الثلاثاء، 31 يناير 2017

Trump nominates conservative judge Gorsuch for Supreme Court

President Donald Trump on Tuesday nominated federal appellate Judge Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court nominee, tilting the balance of the court back in the conservatives' favor.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kPsqj9

Fighting rages in east Ukraine for third day

Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed rebels were on Tuesday locked in fighting for a third straight day at a flashpoint town that left thousands shivering without power and sparked renewed EU concern about security in its backyard.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jSZJ3d

Le Pen spurns deadline, refuses to repay €300,000 to EU Parliament in misused funds scandal

Marine Le Pen has refused to repay €298,000 to the European Parliament following allegations the French far-right leader misused funds, disregarding a deadline set by the body.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jA16QS

Quebec mosque rampage suspect Bissonnette painted as a quiet radical

Alexandre Bissonnette's catalogue of social-media likes included US President Donald Trump, Garfield the Cat, French far-right leader Marine Le Pen, heavy metal rockers Megadeth and popstar Katy Perry.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kOLKwN

French presidential candidate Fillon got wife, kids jobs paying €1 million, report claims

François Fillon’s wife Penelope was paid more than €900,000 for work she allegedly didn’t perform, according to investigative weekly Le Canard Enchaîné, which claims the embattled presidential candidate also hired two of his children.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kOfjyI

Mexico's manufacturing hub of Ciudad Juarez gears up for new era

The Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez, just across the border from Texas, saw a huge manufacturing boom in the 1980s, when the US market was hungry for consumer goods. It later became infamous for being the world's most dangerous city. Today, the city’s streets are safe again, but it faces a new threat – US President Donald Trump is promising to pull American-run factories back north of the border. Our correspondents report from Ciudad Juarez on how workers are coping with the uncertainty.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kQzWWU

Off with their heads! How French politics went topsy-turvy in 100 days

With François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy already out of the picture, Manuel Valls’s crushing primary defeat on Sunday capped an astonishing one hundred days that turned the race for the Élysée Palace into a lethal quagmire.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jQasLM

Paris's Pompidou Centre: 40 years at the cutting edge of modern art

We take you on a tour of the Pompidou Centre, a temple of modern and contemporary art in the heart of Paris. But it's not just a museum - it's a monumental cultural complex, where a stunning collection of visual art mingles with music, film and literature. This year, the Pompidou Centre is marking its 40th anniversary with a jam-packed programme of exhibitions and cultural events.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kmBRGf

French parliament searched as part of Fillon ‘fake job’ probe

French investigators on Tuesday searched parliamentary offices amid a growing scandal over allegations that the wife of conservative presidential frontrunner François Fillon was paid €500,000 for work she didn’t perform.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kNdwKq

EU Parliament seeks to recover funds from French far-right leader Le Pen

Marine Le Pen on Tuesday must repay €298,000 to the European Parliament or see her MEP salary slashed in half, following allegations the French far-right leader misused funds.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kPLedQ

Dimitri Payet returns to Marseille amid West Ham fury

France international Dimitri Payet made a record-breaking return to Olympique Marseille on Monday leaving a bitter taste at West Ham United after going on strike to force a transfer.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jQo5s0

Brazilian ex-billionaire Batista jailed in corruption probe

Eike Batista, once the richest and most outspoken cheerleader for Brazil’s ill-fated commodities bubble, flew back to Rio de Janeiro Monday and was arrested at the airport by federal police over corruption allegations after four days as a fugitive.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kONnqc

الاثنين، 30 يناير 2017

US attorney general orders Justice Department not to defend Trump travel ban

The acting US attorney general, a holdover from the Obama administration, ordered Justice Department lawyers Monday to not defend President Donald Trump's ban on refugees and other travelers from seven Muslim countries.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jwP6iY

Suspect in Quebec mosque shooting charged with six counts of murder

The 27-year-old suspect in a terrorist attack against Muslims at a Quebec City mosque was charged Monday with six counts of first degree murder and five counts of attempted murder.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kLJJBN

African Union decides to readmit Morocco

The African Union agreed Monday to readmit Morocco 33 years after it quit the bloc, following a difficult debate over the status of Western Sahara, according to presidents attending the summit.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kMxcK6

French presidential hopeful François Fillon, wife in 'fake job' probe

French presidential candidate François Fillon and his wife are being questioned by investigators as part of a probe into allegations that Penelope Fillon was paid for fake jobs, a source close to the case said on Monday.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jn9wQf

‘Spiderman’ burglar in French court over Picasso heist

A burglar notorious for his acrobatic heists went on trial in Paris on Monday over the 2010 theft of five masterpieces, which have been estimated to be worth more than €100 million and are still missing.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k9gdm0

Iraq asks US to 'reconsider' Trump travel ban

Iraq has asked the United States to reconsider the travel ban on its citizens, the foreign ministry said on Monday, taking a more diplomatic line than the Iraqi parliament which had demanded the government “retaliate”.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kKdX89

Britons urge government to scrap plans for Trump state visit

A petition urging the British government to deny US President Donald Trump a state visit surged past the 1-million-signature mark on Monday amid outrage over White House orders to temporarily ban immigration from several Muslim majority countries.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k8A9Wq

Benoît Hamon: Brave new Socialism in an age of mass extinction

The Socialist nominee’s bold platform for the presidency “isn’t unrealistic, it’s unthinkable”. The question is, can he get enough French voters to change the way they think?

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jJGyZm

Suspected Brussels' bomber in France for questioning over Paris attacks

Belgium has handed over Mohamed Abrini, the "man in the hat" bomber at Brussels airport, to France for questioning about the 2015 Paris attacks, federal prosecutors said.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kKVPXC

الأحد، 29 يناير 2017

Miss France is crowned Miss Universe

Miss France was crowned Miss Universe on Monday in a made-for-television spectacle free of last year's dramatic mix-up but with a dash of political controversy as the finalists spoke out on the refugee crisis and other hot-button global issues.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jIFdlH

Trump's travel ban: What is it and who is affected?

Confusion has reigned since US President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday temporarily banning incoming refugees and travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries. FRANCE 24 takes a look at some of the biggest questions.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jIpeUO

Deadly shooting at Quebec City mosque

At least five people were killed and several people wounded after gunmen opened fire at a mosque in Quebec City late Sunday, media reported.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jMbKoz

Socialist Hamon seeks to unify French left after clinching presidential primary

Socialist Benoît Hamon clinched his party’s presidential nomination on Sunday but now faces an uphill battle to unify France’s left with less than three months to go before elections for the nation’s highest office.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kI7dHU

'Finally some hope’, supporters of Benoît Hamon say

Supporters of hard-left Socialist Benoît Hamon celebrated on Sunday their candidate's victory to the party's ticket for the French presidential election, hoping he will be the one to unify a divided left.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kIOuaW

Supporters cheer embattled Fillons at French election rally

Thousands of supporters gave embattled French presidential candidate François Fillon and his wife a standing ovation at a rally on Sunday, in a show of support after his campaign was thrown off track by allegations of misuse of public funds.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jk5Uib

France defeat Norway to win sixth handball world title

France won the handball world championships for a sixth time on Sunday with a 33-26 victory in which they came from behind against Norway, who made the hosts sweat by leading for most of the first half.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jGmFCr

The story of one resident’s fight to enter the US after immigration ban

Scores of refugees and US permanent residents are trapped in airports after Trump signed an executive order barring entry for many foreigners. France 24 spoke to a Houston-based lawyer fighting for her client’s right to enter the United States.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jL3GnS

Live: Socialists Hamon and Valls face off in French presidential primary

Socialists Benoît Hamon and Manuel Valls on Sunday are facing off in the second round of France’s left-wing presidential primary. For all the latest news on the key poll, follow FRANCE 24’s live blog below.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jjAlVD

Growing global backlash against Trump’s immigration ban

A global backlash against U.S. President Donald Trump’s immigration curbs gathered pace on Sunday as several countries including long-standing American allies criticised the measures as discriminatory and divisive.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kgfW32

US soldier killed in raid on al Qaeda in Yemen

The U.S. military said Sunday that one service member was killed and three others wounded in a raid in Yemen targeting its local al-Qaida branch.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kgoreK

Federer beats Nadal to win fifth Australian Open and 18th Grand Slam title

Roger Federer was in tears as he won a thrilling, five-set Australian Open final against his great rival Rafael Nadal to clinch a record-extending 18th Grand Slam title on Sunday.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kgmz5E

Fillon says opponents hope €500,000 scandal will end French presidential his bid

French presidential hopeful Francois Fillon has vowed to fight to the end in the face of allegations his wife was paid for fictitious jobs, saying there are "forces at work to silence me".

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kH7XZO

How to cut cheese and the French 'fromage' rules

After wine and bread, we explore something else that's quintessentially French: cheese! With an estimated 400 distinct varieties of "fromage", it’s safe to say that France is obsessed with cheese. A lot of love goes into making it and there are strict rules about eating and cutting it!

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kGThKc

‘Fighter’ Valls vs ‘moderniser’ Hamon: French head to polls for Socialist presidential primary

French Socialists will choose between reformist ex-prime minister Manuel Valls and leftwinger Benoit Hamon in a presidential primary runoff Sunday, overshadowed by a scandal engulfing the conservative election frontrunner.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kfCVuR

السبت، 28 يناير 2017

US judge temporarily blocks Trump deportations

A federal judge blocked Saturday part of President Donald Trump's temporary immigration ban, ordering authorities to stop deporting refugees and other travelers stuck at US airports.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jiaGg8

Hollande urges Trump to 'respect' principle of accepting refugees

French President Francois Hollande on Saturday warned his new US counterpart Donald Trump against adopting a protectionist stance and called on him to respect the principle of accepting refugees.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jCenvx

Inquiry into wife of French presidential hopeful Fillon widens

French investigators have searched the offices of a magazine as part of a widening inquiry into whether presidential candidate Francois Fillon's wife was paid for allegedly fictitious jobs, sources told AFP Saturday.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jBSoF6

UK Prime Minister May seals fighter jet deal with Turkey

British Prime Minister Theresa May signed a $125 million fighter jet deal with Turkey on Saturday and briefly cautioned Ankara on human rights following last year’s failed coup, in a visit squarely aimed at boosting trade between the NATO allies.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jqe8jV

Trump's immigrant curbs cause chaos and anger worldwide

Donald Trump’s sweeping ban on people seeking refuge in the United States and visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries caused confusion and panic among travelers on Saturday, with some turned back from U.S.-bound flights.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jBOeNv

Iraq's lost children: Victims of post-traumatic stress

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2ke27SG

France, Germany ‘worried’ about Trump's moves to limit refugees

France and Germany voiced disquiet on Saturday over U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to limit immigration and refugees from some Muslim countries, and they reaffirmed a firm line on Russian sanctions.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jAdR0Y

Serena Williams wins Australian Open, record 23rd Grand Slam title

Serena Williams rewrote history Saturday to surpass Steffi Graf and capture a record 23rd Grand Slam title as well as the world number one ranking by beating her sister Venus in the Australian Open final.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jHLgEy

Chinese Lunar New Year: Let’s celebrate the Year of the Rooster!

The Chinese Lunar New Year kicked off Saturday ushering in the beginning of the Year of Rooster and the beginning of spring. According to the Chinese zodiac, people born in the Year of the Rooster are brave, responsible but also vain!

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kEx3fE

'Not the time to build walls', Iran's Rouhani tells Trump

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani criticised his US counterpart Donald Trump on Saturday, saying now was "not the time to build walls between nations".

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kE08Ej

Chile wildfires displace thousands

Raging forest fires in central Chile have killed 10 people, displaced thousands and destroyed entire villages, the government said Thursday.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kwLqzs

الجمعة، 27 يناير 2017

'Elephant Man' star John Hurt dies at 77

Veteran British actor Sir John Hurt, Oscar-nominated for his star turn in "The Elephant Man" and his supporting role in "Midnight Express", has died after a long battle with pancreatic cancer, a representative said on Saturday. He was 77.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jHcPxR

Trump suspends US refugee program, bars visitors from Syria

President Donald Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred visitors from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries, saying the moves help protect Americans from terrorist attacks.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jHblU9

Study says girls as young as six see men as more capable, intelligent

Girls as young as six can be led to believe that men are inherently more intelligent and talented than women, according to a study published this week in the journal “Science”.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jnxV3t

Trump and May underscore US-UK ‘special relationship’

US President Donald Trump on Friday pledged America’s “lasting support” with Britain after he emerged from his first meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May, a leader hoping to nudge the populist president toward the political mainstream.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kbYtc9

French right has no presidential candidate if Fillon steps down

France’s conservative party les Républicains will be without a Plan B if its presidential candidate, François Fillon, is forced to step down amid an ongoing scandal of alleged illegal payments to his wife.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kbVTDm

New book claims halal is ‘invented tradition’, not a pillar of Islam

The halal market hasn’t stopped growing since the 1980s. But according to anthropologist Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, author of the new book “The Halal Market or The Invention of a Tradition”, buying halal is not a religious obligation.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kC2dUY

Live: UK Prime Minister May meets US President Trump in Washington

Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday met US President Donald Trump in Washington, DC to discuss potential partnerships as Britain prepares to leave the European Union. Click the player below to watch their joint news conference live.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kBIeBL

French presidential hopeful warns Britain becoming US vassal state

Britain is becoming subservient to a United States that will be extremely difficult to cooperate with judging by President Donald Trump’s “serious and worrying” first acts, French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron said on Friday.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kAL9uu

France’s top court strikes down anti-smacking law

A French law condemning the smacking of children has been struck down by the Constitutional Council, dismaying opponents of a practice for which France has been rapped by the UN.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k9ABFV

'Allo 'Allo: When French politicians speak English

When asked to showcase their prowess in the English language during a primary debate this week, Socialist presidential candidates Manuel Valls and Benoît Hamon were less than convincing. But they're hardly the exception.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k9vjdv

Flight MH370: Families of missing passengers search for the truth

It’s a unique case in the history of modern aviation. Nearly three years after its disappearance, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, a Boeing 777 with 239 people on board, has still not been found. The official search has now been called off and no satisfactory conclusion has been reached to lessen the families’ immense pain. Some suspect the authorities are hiding the truth from them and have decided to carry out their own investigation. Our reporters followed them in their search efforts.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jwPDoA

French presidential frontrunner to quit race if charged over wife's 'fake job'

France’s conservative candidate for the presidency, François Fillon, said Thursday he would step out of the race if prosecutors decided to file preliminary charges over an allegedly fake job held by his wife.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k94ypm

‘Sometimes opposites attract,’ says May in US ahead of Trump talks

British Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday embraced U.S. President Donald Trump as a friend and ally, but cautioned him not to turn his back on global institutions and long-established political values.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k8Szbt

Video: A look inside Paris’s first migrant camp

The French capital’s first humanitarian camp has come under criticism since it opened three months ago in an effort to get homeless migrants off the streets of Paris. FRANCE 24 took a look inside.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2ka97jW

Video: Meet the US abortion foes in the heart of Trump country

Anti-abortion activists in the United States are set to stage a major annual march on Washington Friday, six days after women’s marches across the United States and around the world drew millions.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jlxOFj

FMM seeks probe into purported links between journalists’ murder and al Qaeda hostage ransom

France Médias Monde has called on French judges to investigate purported links between the murder in 2013 of two RFI journalists and botched negotiations for the release of French hostages held by al Qaeda's North African branch.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jXHyYk

Defending champs France head to seventh world handball final

Defending champions France defeated Slovenia 31-25 on Thursday to reach the final of the world handball championships and get to within touching distance of a sixth major international title.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jaGC5T

الخميس، 26 يناير 2017

Deadly Chile wildfire destroys entire town

Flames from one of Chile's worst wildfires completely consumed the town of Santa Olga as the death toll from the blazes since November rose to 10, officials said Thursday.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k9tkq4

Trump seeks tax on Mexican imports to pay for border wall

U.S. President Donald Trump could pay for a wall on the southern border with a new 20 percent tax on goods from Mexico, the White House said on Thursday, deepening a crisis after plans for a summit with the Mexican president fell apart.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kyzsEG

French presidential hopeful Fillon rejects allegations of wife's 'fake job'

Former French prime minister François Fillon said on Thursday he would stick to his presidential bid, rejecting press allegations that his wife drew a salary as his assistant but never actually worked.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k6yyT3

Gambia welcomes president Barrow to start new era

Gambia's President Adama Barrow finally returned home Thursday, solidifying his position as this country's first new commander in chief in two decades after a political crisis that sent the previous ruler into exile.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kxTq6N

Mexican president cancels trip to Washington after row with Trump over border wall

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Thursday he had scrapped plans to meet Donald Trump next week after the U.S. president tweeted Mexico should cancel the meeting if it was not prepared to pay for his proposed border wall.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k60vtZ

Turkey issues arrest warrants for coup suspects after Greece rejects extradition

Turkish authorities have issued arrest warrants for eight soldiers who fled to Greece after July's failed coup attempt in Turkey, the state-run Anadolu news agency reported on Thursday.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k7OOU4

Russian 'slapping law' a setback for victims of domestic violence

In Russia, certain forms of domestic violence are set to be decriminalised. On Wednesday, MPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of a bill that would reduce the punishment for those convicted of domestic violence. Supporters of the legislation, known as the "slapping law", say they to want to protect the right of parents to discipline their children and reduce the state's ability to meddle in family life. But feminist organisations see it as a way of encouraging abuse.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jtAbcw

UK publishes bill to trigger Article 50, kicking off Brexit process

Britain's government on Thursday published a draft law that would authorise Prime Minister Theresa May to begin the procedure for leaving the European Union in an important milestone towards Brexit.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jtyewY

French journalists’ murder linked to al Qaeda hostage ransom

The murder in 2013 of RFI journalists Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon may be related to botched negotiations for the release of French hostages held by al Qaeda's North African branch, according to a report by France 2.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jiQ9mr

Gambia's new leader Barrow to return home after crisis

The Gambia's new president will return to his country's capital Thursday, aides said, ending a prolonged political crisis sparked by disputed elections that forced him to flee to neighbouring Senegal.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jUFwbD

French skipper Joyon sails around the world in record 40 days

Sixty-year-old Frenchman Francis Joyon and his five-man crew smashed the round-the-world sailing record on Thursday, becoming the first team to circumnavigate the globe without assistance in 40 days.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kw8a1A

Marseille sign evergreen Patrice Evra from Juventus

Veteran French international defender Patrice Evra signed for Marseille on Wednesday on a free transfer from Juventus on an 18-month contract, the Ligue 1 club announced.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jzA7Wm

الأربعاء، 25 يناير 2017

Bolt loses Beijing relay gold after Jamaican teammate tests positive

Jamaica's Usain Bolt has lost one of his nine Olympic gold medals and his perfect triple treble of Games' sprint victories after team mate Nesta Carter was found guilty of doping at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jzsr6I

Mexico president condemns border wall as pressure mounts to scrap Trump visit

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on Wednesday condemned Donald Trump's move to build a border wall but fell short of deciding whether to cancel an upcoming meeting with the US president.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kvq497

Hamon and Valls face off in final French left-wing primary debate

Socialist presidential hopeful Benoit Hamon’s idealist vision for France squared off against calls for pragmatism from former prime minister Manuel Valls as the two men debated each other on national television Wednesday night.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k5qjXD

Egypt beat Ghana to seal place in Cup of Nations quarters

Mohamed Salah's thumping early free-kick gave Egypt a 1-0 win against Ghana on Wednesday as they sealed their place in the quarter-finals of the Africa Cup of Nations.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kkXAvj

Trump signs executive order to start border wall construction

President Donald Trump moved aggressively to tighten the nation's immigration policies Wednesday, signing executive actions to jumpstart construction of a U.S.-Mexico border wall and block federal grants from immigrant-protecting "sanctuary cities."

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kkuiwM

US television icon Mary Tyler Moore dies at 80

Mary Tyler Moore, the star of TV's beloved "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" whose comic realism helped revolutionize the depiction of women on the small screen, has died.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k1gE3P

Film ‘Elle’ tops France’s César Award list amid Polanski controversy

Subversive rape thriller "Elle" starring Isabelle Huppert topped the nominations list Wednesday for the "French Oscars" - the Cesars - hit by controversy over the decision to ask Roman Polanski to preside at the awards.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2ktvFZf

France opens inquiry into right-wing presidential candidate Fillon’s wife

French investigators on Wednesday launched a preliminary probe into claims the wife of presidential candidate Francois Fillon earned 500,000 euros ($538,000) for a suspected fake job as his parliamentary aide.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jeSore

Trump to investigate unsubstantiated claim of voter fraud

US President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he would seek a probe into alleged voter fraud after claiming that several million people voted illegally in November's election that brought him to power.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jprXlE

Video: Joy as refugees return to a Gambia without Jammeh

Refugees have been streaming back into Gambia since the departure on Saturday of strongman Yahya Jammeh, who finally bowed to international pressure to accept his election defeat.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jdIaHn

Part-Sanders, part-Corbyn: how French socialist Hamon stepped out of the dark

A leftist dissident, Benoît Hamon has emerged as an unlikely frontrunner for the Socialist presidential nomination as the battered and fractured ruling party scrambles to stay alive in the shifting sands of French politics.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kroLaT

الثلاثاء، 24 يناير 2017

Trump to announce immigration, visa restrictions: reports

President Donald Trump will sign executive orders starting Wednesday restricting refugees, visas and immigration, making good on his signature campaign pledges, US media reported.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kgLbby

Senate confirms Nikki Haley as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations

The US Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly confirmed Nikki Haley, the governor of South Carolina, as US ambassador to the United Nations, delivering new President Donald Trump one of his most potent diplomatic tools.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2j2A8WR

Germany’s Social Democrats back Schulz as candidate to run against Merkel

Germany’s centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) nominated former European Parliament president Martin Schulz on Tuesday as their candidate to run against Angela Merkel for the post of chancellor in September’s national election.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2k02eBH

French presidential favourite Fillon ‘paid wife as aide’

The British-born wife of French presidential candidate Francois Fillon was paid around 500,000 euros ($538,000) over ten years from parliamentary funds made available to her husband, a report said Tuesday.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jZrLLh

Trump signs orders reviving controversial Keystone, Dakota pipelines

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday revived two blocked pipeline projects as he signaled his determination to unpick existing environmental legislation.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jVwFs6

Is Paris winning the war against air pollution?

Amidst yet another prolonged peak in air pollution, it would appear that Paris is facing something of an epidemic. In fact, the French capital might be turning a corner when it comes to smog and other pollutants.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jaqA7f

France’s Isabelle Huppert nominated for ‘Best Actress’ at Oscars

French Golden Globe winner Isabelle Huppert has been nominated for an Oscar in the best actress category for her role in “Elle”, organisers said Tuesday.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jNERsA

By supporting Marshal Haftar, Russia marks its territory in Libya

Russian President Vladimir Putin has chosen his man in Libya: Marshal Khalifa Haftar, who controls the east of the country. It is a bet that could allow Russia to extend its influence in the Arab world and the Mediterranean.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jZ019t

Iranian women push boundaries through sport

Whether it's playing chess on the world stage, or clashing sticks in a game of hockey, the women of Iran are playing an increasing role in sport. While they always abide by the strict rules and codes of the Islamic Republic - including wearing the veil - many are using their sporting prowess to fly the nest, leave their homeland and see the world. Our bureau in Tehran have been to meet some of the Iranian women flying the flag for female sport.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kdFZWe

Paris Fashion Week: Young French designer Fournié joins prestigious Haute Couture club

French fashion designer Julien Fournié recently received France’s coveted Haute Couture protected label for his unique creations. FRANCE 24 met him as he prepared his first runway show as a new member of one of fashion's most prestigious clubs.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2koV2LW

Obama sent Palestinians $221 million hours before leaving office

Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2j0o6Ny

Russia, Iran, Turkey agree to monitor Syria truce

Russia, Iran and Turkey, the sponsors of peace talks between Syrian rebels and Damascus, agreed Tuesday to establish a joint "mechanism" to monitor the frail truce in the war-torn country.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jmqkVZ

France to close oldest nuclear power station

France on Tuesday took a key step towards shutting down its oldest nuclear power station, a campaign promise of Socialist President Francois Hollande, just months before he leaves office.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2j0mweo

UK PM loses Article 50 appeal, parliamentary approval required for Brexit

The UK Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that Prime Minister Theresa May must get parliament’s approval before she begins Britain’s formal exit from the European Union.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jTArlM

Roman Polanski withdraws from 'French Oscars' amid protests

Roman Polanski will not preside over the "French Oscars" -- the Cesars -- next month, his lawyer said Tuesday after women threatened to protest about the director's rape of a 13-year-old girl almost four decades ago.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jse583

Trump blocks abortion funding for US NGOs abroad

U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday reinstated a global gag rule that bans U.S.-funded groups around the world from discussing abortion, a move that was widely expected but nonetheless dismayed women's rights advocates.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kcpny0

Mass presidential pardon for quarter of prisoners in Burundi

Burundi began Monday releasing a quarter of its jail population under a mass presidential pardon, but prisoners' rights groups voiced concern they were just making room for more political inmates.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jlU9pJ

الاثنين، 23 يناير 2017

UK's Supreme Court set for Brexit ruling

The British government's Brexit plan will be put to the test on Tuesday with a landmark court ruling on whether it has the right to kick-start the country's EU departure without parliamentary approval.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2j7TC7i

Senators back Trump’s pick for US secretary of state

Rex Tillerson's bid to be secretary of state narrowly won approval Monday from the Republican-led Foreign Relations Committee, a move that all but assures Senate confirmation of President Donald Trump's choice to be the nation's top diplomat.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kaX3Mw

Doubts raised over French left-wing primary turnout

French media on Monday raised doubts over the results for the first round of the left-wing primaries, saying the lack of information about the turnout suggests the vote count might be erroneous. Organisers dismissed the allegations.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jKoBbA

First day of Syria peace talks in Astana ends ‘without breakthrough’

A first day of indirect peace talks between Syrian rebels and the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Kazakhstan's capital Astana ended Monday without any apparent breakthrough, sources told AFP.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jpzj6m

French finance minister disappoints US bankers by not speaking English

French Finance Minister Michel Sapin failed to impress US bankers in a pitch to move their London operations to Paris following Brexit – because he spoke to them in French through an interpreter.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jTZ5TW

Iraq: Embedded with French special forces in Mosul

In the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, the army is receiving aerial and tactical support from US forces - but also from French troops. This report from our colleagues at France 2 follows French special forces - some of them demining experts - who are helping both Iraqi and Kurdish fighters in their bid to retake the city from the Islamic State group.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jTOAjz

Trump to sign orders to renegotiate NAFTA, pull out of TPP, says report

U.S. President Donald Trump could sign an executive order as early as Monday intended to renegotiate the free trade agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico, NBC News reported, citing an unidentified White House official.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kjxHLo

French left-wing primary: The 'two lefts' go to war

The French papers focus on round one of the left-wing presidential primary which took place on Sunday. Benoit Hamon suprised many by finishing first, followed closely by former prime minister Manuel Valls in second. The two finalists represent two opposing wings within the Socialist Party. Will the "modernist" left survive to round two?

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2kiR8Eb

Syrian rebel groups refuse face-to-face meeting at Astana peace talks

Syrian rebels began peace talks with the war-torn country's government Monday in Kazakhstan's capital Astana, but refused to negotiate face-to-face in the first session.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jStGBc

Flooding, landslides destroy homes and cut power in French Polynesia

Heavy flooding in French Polynesia has forced many residents to evacuate, cut off power to thousands of homes, and closed Tahiti's international airport.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2iTLcFy

الأحد، 22 يناير 2017

Gambia’s ex-leader Jammeh ‘plundered’ $11 million before fleeing country

Exiled Gambian ruler Yahya Jammeh stole millions of dollars in his final weeks in power, plundering the state coffers and shipping out luxury vehicles by cargo plane, a special adviser for the new president said Sunday.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jfYACt

'American carnage': Donald Trump takes the reins of a divided nation

Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States in Washington DC on Friday, pledging to lead a "united America" to renewed prosperity. But widespread protests suggested the country may be more divided than ever.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jItPGZ

Trump discusses Iran threats, White House visit with Israel's Netanyahu

US President Donald Trump Sunday discussed threats from Iran with Benjamin Netanyahu, inviting the Israeli prime minister to visit the White House early next month.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jeumQg

Hamon vs Valls, Socialist voters to face stark choice in French presidential primary run-off

Benoît Hamon and Manuel Valls on Sunday advanced to the second round of France’s left-wing primary, setting up a battle for who will represent the ruling Socialists in the upcoming presidential election, but also for the soul of their party.

from Top stories – France 24 - International News 24/7 http://ift.tt/2jOr6Md

Rachel Carson doc tells the environmentalist's inspiring life story


Before Rachel Carson became the mother of the modern environmental movement, she was stuck in a job that paid the bills but left her restless.

A new documentary revisits Carson's days as an information specialist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the 1930s and '40s, where at first she filed mundane reports about the agency's conservation work. 

It was in that role that Carson learned about DDT — a potent pesticide that farmers sprayed indiscriminately over their crops. Carson exposed the chemical's widespread environmental damage in her groundbreaking 1962 book, Silent Spring. 

More about Mary Louise Parker, Fish And Wildlife Service, Silent Spring, Chemicals, and Pesticides from Mashable http://ift.tt/2k5A3ym

Bruce Springsteen pays tribute to Women's Marches with a heartfelt speech


Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band may be a long way from home, but The Boss took some time out of his set in Australia on Sunday to talk about the Women's Marches which occurred across the United States on Saturday.

“We’re a long way from home, and our hearts and spirits are with the hundreds of thousands of men and women that marched yesterday in every city in America — and in Melbourne!” Springsteen said with his guitar in hand.

Springsteen went on spit out a laundry list of causes with a beatnik-type of bounce in his voice.

“[They] rallied against hate and division and in support of tolerance, inclusion, reproductive rights, civil rights, racial justice, LGBTQ rights, the environment, wage equality, gender equality, healthcare, and immigrant rights,” said Springsteen.  “We stand with you. We are the new American resistance.” Read more...

More about Australia, Womens March On Washington, Bruce Springsteen, Entertainment, and Watercooler from Mashable http://ift.tt/2j2EesR

The people have spoken and they want Popovich/Kerr 2020


The Democratic Party might have just found the perfect ticket to run against Donald Trump in 2020. 

This weekend, two of the NBA's most successful coaches posterized Trump with their words. First up was San Antonio Spurs coaching legend Gregg Popovich. 

"I'd just feel better if somebody was in that position that showed the maturity and psychological and emotional level of somebody that was his age," he said of Trump on Saturday, according to ESPN

He added that "there's a difference between respecting the office of the presidency and who occupies it. And that respect has to be earned. But it's hard to be respectful of someone when we all have kids, and we're watching him be misogynistic and xenophobic and racist and make fun of handicapped people." Read more...

More about Presidential Election, Nba, San Antonio Spurs, Golden State Warriors, and Steve Kerr from Mashable http://ift.tt/2jGoIVK

The Dallas Stars brilliantly troll Donald Trump


Donald Trump is really, really, really obsessed with numbers, especially those that reflect his popularity, sending members of his staff into the world armed with lies and "alternative facts" to claim the attendance at his inauguration on Friday was HYUGE.

Unfortunately for Trump, every indication is that, no matter what he says, there were far fewer people there than the president would like to think and the NHL's Dallas Stars were more than happy to rip on him for it. 

On Saturday night, just hours after Trump claimed during a speech at the CIA that 1.5 million people had attended his inauguration, the Stars posted the attendance for their game against the Washington Capitals as — you guessed it — 1.5 million. Read more...

More about Donald Trump, Inauguration 2017, Dallas Stars, Entertainment, and Sports from Mashable http://ift.tt/2iS5qQ8

Massive seas of humanity move in these Women's March timelapses


Here's another reminder that the turnout for the hundreds of Women's Marches across the globe Saturday was YUGE

From San Francisco to D.C. to Madison, Wisconsin, throngs of supporters packed streets and parks, a massive show of unity in the wake of the inauguration of Donald Trump as the nation's 45th president. 

And these timelapses give us an idea of just how immense the groups were, as the crowd moves over minutes and hours, a seemingly never-ending sea of nasty women and allies.

Washington, D.C.

Time lapse from #WomensMarch taken near the new Trump hotel (there were a lotta boos & chants here from the crowd!) #WomensMarchOnWashington http://pic.twitter.com/OJ9jzT5ORZ

— Trish Kozicka (@TrishKozicka) January 22, 2017

More about Time Lapse, Womens March On Washington, Watercooler, and Politics from Mashable http://ift.tt/2jGazb3

At Women's Marches across the globe, dads were out in full force


The Women's March brought together millions of people in the United States — and not all of them were women.

Dads, too, came out to show their support for the march and the women in their lives. The subways and streets of Washington, D.C., were full of grown men wearing knitted pink vagina hats on their heads. At the march, they were seen handing out sandwiches, pushing strollers and raising their children and their fists.

Though there's no official estimate on the number of men participating, the visual and anecdotal accounts of their participation were strong. Here's why a few of them chose to participate: Read more...

More about Dads, Women S March On Washington, Watercooler, and Politics from Mashable http://ift.tt/2jPOyJq

Here's a twist: M. Night Shyamalan is king of the box office again


It's been 13 years and seven directing gigs since an M. Night Shyamalan movie opened at the top of the box officeSplit broke that drought over the weekend.

While Sunday box numbers are admittedly estimates, there is zero chance for #2 finisher xXx: The Return of Xander Cage. The Vin Diesel-led action movie nabbed an estimated $20 million domestically — it's not a bad showing, but it's far behind the $40.2 million domestic estimate for Split.

While Split marks a milestone for Shyamalan, its opening numbers still don't top The Village. The 2004 thriller was the director's second-most successful domestic opening ($50.7 million) after Signs ($60.1 million), in 2002.  Read more...

More about Blumhouse Productions, Disney, Moana, Rogue One, and Xxx The Return Of Xander Cage from Mashable http://ift.tt/2jmiSaR

25-year-old MLB pitcher killed in car accident


Yordano Ventura, the Kansas City Royals star young right-handed pitcher, died early Sunday in a car accident, per ESPN.

He was 25 years old, and died in his native Dominican Republic.

The Royals confirmed Ventura's death in an official statement

"Our prayers right now are with Yordano's family as we mourn this young man's passing," Royals general manager Dayton Moore said in the statement. "He was so young and so talented, full of youthful exuberance and always brought a smile to everyone he interacted with. We will get through this as an organization, but right now is a time to mourn and celebrate the life of Yordano." Read more...

More about Mlb, Baseball, Entertainment, and Sports from Mashable http://ift.tt/2k4WlQL

Lin-Manuel Miranda gives fans the gift of his solo 'Hamilton' demos


Before Hamilton was a Broadway smash and a lightning rod for controversy in Trump's America, it was just a searing collection of beats and rhymes. And now you can listen to those formative rough drafts.

Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda released eight "Hamildemos" via SoundCloud on Saturday. These stripped-down takes on some of the show's music give fans a glimpse into Miranda's creative process.

The collection of tunes — many of which are labeled "first draft" or "early draft" — obviously doesn't cover the entire show. The playlist includes demo takes on "Say No To This," "Guns & Ships," "Congratulations," "You Obedient Servant," "The Story of Tonight," "Satisfied," "Right Hand Man," and "My Shot." Read more...

More about Lin Manuel Miranda, Hamilton, Theater, Broadway, and Music from Mashable http://ift.tt/2jPJTHu

Why they marched: Mothers and daughters share their inspiring stories


On Nov. 8, mothers all across the country walked with their daughters to cast their votes for what they'd thought would be the first woman president. On Jan. 21, 2017, they came together again, this time for a different reason.   

Anywhere from 3.6 to 4.8 million people marched at the Women's March on Saturday — and that's just in the United States alone. In more than 600 U.S. cities, in 60 countries and on seven different continents, mothers and their daughters walked together at Women's Marches. They came with signs in their hands and knitted vaginas on their heads and warm granola bars in their pockets. For one day, feminism didn't seem like a thing of the past but a hopeful force for the future — uniting daughters with their mothers, as well as the mothers who fought before them. Read more...

More about Womens March On Washington, Watercooler, and Politics from Mashable http://ift.tt/2j1zOm4

Graceful dog jumps over doggy gate like it's NBD


Some dogs are good at fetch, others can show off their sweet tricks. This pup is a master in jumping over a gate that's likely intended to keep her out of a certain area of the house.

Her form is simply perfect throughout the entirety of the launch. It's remarkable. 

@GeoMcBerry tweeted the clip of the dog in action on Friday, and has since racked up over 92,000 retweets and some hilarious comments. 

@GeoMcBerry your dog reminded me of these lil rubber things I use to play with as a kid lol http://pic.twitter.com/GWMHoztTSd

— marcos (@markeedos) January 21, 2017

More about Animals, Funny, Viral Videos, Dogs, and Watercooler from Mashable http://ift.tt/2jFB8gg

Trump aid calls administration's lies 'alternative facts'


In the world of fake news, now we also have "alternative facts." 

On Saturday, President Donald Trump's first full day in office, his press secretary Sean Spicer held a press conference in which he falsely claimed that the previous day's crowd was the "largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period."

Spicer's false remarks instantly became a new meme and sent the internet into a fury.

On Sunday, Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, appeared on NBC's Meet The Press, where Chuck Todd grilled the Trump administration for spreading falsehoods on their first full day in office. In response, Conway called the falsehoods "alternative facts." Read more...

More about Inauguration 2017, Donald Trump, Politics, Kellyanne Conway, and Watercooler from Mashable http://ift.tt/2jPGA2T

Astounding 1800s portraits capture the diverse subjects of the Russian Empire


An Afro-Abkhazian mountaineer.

Image: Library of Congress

In 1864, young Ohioan George Kennan joined a crew of explorers scouting a possible telegraph route from the Bering Strait across Siberia to Europe as an alternative to a cable across the Atlantic.

After Kennan spent two years surveying frigid wilderness and encountering myriad indigenous peoples, the planned telegraph was abandoned with the completion of the Atlantic cable.

A devastated Kennan returned to the US with nothing but his diaries, which he adapted into a popular book, Tent Life in Siberia, and a successful lecture series.

He returned to Russia in 1870, sailing from St. Petersburg down the Volga to the Caspian Sea and roaming the highlands of the Caucasus, meeting Georgians, Armenians and dozens of ethnic groups. Read more...

More about Indigenous, Portraits, Russia, History, and Retronaut from Mashable http://ift.tt/2kgVqzW

Women of the tech world march in DC for their companies and their causes


Hours after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, and the night before 1 million women marched on Washington, Lauren Schulte knew she had to figure out how her tech company would navigate America's new future. 

"We're going to do some stuff and we're not going to be quiet," Schulte, the co-founder of Flex, a Y Combinator startup that produces a tampon alternative, told a group of her peers from Silicon Valley during dinner at a Mediterranean restaurant in Capitol Hill. 

It would be hard to find Silicon Valley founders and staffers more attuned to the risks of the Trump administration than the ones who gathered with Schulte in D.C. on Friday night. In town for the Women's March on Washington, the 18 women and one man all worked in some way on women’s health — a growing segment of the tech industry and an area under continued threat by attacks on reproductive rights and the impending repeal of the Affordable Care Act.     Read more...

More about Healthcare And Medicine, Glow, Flex, Trump, and Women S Health from Mashable http://ift.tt/2jcRajm

Yes, Trump watched the Women's Marches, and yes, he tweeted about it


Donald Trump rose to global fame thanks to his reality TV career. Now as president of the United States, he remains fixated on the small screen.

President Trump on Sunday morning touted the Nielsen ratings for live TV coverage of his Jan. 20 inauguration. He did so right after tweeting critically about the demonstrators who poured into cities worldwide on Saturday to challenge Trump's agenda and his misogynistic, xenophobic and anti-science remarks.

Trump said he watched the Women's Marches on Saturday, but he questioned why the demonstrators didn't bother to vote last November. In fact, 48.2 percent of U.S. voters chose Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, versus 46.2 percent for Trump. Read more...

More about Trump Protests, Sean Spicer, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, and Womens March from Mashable http://ift.tt/2jcNi1K

Sundance review: 'Ingrid Goes West' is the Instagram horrorshow you fear most


PARK CITY, Utah — We've all been there: The 7th Circle of Instagram Jealousy Hell.

Maybe not the demonic depths to which Aubrey Plaza's character goes in Ingrid Goes West — or with the same monstrous consequences — but its flames have licked at anyone who's ever posted, liked, commented or cyber-stalked on Insta. 

Lookin' at you, everyone with an account, ever.

As pervasive in our daily lives as social media-envy may be, movies (Men, Women & Children, Nerve) and TV shows (Black Mirror) have only begun to reckon with it — and nothing's dredged up a more heinous, yet fully realized and relatable evil than Ingrid, the most blinding light yet shone into the ugly corners of human nature on social media.  Read more...

More about Instagram, Elizabeth Olsen, Aubrey Plaza, Sundance Film Festival, and Movie Reviews from Mashable http://ift.tt/2jcHsO0

Sundance comedy 'I Don't Feel at Home in this World Anymore' doesn't let the a-holes win


In his directorial debut, Macon Blair cooks up a world full of assholes. Ruth, a rehab nurse, lives quietly among them in I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore — until a home break-in pushes her over the edge.

And Melanie Lynskey (Togetherness) shines equally as lonely Ruth and the full-charging vigilante she becomes as she hunts down her thief. Her performance will have you rooting for the good-girl-gone-bad, and by the time this comedy takes a turn for the dark side, you're ready for the ride. 

She clocks an old antique salesman in the face, and you are still on her side. The ride can get real wacky, but that's part of the charm.  Read more...

More about Sundance Film Festival and Entertainment from Mashable http://ift.tt/2jlCvjC

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