.” At that, his bandmates came out to join him, performing “Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of,” “Vertigo” and, fittingly, “I Will Follow.”
The evening at the PlayStation Theater in Times Square also featured performances by rapper Michael Franti, Jack Garratt, reggae singer Chronixx, Macy Gray, and The Lumineers, who are currently appearing with U2 on their “Joshua Tree” tour.
Clayton was introduced by British record producer Chris Blackwell as someone who “lived through addiction and came out the other side, and has been courageous enough to admit it.”
Taking the stage, the bassist quipped, “I’m not used to achieving anything on my own.”
It was Eric Clapton, he said, who finally told him he needed help.
“He didn’t sugarcoat it. He told me that I needed to change my life and that I wouldn’t regret it,” Clayton said. He credited another friend, The Who’s Pete Townshend, for visiting him in rehab, where he “put steel on my back.”
As for his bandmates, Clayton said, “I was lucky because I had three friends who could see what was going on and who loved me enough to take up the slack of my failing. Bono, The Edge, and Larry (Mullen) truly supported me before and after I entered recovery, and I am unreservedly grateful for their friendship, understanding and support.”
Clayton received the Stevie Ray Vaughan Award for his support of the MusiCares MAP Fund, which offers musicians access to addiction recovery treatment.
He added that his bandmates had been supporting him for 40 years.
“You know, I guess they loved me before I knew how to love myself,” he said. “So it’s really important that they share this with me.”

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http://ift.tt/2sYaTXj June 27, 2017 at 08:07PM

الاثنين، 26 يونيو 2017

Remy Ma beats Nicki Minaj at BET Awards

Tue, 2017-06-27 03:00

LOS ANGELES: Remy Ma has ended rival Nicki Minaj’s seven-year winning streak at the 2017 BET Awards, a show highlighted by ’90s R&B and groups popular in that decade, as well as five wins for Beyonce.
Ma, who was released from prison in 2014, won best female hip hop artist Sunday in Los Angeles, an award Minaj has won since 2010. Ma last won the prize in 2005, and was sentenced to prison three years later after she shot a former friend after accusing her of theft.
“I wanna thank God first and foremost,” said Ma, who named two correctional facilities in her speech and thanked her mentor Fat Joe and husband-rapper Papoose. “You can make mistakes and come back.”
At the live show at the Microsoft Theater, ‘90s R&B favorites New Edition and Xscape were the most welcomed performers of the night.
New Edition, whose three-part biopic was a white-hot ratings success for BET earlier this year, earned the lifetime achievement award and received a lengthy tribute. It started with the child actors from the movie singing “Candy Girl,” later followed by the older actors for some of the band’s hits apart from the group, including Bell Biv DeVoe’s “Poison” and Ralph Tresvant’s “Sensitivity.”
The real group then hit to stage to sing “Can You Stand the Rain” and “Mr. Telephone Man.” The actors later joined New Edition for “If It Isn’t Love.”
Girl group Xscape, set to launch a new reality show on Bravo, reunited at the BET Awards and sang the popular hits “Just Kickin’ It,” “Understanding” and “Who Can I Run To?” The crowd was in awe, singing along and filming the performance with their phones.
Bruno Mars, whose new album was heavily inspired by ‘90s R&B, also shined Sunday. He and Beyonce tied for video of the year — the top prize but not televised — with their hits “24K Magic” and “Sorry.” Mars also won best male R&B/pop artist and kicked off the show with a fun and funky performance of the song, “Perm.”
“To the fans, you know I love you. My first BET Award,” he screamed.
Kendrick Lamar surprised the audience when he performed with Future and won best male hip hop artist. He gave a shout-out to fellow nominee Chance the Rapper, who earned the humanitarian award at the age of 24. Chance also won best new artist and best collaboration.
In a taped message, Michelle Obama honored Chance, who has raised $2 million for Chicago public schools. The former first lady said she and Barack Obama knew Chance “since he was a baby rapper.”
“Chance is showing our young people that they matter,” she said. “Because of you, countless young people will grow up believing in themselves.”
Beyonce, who reportedly had her twins earlier this month though she hasn’t commented on the topic, was the top nominee with seven. When it was announced that she won the viewer’s choice award, Chloe x Halle — the young duo signed to Beyonce — recited a speech given to them from the pop star. Queen Bey was the big winner with five, also taking home album of the year for “Lemonade,” best female R&B/pop artist and video director of the year for “Sorry.”
Solange, Beyonce’s younger sister, also had a big night: She won the Centric award and called Sunday “the best birthday ever” (she turned 31 on Saturday).
“My arm pits are sweating so much right now,” said Solange, who thanked BET for showing her “queens” like Aaliyah, Missy Elliott, Erykah Badu and others during her teenage years.
Solange held a moment of silence later on, and the show also honored some of the minorities who died at the hands of police officers, including Trayvon Martin, Philando Castile, Eric Garner and others.
Other winners included gospel rapper Lecrae and Migos, who took home best group. The hip-hop trio also won over the audience with its performances of the hits “Bad and Boujee,” “T-Shirt” and “Congratulations,” with Post Malone. Chance the Rapper, and his mom, danced during the long set; as did Queen Latifah, Cardi B., “Stranger Things” actor Caleb McLaughlin and “black-ish” actress Yara Shahidi, who won the YoungStars award.
Though most of the performances were upbeat, others charmed with slower songs: Tamar Braxton and Maxwell gave vocally impressive performances, and Mary J. Blige sang songs from “Strength of a Woman,” her recent album that includes emotional tunes about her divorce.
“Mary J. got that break up body. Whoa,” screamed Jamie Foxx, who presented an award after Blige’s performance.
Leslie Jones of “Saturday Night Live” hosted the four-hour show. El DeBarge and Kamasi Washignton performed “Careless Whisper” in honor George Michael, who died last year on Christmas Day, while Janelle Monae collaborator Roman GianArthur excitedly sang “Johnny B. Goode” in tribute to Chuck Berry, who died in March.
New York rapper Prodigy, who died last week, was remembered in words by his Mobb Deep partner Havoc and Lil Kim, who appeared on the remix of the memorable Mobb Deep hit, “Quiet Storm.”
Former BET executive Stephen Hill, who the network said was stepping down in March, was praised throughout the night with kind words from Mars and Bobby Brown.

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http://ift.tt/2sbe40z June 26, 2017 at 09:50PM

First female captain a real change of guard in London

Tue, 2017-06-27 02:39

LONDON: Megan Couto on Monday became the first female officer to command the troops protecting Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace, as a Canadian battalion took over guard duties.
Captain Couto, 24, has been given the prestigious role of Captain of The Queen’s Guard, responsible for guarding the London palace.
Based in the central province of Manitoba, The Second Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry has been invited to Britain to mark the 150th anniversary of the founding of modern Canada.
Queen Elizabeth is the head of state of Britain, Canada and 14 other realms including Australia, Jamaica and New Zealand.
Born in 1886, Princess Patricia was a daughter of Prince Arthur, the third son of Queen Victoria. He served as the governor-general of Canada, the monarch’s representative there. “I’m just focusing on doing my job as best I can and staying humble. Any of my peers would be absolutely delighted to be Captain of The Queen’s Guard and I’m equally honored,” she said.
Carrying her sword and wearing a scarlet tunic and white hat, Couto marched her troops to Buckingham Palace from the nearby Wellington Barracks in the historic and colorful ceremony.
The changing of the guard, conducted on four days a week, draws thousands of tourists to Buckingham Palace and Monday was no exception, with large crowds outside the gates in the summer sunshine.
“I’m not feeling too nervous,” Couto said beforehand.
“We’ve practiced enough and all the guys have been through their paces — I’ve just to focus on saying the right commands.”
Elite soldiers have protected the monarch since king Henry VII established the Sovereign’s Bodyguard in 1509.

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http://ift.tt/2sUY5Rj June 26, 2017 at 09:50PM

Glastonbury getaway after Ed Sheeran closes festival

Tue, 2017-06-27 03:00

PILTON, England: Tens of thousands of revelers were making the great getaway from Glastonbury on Monday after Ed Sheeran closed the world’s biggest greenfield music festival.
The 26-year-old singer-songwriter’s performance on Sunday ended three days of music from some of the world’s biggest acts at the celebrated fest, which drew an estimated 175,000 people this year.
Playing Glastonbury — which is held on a farm in southwest England — was “a dream of mine,” Sheeran said, after performing with just his guitar.
“But I never thought I would even get to the point where I was playing this stage, let alone headlining it.”
Radiohead topped the bill on Friday while the Foo Fighters headlined on Saturday.
Highlights on Sunday included Nile Rodgers and Chic, who brought some 1980s magic with disco hits such as “Everybody Dance,” “I Want Your Love” and “Upside Down.”
And many were dazzled by Barry Gibb, the only surviving member of the Bee Gee brothers, who reeled off hit after hit.
He donned a tight-fitting gold jacket that the exuberant crowd had tossed on the sage to him after chanting “Barry, wear the jacket! Barry, wear the jacket!.” He wore it while playing hit song “Tragedy.”
Meanwhile The Killers played a surprise set on the John Peel Stage — the fourth-biggest — 10 years after they headlined the festival.
Other top acts on the bill during the festival included included Katy Perry, Liam Gallagher, Kaiser Chiefs, Emeli Sande, Status Quo, Goldfrapp, The Pretenders, The Jacksons, Dizzee Rascal, Alison Moyet and Kiefer Sutherland.
Opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn got a rapturous welcome from tens of thousands of revelers in a speech that focused on his pacifist, environmentalist and anti-racist policies.
Getting out of Glastonbury can be a taxing and time-consuming ordeal.
“Take your time leaving the site today and please listen to all cops, stewards and security — we all want you to get home safe and sound,” the festival advised.
A litter-picking crew of up to 800 will begin to clear the vast site of rubbish on Monday, with tractors dragging magnetic strips across the fields.
It could take up to six weeks to convert the site back into a functioning dairy farm.
Glastonbury has a fallow year every five years, and so the next festival will be in 2019.
“The farm needs a rest. So does the village and the wildlife,” organizer Michael Eavis said.
Glastonbury started off as a loss-maker in 1970, with 1,500 people paying one pound to watch Marc Bolan top the bill, with free milk from the farm to tempt music-loving hippies.
The festival celebrates its 50th year in 2020.
“We’re already booking acts for that one,” Eavis said.
“Half a century. It’s an incredible feat, actually. We’ve been through so many struggles to get here.”

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http://ift.tt/2saAzmo June 26, 2017 at 09:50PM

Social media giants step up joint fight against extremist content

Mon, 2017-06-26 22:01

BRUSSELS: Social media giants Facebook, Google’s YouTube, Twitter and Microsoft said on Monday they were forming a global working group to combine their efforts to remove terrorist content from their platforms.
Responding to pressure from governments in Europe and the United States after a spate of militant attacks, the companies said they would share technical solutions for removing terrorist content, commission research to inform their counter-speech efforts and work more with counter-terrorism experts.
The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism “will formalize and structure existing and future areas of collaboration between our companies and foster cooperation with smaller tech companies, civil society groups and academics, governments and supra-national bodies such as the EU and the UN,” the companies said in a statement.
The move comes on the heels of last week’s call from European heads of state for tech firms to establish an industry forum and develop new technology and tools to improve the automatic detection and removal of extremist content.
The political pressure on the companies has raised the prospect of new legislation at EU level, but so far only Germany has proposed a law fining social media networks up to 50 million euros ($56 million) if they fail to remove hateful postings quickly. The lower house of the German parliament is expected to vote on the law this week.
The companies will seek to improve technical work such as a database created in December to share unique digital fingerprints they automatically assign to videos or photos of extremist content.
They will also exchange best practices on content detection techniques using machine learning as well as define “standard transparency reporting methods for terrorist content removals.”
Earlier this month Facebook opened up about its efforts to remove terrorism content in response to criticism from politicians that tech giants are not doing enough to stop militant groups using their platforms for propaganda and recruiting.
Google announced additional measures to identify and remove terrorist or violent extremist content on its video-sharing platform YouTube shortly thereafter.
Twitter suspended 376,890 accounts for violations related to the promotion of terrorism in the second half of 2016 and will share further updates on its efforts to combat violent extremism on its platform in its next Transparency Report.
The social media firms said they would work with smaller companies to help them tackle extremist content and organizations such as the Center for Strategic and International Studies to work on ways to counter online extremism and hate.
All four companies have initiatives to counter online hate speech and will use the forum to improve their efforts and train civil society organizations engaged in similar work.

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http://ift.tt/2sVc9ua June 26, 2017 at 08:23PM

Epic struggle of film about Cairo on eve of revolution

Mon, 2017-06-26 13:20

PARIS: Everyone thought Tamer El Said had gone mad in the decade it took him to make his film “In the Last Days of the City.”
“My friends would look at me with a mixture of pity and sarcasm when they asked how it was going,” he told AFP. “And then after a while they stopped asking...”
El Said soldiered on even as the Egyptian revolution and counter-revolution seemed to have swept his years of agony and effort into irrelevance.
Now finally his award-winning movie about Cairo in the months before the 2011 Egyptian revolution is being released after being hailed as a remarkable portrait of a city on the brink.
Just six weeks after El Said finished shooting the impotent rage and surreal suspended reality of everyday life around his home under the geriatric dictator Hosni Mubarak, the same Cairo streets exploded into protest.
In one prophetic scene shot on a roof overlooking Tahrir Square — which would weeks later become the epicenter of the Arab Spring — the main character Khalid and his Iraqi and Lebanese friends despair of the violence, failure and fatalism the Arab world had sunk into.
But as El Said sat down to edit the movie, the world outside his window had begun to turn upside down. The resigned, melancholic Cairo that he had caught, weighed down by the military regime’s propaganda and police, rose up in revolt.
“During the 18 days (of protests that forced Mubarak from power) I didn’t feel the urge to film,” said El Said, who lives five minutes from Tahrir Square.
“I wanted to be part of this moment. But under the influence of others, we filmed for half a day, and it felt wrong.
“For the two years we had been shooting on the streets it always felt right, but it didn’t feel right to use such a big moment as a backdrop,” the 44-year-old added.
“We couldn’t use it before we understood it. And to understand it we needed time.”
Potential Western backers offered money to finish the film but wanted him to include the revolution.
“But I refused, I would have been betraying myself and the film” which was “about something that was ending and the price you pay for being from a place like this,” he added.
In an irony that was not lost on him, El Said’s own fate as he struggled to get finance came to mirror that of his lead character Khalid, who spends the movie not finishing his own film about Cairo.
But like his lugubrious hero, played by Scottish-Egyptian actor Khalid Abdalla of “The Kite Runner” fame, El Said had deeper emotional reasons for digging in his heels.
“The idea for the film came to me after the death of my father, and around the same time I lost friends in the terrible fire at the Beni Suef theater festival in 2005” in which 46 people were killed.
“It was horrible to imagine people burning inside a theater and nobody being held accountable. It said everything about the last years of Mubarak’s rule. It was clear we couldn’t continue.
“For me cinema is a way of making things last forever,” he said, tears welling in his eyes. “Yet I never filmed my father.”
By the time he started filming, his mother was also dying, and he persuaded her to play Khalid’s mother from her deathbed.
“She died in October 2010 in the last few weeks of the shoot.”
In a scene that subtly caught the rising religious mood in the city, she covers her head as her strength ebbs, while in the world outside stickers appear on lifts urging men not to look at women and tailor’s dummies are covered up in shop windows.
The Muslim Brotherhood government led by Muhammad Mursi that came out of the revolution was later overthrown by street protests and a military coup in June 2013 that brought General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to power.
That “In the Last Days of the City” has yet to be seen in Egypt despite winning a string of international prizes, including at the Berlin film festival, speaks volumes about artistic freedom and free speech under El-Sisi.
El Said insists it is not a political film.
Yet it languishes in legal limbo in his homeland, not banned but unable after 10 months of petitioning to get even a permit for a poster.
“The fact the film has never been shown in Egypt is a great scar for me,” said the director, one of the founders of Cairo’s Cimatheque hub for artists and film-makers.
“People say the film itself is not a problem... after all we shot it all in Mubarak’s time. There is just no place at the moment for an alternative voice.”

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http://ift.tt/2tajEQi June 26, 2017 at 11:28AM

الأحد، 25 يونيو 2017

Trumps attend Treasury chief wedding in glitzy DC affair

Sun, 2017-06-25 04:22

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania stepped out of the White House Saturday to toast newlyweds US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Scottish actress Louise Linton at their glitzy Washington nuptials.
The wedding, held in a historic auditorium near the National Mall, had been a closely held secret until a friend of the couple, US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, let word slip earlier this week.
Trump, sporting a black tie tuxedo, and Melania, who donned a pink blush dress her spokeswoman said was Gilles Mendel silk chiffon, drove past crowds of bystanders hoping to snap a photo of the first couple as they journeyed a few blocks south for the glamorous affair.
About 300 guests were due to attend, including Vice President Mike Pence and other members of the Trump administration. Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau was believed to be among the guests.
Linton, 36, holds journalism and law degrees. She has appeared on American television shows including “CSI: NY” and “Cold Case,” and had small roles in several movies, according to her website.
She also works as a film producer.
A book Linton wrote about spending her gap year in Zambia, “In Congo’s Shadow,” drew criticism for inaccuracies and for a tone that a Washington Post critic described pointedly as “the perfect White-Savior-in-Africa story.”
She later apologized and agreed to give any profits to charity.
Linton met Mnuchin at a wedding reception in Los Angeles in 2013, and he proposed two years later, she told The New York Times.
Mnuchin, 54, a former Goldman Sachs executive and hedge-fund manager, is also a former Hollywood film financier.
He had named Linton last month as interim head of Dune Entertainment, a company he helped found, but she resigned after Democrats raised questions about possible ethical conflicts.
Mnuchin has been a key player in Trump administration efforts to craft and pass tax reforms, and in urging Congress to raise the national debt ceiling.
This will be Mnuchin’s third marriage and Linton’s second.

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http://ift.tt/2s5ZRlz June 25, 2017 at 06:39PM

Prince Harry ‘wanted out’ of royal role

Sun, 2017-06-25 16:08

LONDON: Britain’s Prince Harry once “wanted out” of the Royal Family, but instead decided to “stay in and work out a role” for himself, according to an interview with the Mail on Sunday.
The prince, 32, caused a stir earlier this week when he said that he didn’t think any member of the royal family wanted to become monarch, and revealed doubts about his own role in the family in his latest interview.
The fifth-in-line to the throne told the newspaper that being in the army was “the best escape I’ve ever had,” and that his experience of being “just Harry” led him to consider quitting his royal role.
“I felt I wanted out but then decided to stay in and work out a role for myself,” he said.
The popular royal has since become a champion of wounded soldiers, a calling that came to him during two front-line tours to Afghanistan with the army.
Earlier this week, Harry spoke out about the heartbreaking images of him following his mother’s coffin during her 1997 funeral, telling Newsweek that no “child should be asked to do that.”
He also revealed that no-one in line to the throne was looking forward to taking over from Queen Elizabeth II.
“We are not doing this for ourselves but for the greater good of the people,” he said.
“Is there any one of the royal family who wants to be king or queen? I don’t think so, but we will carry out our duties at the right time.”

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http://ift.tt/2sQgQpi June 25, 2017 at 06:41PM

Whisper it, but is it time to ax ‘Despicable Me’ Minions?

Sun, 2017-06-25 04:09

LOS ANGELES: Reformed super-villain Gru adds to his burgeoning family this weekend with the release of “Despicable Me 3,” which will likely push the gargantuan franchise past $3 billion at the box office.
But critics have warned that the seemingly unstoppable cash cow risks becoming “Predictable Me” unless its creators ring the changes for future outings — including thinking the unthinkable and dropping the loveable Minions.
Universal’s animation arm Illumination, which made “Despicable Me,” its sequel and the spin-off “Minions,” continues the adventures of Gru, Lucy and their adorable adopted daughters with the latest installment, due out next weekend.
The franchise has already taken $2.7 billion at box offices worldwide, and spawned a lucrative merchandising cottage industry taking in clothing, toys and theme park rides.
Early reviews for “Despicable Me 3” have been largely positive but at least two high profile critics are arguing for a smaller role or no part at all for Gru’s sidekicks, the Minions — small, yellow blobs that exist only to serve history’s most despicable masters.
“As happened with ‘Shrek’ and various other cartoon franchises before it, Gru’s ensemble is starting to feel a bit bloated,” wrote Peter Debruge, Variety magazine’s influential chief film critic.
“And before moving forward, the studio might want to shed a few characters, starting — blasphemy of blasphemies! — with the Minions, who now officially have Nothing To Do.”
Echoing the controversial viewpoint, Wenlei Ma, of News Corp. Australia’s news.com.au website, described the film as a return to form after the “misguided” 2015 “Minions” spin-off placed the mischievous sidekicks front and center.
“If nothing else, ‘Despicable Me 3’ proves that those adorable, pill-shaped, banana-obsessed creatures are best enjoyed in smaller doses, as sidekicks and supporting characters, rather than be allowed to run rampant for a full 90 minutes,” she wrote.
Directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda — who collaborated on “Minions” (2015) — “Despicable Me 3” had its star-studded premiere in Los Angeles on Saturday.
The movie picks up Gru’s story as he is enjoying life with his three adopted daughters and new wife Lucy, played by Kristen Wiig, 43.
After he is fired from the Anti-Villain League for failing to take down the latest bad guy to threaten humanity, Gru finds himself in the midst of a major identity crisis.
Steve Carell not only reprises his role as Gru, but also takes on a second part — that of the character’s long-lost twin brother Dru.
“Gru is very happy and content because he’s found the love of his life, and the kids are great,” 54-year-old Carell (“Foxcatcher,” “The Big Short“) said at a recent press day for the movie in Los Angeles.
“This long-lost brother shows up on the scene and causes some acrimony... between the two, because Dru, his brother, is enticing him to get back into a life of crime, and then I don’t think Lucy is very happy about that idea.”
Carell is clear that the Minions are still very much the stars of the show.
“They’re singing, dancing, they still love to smack each other. There’s a lot of good Minion stuff,” he said.
Wiig, who has appeared in more than 40 movies, including “Bridesmaids,” “The Martian” and “Ghostbusters,” described working on the “Despicable Me” films as a career highlight.
“It’s just a good time and it’s a silly movie, but it’s also really heartfelt and has important things to say,” she said.
“I’m so proud to be a part of it — I love it.”

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http://ift.tt/2s69658 June 25, 2017 at 06:36PM

Harry Potter turns 20: Business empire with humble start

Sun, 2017-06-25 14:45

LONDON: After years of rejection letters, British author J.K. Rowling finally published the first volume of the Harry Potter saga 20 years ago, on June 26, 1997.
“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was the first of seven novels that spawned an empire comprising eight movies, a play, theme parks in the United States and Japan, a sightseeing tour in Scotland and a permanent exhibition at London’s Warner Bros Studios.
Here is the background of a global phenomenon:
Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born into a modest family in Chipping Sodbury, western England, on July 31, 1965.
She studied French and Classics at the University of Exeter before going to teach English in Portugal, where she began to chronicle the adventures of Harry Potter.
Rowling married Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantesa in 1992, giving birth to their daughter Jessica in 1993. The couple divorced in 1995 and the author moved to Edinburgh, Scotland.
After finishing the novel, she joined forces with publisher Bloomsbury in August 1996.
Named Britain’s best living writer in 2006, she has accrued a fortune of £650 million (743 million euros), according to the Sunday Times rich list published in May 2017.
She remarried in 2001, to Scottish doctor Neil Murray, and the couple have a boy and a girl.
Conjured up on a 1990 train journey between Manchester and London, the saga follows a young wizard named Harry Potter and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, led by headmaster Albus Dumbledore.
The main plot revolves around Harry’s fight against Lord Voldemort, a dark lord of magic in search of immortality who murdered Potter’s parents when he was still a baby.
The entire saga comprises seven volumes, published between 1997 and 2007, with each taking place during a school year.
The story begins in the summer of 1991 when Harry Potter, not yet 11 years old, is accepted into Hogwarts.
The seven books were adapted into eight movies, with the last volume “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” divided into two feature films.
The first two films were directed by Chris Columbus, the third by Mexican Alfonso Cuaron, the fourth by Mike Newell and the last four by David Yates.
“Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,” a two-and-a-half-hour play staged in London since July 2016, follows the hero as an adult and father-of-three.
In the production, Potter struggles to cope with his past while his family legacy proves to be a burden on youngest son Albus Severus Potter, “the cursed child.”
In all, the seven volumes of the saga, translated into 79 languages in 200 countries, have sold more than 450 million copies worldwide.
The first print run of “the Philosopher’s Stone” produced 1,000 copies — all now highly-sought after collectors items — and earned Rowling a £1,500 contract.
The movies have netted $7.2 billion (6.4 billion euros) worldwide, the books $7.7 billion, and merchandise $7.3 billion dollars, according to data from http://ift.tt/TUGLSX dating from September 2016.
The Harry Potter studios in Leavesden, north of London, invites fans to immerse themselves in Potter-world at a permanent exhibition, welcoming 6,000 visitors a day.
There are also theme parks created by Universal Studio in Orlando, Florida, Hollywood and Osaka, Japan.
VisitScotland, the Scotland Tourist Board, has set up a four-day guided tour from Edinburgh to the Highlands via the Glenfinnan or Edinburgh Viaduct, which feature in the saga.

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http://ift.tt/2u4dGxk June 25, 2017 at 02:12PM

السبت، 24 يونيو 2017

Ramadan, Eid earn prime spots on Gulf fashion calendar

Sun, 2017-06-25 03:00

DUBAI: From Dolce & Gabbana to Michael Kors, major brands are catering to lucrative Gulf markets during the festive season of Ramadan and Eid, which is earning its own slot on the global fashion calendar.
With Muslim spending on clothing on the rise, mainstream labels are courting the dirham, dinar and riyal in a region home to some of the world’s biggest buyers of fashion.
The demand for “modest wear” is skyrocketing, fueled in part by the rise of social media influencers and Muslim lifestyle and beauty vloggers.
The market for the abaya in particular peaks during the holy month, according to Dubai-based designer Aiisha Ramadan, as women strive to avoid outfit repeats at all costs.
Muslim spending worldwide on clothing and shoes is projected to reach $500 billion by 2019, according to Tamara Hostal, the head of fashion marketing at design school ESMOD Dubai.
DKNY launched a Middle East-exclusive Ramadan line in 2014, and other labels have since jumped on the bandwagon: Dolce & Gabbana, CH Carolina Herrera, Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger, Zara, Mango, Uniqlo and Nike, among others.
Instagram is flooded with #ootd (outfit of the day) posts and the pages of Vogue Arabia filled with how to curate a wardrobe of festive, and generally modest, attire.
Designer Ramadan has dressed American singers Jennifer Lopez, Christina Aguilera and Zendaya.
“International brands are making a smart move by moving into the home of the Arab woman with kaftans and abayas,” she said.
“As long as it respects our culture, it’s a beautiful thing.”
US-Venezuelan designer Carolina Herrera in May unveiled a Ramadan line exclusively for the Gulf, featuring four styles of abayas with her trademark polka dot and bow motifs.
The house’s ready-couture line is separately releasing a Fall/Winter collection exclusive to the region for Eid — with “long dresses in black, red lace and mimosa yellow that can be buttoned up or down for every woman.”

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http://ift.tt/2sO4X2Y June 24, 2017 at 09:16PM

Mira Sorvino urges support for trafficking victims

Sun, 2017-06-25 03:00

UNITED NATIONS: Oscar-winning actress Mira Sorvino is urging all nations and the business community to ramp up financial support for victims of human trafficking, saying the services such funds provide “mean the difference between life and death.”
Sorvino has been a UN goodwill ambassador for the global fight against human trafficking, and she told a UN meeting Friday that “government and private sector funding is sorely lacking in providing the life-rebuilding shelter, services and legal help survivors desperately need.”
The session was part of the preparation for a high-level meeting in September to review the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons.
Sorvino says the UN needs “to craft a better, more victim-centered response” that puts survivors at the table where the global plan is readjusted.”

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http://ift.tt/2s3LKgo June 24, 2017 at 09:16PM

Stanford University economist predicts demise of fossil fuel cars

Arab News
Sun, 2017-06-25 03:00

Production of cars powered by fossil fuel will diminish and will be replaced by electric vehicles in the coming eight years as the entire market of land transportation switches to electrification.
These are the predictions of Professor Tony Seba, an economist with Stanford University, which he included in a report titled “Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030.” The report has gone viral among green energy advocates, causing anxiety in the established industries.
Seba makes a number of bold assumptions in his report, one of which is that people will switch to self-driven electric vehicles, which are cheaper to run and maintain. Also, the pattern of ownership will change to vehicles-on-demand. He sees a world without gasoline stations, mechanics and car dealers within the next decade.
Cities around the world would ban human drivers once authorities realize how dangerous they are — they would be banished to the suburbs. There would be a glut of unwanted gasoline and diesel cars and their values would plummet. People may have to pay to have their second-hand vehicles disposed of.
Major car companies would have to reinvent themselves as self-drive service companies such as Uber or compete in the low-margin electric vehicle markets. As the next generation of vehicles would be like computers on wheels, tech companies would gain the advantage to disrupt the market. The market’s development would be decided in Silicon alley, not in Detroit.
This overwhelming change is driven by technology, according to Seba, not by environmental concerns. Market forces would be stronger and more ferocious than any means of control by governments.
The economist describes the imminent change in dramatic words: “We are on the cusp of one of the fastest, deepest, most consequential disruptions of transportation in history.”
He believes the tipping point is likely to arrive over the next two to three years as electric vehicles surpass a range of 200 miles and their prices drop below $30,000. He thinks the low-end electric vehicles will drop in price to below $20,000 by 2022.
After that, the floodgates would open to electric vehicles of all sizes and by 2025 all new vehicles would be electric.
It would take some time to clear the backlog of cars powered by fossil fuel, but he believes that by 2030 about 95 percent of the transportation mileage driven in the US would be autonomous electric driving. People would resort to this kind of driving for cost, convenience and efficiency. The switch will save the average family about $5,600 per year as the cost per mile driven drops to 6.8 cents and insurance costs decline by 90 percent. Petrol cars would become obsolete. Western governments would be hit hard by losing fuel taxes.
Forward moves
Some countries are already preparing for the change. China wants 7 million electric vehicles by 2025; it is imposing a quota for “new energy” vehicles that actually shifts the burden for the switch to the manufacturers. The trend is irreversible according to Chinese manufacturers. The quota rises from 8 percent in 2018 to 12 percent in 2020. Those carmakers that cannot meet the quota would have their exports to China curtailed.
India, on the other hand, is drawing up plans to phase out all petrol and diesel cars by 2032. This ambitious plan leapfrogs China in an Asian race for electrification. India uses a mix of incentives, quotas and caps on fossil-fuel vehicles in order to cut pollution and break reliance on imported oil.
These changes would have profound implications for major oil companies and also oil-producing countries in the near future. High-cost oil producers would be forced out of the market including shale oil and deep-sea producers.
Seba seems fascinated by the simplicity of the electric vehicles. He points out that the Tesla Model S engine has 18 moving parts, 100 times fewer than a combustion engine. Maintenance is effectively zero and Tesla is offering an infinite-mile warranty.
The other forecast trend is for “vehicles on demand.” These electric vehicles would last up to a million miles each. Electric cars are about four times more efficient than petrol cars, which lose about 80 percent of their energy to heat and friction.
Seba believes what will happen to the internal combustion engine will be similar to what happened to Kodak once digital cameras hit the market. “You cannot compete with zero-marginal cost,” said Seba.
The economist does not believe that electric vehicles will put excess strain on electric networks, as consumption would increase by only 18 percent. Electric vehicles would draw power during low-peak times and would act as energy reservoirs.
Whatever happens in the near future, one car industry expert predicts that “the next 10 years will see more disruption in the industry than in the last 50 years.”

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http://ift.tt/2s3FVzK June 24, 2017 at 09:11PM

Audi R8 driven by lucky winner

Arab News
Sun, 2017-06-25 03:00

• Audi Middle East embraced the spirit of giving by providing one lucky customer with the chance to enjoy their most powerful sports car, the Audi R8 V10 Plus, for two days. Zaid Kilani from Abu Dhabi was chosen at random as the lucky customer to enjoy the Audi R8 V10 Plus and Audi Middle East was on hand to film the moment he was presented with the car. Collecting his dream car, an ecstatic Kilani said: “When I first saw the car I was mesmerized. My heart stopped and I stood still, just staring at it — admiring the beauty of every curve that the R8 shows off so well. Knowing that I would have the chance to actually experience this amazing car for two days was a dream come true! My mind was blown away with happiness and has been ever since. This is a memory I will treasure forever.”
• Swedish manufacturer of buses and coaches, Volvo Buses, together with its partners from the transport industry, public transport authorities and private bus operators, are embarking on an initiative to significantly improve driver skills. Volvo is helping authorities and operators to initiate a series of safety training courses for drivers and their trainers with a vision to reduce road accidents, improve fuel efficiency and reduce environmental impact for businesses across the Middle East and Africa. Volvo Buses is working closely with operators and authorities across Egypt, the UAE, Tunisia and Morocco, helping them to launch a series of refresher driver training programs in local languages for drivers in the region. The company aims to develop local capabilities in terms of local expertise and creating the course content to deliver training programs in each market.
• Hussein M. Dajani has joined Nissan as general manager of digital marketing for Africa, the Middle East and India. He will lead Nissan’s digital and social media strategy in the region, which is becoming more significant for the auto company’s global business. Working with teams in local markets, his role will be to ensure that the company delivers an innovative experience online for customers, matching the innovation in Nissan’s cars. He will also take the lead on digital and content for Nissan’s regional communications function, working on strategies to support the company’s business goals. Dajani said: “I am delighted to be joining Nissan and I am looking forward to further strengthening Nissan’s digital footprint in Africa, the Middle East and India.”
• Aston Martin Racing has taken victory at the 85th 24 Hours of Le Mans in dramatic style, after Jonny Adam (GB) snatched the GTE Pro lead on the final lap of the iconic endurance race. Partnered with Darren Turner (GB) and Daniel Serra (BR), the trio and their Aston Martin V8 Vantage GTE performed faultlessly to ensure they remained in the hunt for victory right until the end. With just over 45 minutes left on the clock, Adam found himself pitting at the same time as the #63 Corvette for a final fuel stop. With both cars exiting the pit lane together— with Adam in second— it was inevitable that he would have to make the pass while on track. After trading places with his rival for much of the final stint, Adam prevailed and overtook the #63 Corvette as he crossed the start/finish line on the penultimate lap. With his rival running wide at the second Mulsanne corner under pressure from the Scot, a slow puncture halted their progress and ensured the victory.

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http://ift.tt/2sO4M7E June 24, 2017 at 09:11PM

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